k-wix Posted February 23, 2014 Posted February 23, 2014 (edited) Random late night theorycrafting: wouldn't it be cool if Runaan's Hurricane had an active ability? I was thinking something that would push enemy champions within ~150 units (or so) away, by maybe 200-300 units. The issue with Runaan's, among other things, is that you have to be close to use it. AD carries generally don't want to get in close, because they don't want to get jumped on. An active ability like this could be used to instantly get people off your back and let you get in 1-2 more shots (or run away). But the item would still be sub-optimal for damage, and a situational pick. It definitely needs something. The nature of the item lends itself well to an on-hit build. I wonder if a new ADC item that has a potent and powerful on-hit effect could make Hurricane more viable. As for the pushback, its a neat idea and would make playing ADC in the current meta a lot easier, ESPECIALLY in soloq, where you are so dependent on your team for the battlefield control. It would be really cool to have an item with an effect that states: 'Your next auto-attack stuns the target for 1 second' on like a 60 second cooldown, and combining the effect with Runaans you could stun a potential 3 enemies. This would also provide some huge breathing room to the ADC. Edited February 23, 2014 by k-wix Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted February 23, 2014 Posted February 23, 2014 Riot has said that they will never include items like HoN's Tablet of Command (I forget the DotA equivalent, sorry); that is, no items that allow you to manipulate the position of others without any recourse for them. It's really too bad, as I think something like it would have lots of potential for support items that differentiate between "mage with CC" and "support." As for Runaan's itself, it really just needs to be removed. I don't see a good way to salvage it in its current form without making it a must-purchase item. Quote
Brushfire Posted February 23, 2014 Posted February 23, 2014 Riot has said that they will never include items like HoN's Tablet of Command (I forget the DotA equivalent, sorry); that is, no items that allow you to manipulate the position of others without any recourse for them. It's really too bad, as I think something like it would have lots of potential for support items that differentiate between "mage with CC" and "support."As for Runaan's itself, it really just needs to be removed. I don't see a good way to salvage it in its current form without making it a must-purchase item. I believe that would be a Force Staff and a Eul's Scepter of Divinity in Dota 2. There is an item in Dota 2 that grants magic immunity, so the can only take auto attacks for the most part, so it is not imbalanced. Quote
The Derrit Posted February 23, 2014 Posted February 23, 2014 Riot has said that they will never include items like HoN's Tablet of Command (I forget the DotA equivalent, sorry); that is, no items that allow you to manipulate the position of others without any recourse for them. It's really too bad, as I think something like it would have lots of potential for support items that differentiate between "mage with CC" and "support."As for Runaan's itself, it really just needs to be removed. I don't see a good way to salvage it in its current form without making it a must-purchase item. too bad giving an item an active slow + self speed buff has more or less the same effect 9 out of 10 times *cough* BOTRK *cough Quote
zircon Posted February 23, 2014 Posted February 23, 2014 Say you put a little animation around someone when Hurricane's active is available. The counterplay is that it only works when you're RIGHT up against that person, and it could be baited out. Plus it wouldn't be true CC, just a knockback (with maybe like 0.25 duration from starting to ending position). The champions who benefit most from Runaan's right now are those with on-hit effects. Kog'maw in particular (his W applies to all targets), but also Varus for example. These guys have a critical problem that if people stick to them, they can't get away. So, the active would synergize with their playstyle. Quote
prophetik music Posted February 23, 2014 Posted February 23, 2014 just play twitch. the long-range ult shots he shoots split at the end like runaans. clearly this is the fix for this issue. Quote
The Derrit Posted February 23, 2014 Posted February 23, 2014 Say you put a little animation around someone when Hurricane's active is available. The counterplay is that it only works when you're RIGHT up against that person, and it could be baited out. Plus it wouldn't be true CC, just a knockback (with maybe like 0.25 duration from starting to ending position). The champions who benefit most from Runaan's right now are those with on-hit effects. Kog'maw in particular (his W applies to all targets), but also Varus for example. These guys have a critical problem that if people stick to them, they can't get away. So, the active would synergize with their playstyle. The champion that benefits from Runaan's most right now is Caitlyn. It charges her passive 3 times as fast, making for a critical passive hit every 2-3 shots, doing ADC-scale damage to multiple targets, and extending her range to 150 units (?) past her target. A close second is Ashe, who can turn on permaslow and kite half of the enemy team until she runs out of mana. The two you mentioned both like runaan's (and so does teemo) but require significant teamplay to keep them safe. Quote
