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Worst of E3 2011? Best of E3 2011!

Nintendo's missing, though like the guy who uploaded it noted, they really didn't take any risks on live stuff during their conference (plus all of their games worked this year, unlike last year's Skyward Sword on-stage fiasco).

After watching this, I really have to hand it to Microsoft. They get the award for pure and utter cluelessness when it comes to E3. They just don't get that a broken Star Wars game and a whole bunch of garbage for the Kinect isn't quite what E3 followers are interested in.

doodly doodly doodly doodly

who hired an Apple Genius to host on fucking E3 seriously? over-enthusiastic, unfunny hipsters are gamers' number one enemy

Ubisoft did.

Probably the best thing about Mr. Caffeine is that when he told his really awful jokes, nobody laughed at him at all. There is one hilarious moment when he tells a joke and does that "wait for laughter" thing and it's dead silent.

Worst of E3 2011? Best of E3 2011!

Nintendo's missing, though like the guy who uploaded it noted, they really didn't take any risks on live stuff during their conference (plus all of their games worked this year, unlike last year's Skyward Sword on-stage fiasco).

After watching this, I really have to hand it to Microsoft. They get the award for pure and utter cluelessness when it comes to E3. They just don't get that a broken Star Wars game and a whole bunch of garbage for the Kinect isn't quite what E3 followers are interested in.

I don't like the SW title either HOWEVER the bigger part of the kinect was the evolution of the device and its growing capabilities. A new commercial just hit the airwaves today in my part of the world debuting the voice activation capabilities. The kinect needs more work in the game development department but good god the potential of this device is far better than any standard mocap system. I dont know what the SW game's gonna look like in its final form nor care. But the kinect is reaching a terrifying level. As an owner of the xbox and probably going to be a kinect owner in the fall, i am very intrested in where this goes.

If you're not astonished by the Kinect capabilities going forward then i'm sorry you were watching E3 for the wrong reasons. Playstation Move is a toy an addon. Kinect is going to be the first step towards permanently losing the controller in a video game. You remember that commercial for the PS2 where they showed the insanity of the Projected PS10? Xbox is a few steps closer to THAT with technology like the Kinect than the Sony crew is.

If you're not astonished by the Kinect capabilities going forward then i'm sorry you were watching E3 for the wrong reasons. Playstation Move is a toy an addon. Kinect is going to be the first step towards permanently losing the controller in a video game. You remember that commercial for the PS2 where they showed the insanity of the Projected PS10? Xbox is a few steps closer to THAT with technology like the Kinect than the Sony crew is.

I was impressed with the Kinect back when they first showed it. I still am from a conceptual level, but there are 2 serious flaws as I see it: (1) the majority of core gamers don't really seem that interested in losing the controller in a video game, and (2) even if they were, you can't deny the stuff they showed off for it was pretty bad. I'll be honest, even the idea of playing Mass Effect 3 by speaking the answers isn't something I want to do; I'd rather just select them.

I watch E3 for its impressive games and neat tech. I couldn't agree more that the PS Move is just a toy and Kinect is where the real technology is. But Microsoft isn't using it in any really effective ways.

And by the way, on the Star Wars point, that "hold the lightsaber in your hand" gameplay concept that people have been talking about for years and years seems like it would be more fun if you were physically holding something. Hell, even if they put a sensor on a $10 toy lightsaber from Toys R Us, I think it'd be more fun to play with it than to say "Lightsaber On!" and start swinging your arms around pretending to hold something. But that's just me.

I agree with some people here, where's Nintendo? Their show was just as underwhelming this year as the rest of them.

There's a huge, huge difference between being underwhelming and "fist bump." At least Nintendo had Zelda.


The Nintendo press briefing was definitely lackluster save their opening(their only saving grace), but they didn't really produce any .gif worthy hijinks. If anything, they were pretty neutral.

The way Kaz Hirai built up the AT&T partnership announcement did make it sound like he was delivering a punchline though. Pretty hilarious.


I kind of felt that Nintendo's conference was pretty fair, to be honest. I'm just glad they at least announced some games instead of everything being something we already knew (Which really, most of the conference was just that).

Not outstanding, but not bad either.


