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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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yi supplements insane damage a team that already has lots of cc

the problem is that job is usually already taken by the ad carry in most compositions so he becomes dead weight


The Master Yi on your team will feed at top, mid, or jungle. He will try - and fail - to split push while your team loses 4v5 battles. He will build only attack speed and do no damage in team fights.

The enemy team Yi will have unstoppable jungle ganks and/or kill your mid over and over. He'll push your towers down in seconds and force your team into a defensive position while the enemy team does baron over and over. Eventually, he'll take the nexus if you're out of the base even for a moment.

The Master Yi on your team will feed at top, mid, or jungle. He will try - and fail - to split push while your team loses 4v5 battles. He will build only attack speed and do no damage in team fights.

The enemy team Yi will have unstoppable jungle ganks and/or kill your mid over and over. He'll push your towers down in seconds and force your team into a defensive position while the enemy team does baron over and over. Eventually, he'll take the nexus if you're out of the base even for a moment.

Sounds about right.

The Master Yi on your team will feed at top, mid, or jungle. He will try - and fail - to split push while your team loses 4v5 battles. He will build only attack speed and do no damage in team fights.

The enemy team Yi will have unstoppable jungle ganks and/or kill your mid over and over. He'll push your towers down in seconds and force your team into a defensive position while the enemy team does baron over and over. Eventually, he'll take the nexus if you're out of the base even for a moment.

Even in Korea:

The Master Yi on your team will feed at top, mid, or jungle. He will try - and fail - to split push while your team loses 4v5 battles. He will build only attack speed and do no damage in team fights.

The enemy team Yi will have unstoppable jungle ganks and/or kill your mid over and over. He'll push your towers down in seconds and force your team into a defensive position while the enemy team does baron over and over. Eventually, he'll take the nexus if you're out of the base even for a moment.

truer words, etc.

The Master Yi on your team will feed at top, mid, or jungle. He will try - and fail - to split push while your team loses 4v5 battles. He will build only attack speed and do no damage in team fights.

The enemy team Yi will have unstoppable jungle ganks and/or kill your mid over and over. He'll push your towers down in seconds and force your team into a defensive position while the enemy team does baron over and over. Eventually, he'll take the nexus if you're out of the base even for a moment.

you forgot the part where your team only gets a yi on a team already lacking in hard cc, whereas the other team has tons of non-ult hard cc AND lots of damage.


So I don't know if this has already been done but...I think I just made Jungle Yasuo a thing..he's got good clear time and his ganks are pretty solid if you initiate right. Plus his wall blocks dmg 1/2 of the jungle monsters(wraiths, big wraith, small lizards, dragon and even baron) so he doesnt have to worry about sustain too much. I might take this wackyness into ranked xD


So after 3 months of inactivity I'm playing this again. Won 7/10 placements and was put into Gold II. Makes me think I could have even gotten Platinum if I won all 10 even though I didn't hit Plat in solo queue last season.

If you see me online feel free to invite me to a game. Fair warning though I'm going to be playing almost exclusively Quinn. Since I actually really like her a lot and she's underrated I figure I'll have a good chance of being able to play her every game as long as I get to be ADC in ranked.


I'm going to post my records for the last few games, and I want you all to guess how many wins and how many losses came of it.










kudos if you can guess which were which. no cheating with lolking or something like that.

i'm going to post my records for the last few games, and i want you all to guess how many wins and how many losses came of it.

Kudos if you can guess which were which. No cheating with lolking or something like that.

16/6/16 - loss

12/4/5 - win

7/3/2 - win

5/0/4 - win

15/9/10 - loss

12/5/6 - loss

3/0/11 - win

6/3/12 - win

11/7/9 - loss

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