Bleck Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 twitch is really good at using runaan's to apply a piss poor source of damage really quickly and making everyone laugh at you because you're a chump (relyance I'm going to reply to you eventually just you wait) Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 Was a little upset I got placed into Bronze II. Remedied that this weekend, back in Silver. Quote
relyanCe Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 Was a little upset I got placed into Bronze II. Remedied that this weekend, back in Silver. yeah them low elo plowthroughs are always both fun and irritating at the same time Quote
SkyRiderX Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 Well OCR Heroes just hit their first series and it was a very "SILLY" win that got us there.. Support leona with smite and jungle runes and smiteless jungle amumu with support runes...nuff said... Quote
Brushfire Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 Someone needs to message me on Steam or Skype or something so I can cast the games. Quote
relyanCe Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 Someone needs to message me on Steam or Skype or something so I can cast the games. skype/steam id so i can ping you plx Quote
prophetik music Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 do we know when cthulhu is being released? Quote
kitty Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 Someone needs to message me on Steam or Skype or something so I can cast the games. I can ping you on Skype. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 I hate only being good at the one champion it's impossible to carry a team with. Quote
The Derrit Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 sure you can kill the first person to the party with a long range stun and burst, win the ensuing 4v5, keep tons and tons of range until your cooldowns are back up that's about how veigar works Quote
Koriantor Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 (edited) Season 4 Veigar: Event horizon -> tickle -> cry in the corner until your cooldowns are back up. Edited February 27, 2014 by Koriantor Jokes Quote
The Derrit Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 (edited) someone's going to have to explain why veigar doesn't work anymore to me because i think i have something like 4 losses with him in the past year and a half nobody buys MR as a stat, all ap carries build full ap (with a couple minor exceptions) and nobody, not even ad carries, bring cleanse. why does veigar not do damage anymore despite having some of the best ratios and base values in the game, and a 2 second aoe stun? i must be missing something. Edited February 27, 2014 by The Derrit Quote
Koriantor Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 Because of the tank meta, hyper tanks like Mundo and Shyvana are really common. It's really difficult for Veigar to get to the backline where his burst actually kills champions out right. If he unloads his burst on the tanks, the tanks have enough resistances (natural or built) to not die from your burst. If Veigar doesn't kill someone in one go, his utility drops off dramatically until his cooldowns are up again. Plus there are still quite a few ad mids that are popular (Zed and Kha come to mind (although this next patch might change the preference for Kha. I doubt it though)). I have to hand it to Veigar though. His event Horizon is awesome in teamfights. It disrupts positioning and primes people for "the damages." Quote
kitty Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 Well I was half joking before but if you want an explanation I can provide one. It's not that he doesn't work, it's just that he's incredibly outgunned when it comes to being an assassin. Yes, he has some of the highest, if not THE highest damage output for an assassin AND he has a stun to boot. The trade off is his crappy mobility which makes him a pretty poor assassin. Keeping tabs on him roaming is a lot easier than a Kass or Leblanc. His cooldowns are also longer than say, Akali, who eats through a team faster. His slowness/lack of escape makes him vulnerable to ganks from assassins like Khazix or bruisers like Wukong who can lock him down hard or provide enough of a window for the enemy laner to get him low. Yes he can blow people up, but he lacks options to escape unlike many other assassins. Your statement that nobody buys MR is just wrong. Mids these days are very likely to be either tanky AP (Gragas) or assassins (Kass, Leblanc, Fizz). Plenty of mid players will buy Abyssal and/or Zhonyas. Tanks and bruisers very often pick up Spirit Visage still. Even if they do not, they usually get tenacity which reduces Veigar's ability to lock them down and easily chunk those high HP targets. Quote
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