They indirectly announced 2 new Smash Bros. games, but given that the team is still working on Kid Icarus, those don't really count. Its promise of 3rd party content on the Wii U is also pretty big in theory, but it falls short at present since they only mentioned games that will almost certainly be out on PS3 and XBox 360 well before the Wii U launches in 2012, and because realistically, the Wii should have had a way to offer the same content for the last 5 years.

Nintendo's show was more about getting a bunch of cool stuff together and saying, "Look at all of this great content! Yeah, we know you knew about it before, but consider it's cumulative impact. Pretty cool, huh?"

I still think the best Nintendo-related announcement is one that the showgoers made: Skyward Sword both works correctly and is the first--and only--Wii game to actually deliver on the half-decade old promise of 1:1 gameplay.

So, what you're getting at is that the Nintendo press briefing was just as lackluster, if not moreso than the rest.

Yeah, but it didn't have anything particularly embarassing happening besides Reggie proudly standing up on stage saying, "Wii U" as if the name was a good idea. And that means that while lackluster, it was comparatively better than the other two. Not that that's saying much.

I was impressed with the Kinect back when they first showed it. I still am from a conceptual level, but there are 2 serious flaws as I see it: (1) the majority of core gamers don't really seem that interested in losing the controller in a video game, and (2) even if they were, you can't deny the stuff they showed off for it was pretty bad. I'll be honest, even the idea of playing Mass Effect 3 by speaking the answers isn't something I want to do; I'd rather just select them.

I watch E3 for its impressive games and neat tech. I couldn't agree more that the PS Move is just a toy and Kinect is where the real technology is. But Microsoft isn't using it in any really effective ways.

And by the way, on the Star Wars point, that "hold the lightsaber in your hand" gameplay concept that people have been talking about for years and years seems like it would be more fun if you were physically holding something. Hell, even if they put a sensor on a $10 toy lightsaber from Toys R Us, I think it'd be more fun to play with it than to say "Lightsaber On!" and start swinging your arms around pretending to hold something. But that's just me.

On Mass Effect 3: My Theory: You're not going to have 'answers' to choose from if you play with the kinect. The programing potentially could be advanced enough to recognize your own phrases and in turn interpret your words to create an entirely new response. That would be something a hell of a lot more advanced than speaking answers.

Kinect is in its baby stages of development. I mean the level of clarity is still being improved by SOFTWARE. When a big league developer takes the reigns of a Triple A class title and throws it on the kinect only i think people are going to be SHOCKED at what can be done.

I fully agree on the lightsaber issue. It's my biggest complaint. If you're going to go that far you should be able to allow people to use something to be a physical representation of the weapon in hand. I would LOVE it if i could use my wooden Katana. Being able to operate two handed opens up an entirely new realm of maneuvers of both offense and defense.

As for losing the controller: I for one would LOVE it if it was able to be handled properly. I mean there are some physical limitations especially concerning space, but being able to do some of this stuff physically is a dream come true for a guy like me. I mean think about Virtua Fighter or Tekken done as a pure kinect game. If Microsoft keeps plugging away at it and a game dev takes the ballsy move of putting a Triple A title on as a pure kinect game (Fable's a nice start but not the headliner that's needed) This is really going to be off the wall insane.

As for fighting games: UFC's got one in the works. Its a trainer right now. But the same technology could be applied to fighting games of a different style. I dont like the perspective that nothing real big came out of E3 when this is one of the bigger things to happen in gaming PERIOD.

If it were me if i were to make a dream title for the Kinect. I'd go with believe it or not Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple.

I am going to get the manga's soon (i hope) But the anime does very little in terms of over the top outrageous impossible martial arts. There are some awesome special effects and hints of outrageous fighting. However It's solidly grounded in true to life knowledge. The training was insane but at the same time believable. (Pro athletes do the tire thing in sprints and most of the other stuff is just slightly more extreme versions of what people do IRL)

If you havent seen the series the full dubbed version is up on hulu with the majority of the subbed as well.

Valkyria Chronicles' design team had a lot of the same people. It even has Vyse, Aika, and Faina in it as characters you can play as. I consider it the spiritual sequel.

I really don't.. I like Valkyria Chronicles a lot but I'm anxious to see this "add guns to every franchise" fad end.

(won't ever happen)

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