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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Not even close. The actual was -

16/6/16 Loss

12/4/5 Win

7/3/2 Loss

5/0/4 Win

15/9/10 Loss

12/5/6 Loss

3/0/11 Win

6/3/12 Win

11/7/9 Loss

4-5 with a 87/37/75 cumulative record.

Seems legit right?

Posted (edited)

I can't believe that they just went out of their way to mutilate kassadin's (admittedly awful) kit because a burst mage with a ranged targeted silence is horribly unbalanced and yet the entire lol community has somehow convinced themselves that LeBlanc is totally okay.

Like, am I even playing the same game as these people? If she really is Not That Bad, can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to do anything but feed against her as Vel'Koz or Heimerdinger?

Edited by Bleck
Uhm... he only got 1 wrong.

Looks like he used "deaths >= 5" as the selection too. So it looks like not dying 5 times could be a strong indicator of success.

Posted (edited)
Uhm... he only got 1 wrong.

Very surprising. I looked at deaths more than anything else. Trying to estimate the length of the game was also a big factor.

The longer a game goes, the more swingy it becomes, regardless of how well you do. And yea, if you died a lot - it shows that there was probably poor teamwork. Most of my deaths (in solo play) are because I'm expecting my teammates to do something, be it assisting/peeling/running and they do the opposite. Poor teamwork = loss.

Edited by k-wix
Posted (edited)
Looks like he used "deaths >= 5" as the selection too. So it looks like not dying 5 times could be a strong indicator of success.

I think with a sample size that small it's a little hasty to call it at 5. :tomatoface:

I think the main takeaway is to avoid dying while shutting down the enemy rather than "keep it under 5 deaths".

Recent example: I went 10/4 in a Veigar game today, and we were performing pretty well and winning hard. Then my team separated (adc was separate from team, got pwned by Jax, I was zoned out as well and couldn't enter the fight at all) and got the shit kicked out of them in a 3v4 and I couldn't really defend the base against 5 champions (Jax, Riven, Lucian, Taric, Kha Zix) so I had to let them take the inhib tower, inhib, nexus turrets, and nexus.

Long story short; people are really bad at late decision making. If you want to leave lower MMR, you MUST WIN EARLY. The longer the game goes, the more likely you are to lose.

EDIT: Another example! Winning hard, Ziggs gets caught, we lose the 4v5, end of story.

Edited by Neblix
Posted (edited)

Ultra Rapid Fire.

Just do it.

URF Tier List

- - - - -

Tier 3 (Really Strong): Tryndamere, LeBlanc, Karma, Sivir, Twisted Fate

Tier 2 (Unstoppable): Nidalee, Zilean, Morgana, Lux, Garen

Tier 1 (Broken): Karthus, Sona, Soraka, Kha'zix, Ahri


Some more URF advice:

Teleport is God Tier. Revive or Flash is up to you. Don't take Smite, Barrier, Ignite, Ghost, or anything else, you don't need them.

Teleport as soon as the game starts, invade, get an early kill.

Wards are not for vision, wards are for teleporting. Try and place sneaky pinks that will last a long time.

Solo Dragon ASAP.

Solo Baron ASAP.

Ignore all objectives.

Have fun.

Edited by ArmadonRK

I've mentioned this to Zircon and Joseph already but I'd like my other fellow teammates to know that I'm quitting League. Recent events have led me to reprioritize some things in my life. Aside from the time sink that is League, the game is no longer fun for me. While the game has contributed to my life in ways I could not have imagined it also has brought out negative things in me as well. After a careful reflection over the past 3 years of playing League, it's clear that continuing to play is just not worth it to me.

Posted (edited)
also wtf why is ryze not in it

.7 second cooldown on Q, 2.8s on his W and E, 10s on his ult.

With his passive that would be...





URF Tier List Update

Kayle Tier > Everything Else

Edited by ArmadonRK
Posted (edited)

Nearly everyone is super fun to play as. Leona can go perma-ham. Her w is ALWAYS up and her e and q have less than 2.5 second cooldowns. It's crazy.

The best comps from what I've played so far are the poke-kite comps. The cooldowns on poke abilities are so low that you can constantly throw them out like a machine gun and it's really difficult to dodge. Laning against TF is like playing dodgeball. :<

I've mentioned this to Zircon and Joseph already but I'd like my other fellow teammates to know that I'm quitting League. Recent events have led me to reprioritize some things in my life. Aside from the time sink that is League, the game is no longer fun for me. While the game has contributed to my life in ways I could not have imagined it also has brought out negative things in me as well. After a careful reflection over the past 3 years of playing League, it's clear that continuing to play is just not worth it to me.

It was fun while it lasted. Having pondered that decision myself in times past, I respect both you and your decision. Thanks for playing with me and giving me those tips on Leona support. :) I hope all the best and all the fun in your future gaming (and non-gaming) endeavors. Maybe we can play some other game online sometime.

Edited by Koriantor

Best of luck with everything, Jeff. We only played a few games together but it was fun (even though I've played really bad in games with OCR peeps so far xd).

Also, am I the only one who doesn't enjoy the alternate modes? I know they're for fun and whatnot but I prefer plain ole' Summoner's Rift. Might've been trauma from playing against Jayce and Lux the two times I tried One For All, though.

I would really like to see a capture-the-flag mode, or something like hero siege or footmen wars a la Warcraft3.



URF Tier List Update

Kayle Tier > Everything Else

I'm not the best Kayle, but she is pretty strong there, I have a hard time putting her that highly though, in the ones I played I basically couldn't do anything but hold out til I get Nashor's (or at least Stringer + Fiendish Codex). The cooldown may be useless but the AP+Attack Speed is still needed to me.

Prior to to that, you kinda gotta hold back and hope for heal to save you and being able to keep up E forever is a deterrent.

After you cross that though, you're good to go.

I found Galio to be a nightmare earlier when I was playing Fiddlesticks. I've only seen this guy once but he kinda basically has some sorta shield and heal that shut down the whole teams attempts to get him IN FRONT of turrets. Fear and silence helped hurt him on my end but I couldn't keep him down, any delay in that combo and he's basically back to full health. I don't think we had any people with stuns either.

Posted (edited)
sona/blitz is a damned steamroller on URF mode. i have had first blood and 20+ kills every single time, and topped 1000 ap pretty easily in one game last night =)

the sonas and evelyns are frankly more annoying than ryze or kassadin could possibly be

that said i really want to try ap turtlephoenix udyr and just run around the enemy team with permanent shield/aoe

also i swear to christ i'm so sick of the fucking ezreal doublelift wannabes in EVERY game

Edited by relyanCe

I'm am very sad to see Jeff go as he was one of more experienced players and an amazing annie (before and after nerfs XD). He was a good play caller and gave very helpful tips to all of our team members. I respect your decision Jeff and I hope to play with you again somewhere further down the line. Best of luck!

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