prophetik music Posted March 22, 2013 Posted March 22, 2013 Blitzball!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is literally the one thing i want from this game. if they made an xbla or psn game that was just blitzball i'd play the crap out of it. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted March 22, 2013 Posted March 22, 2013 Honestly an FFX remake at the scale they've presented isn't appealing to me. I can download the English International edition and play that upscaled on emulator (and, in fact, have). Offer me something beyond that or it's no purchase from me. Quote
Annie Felis Posted March 22, 2013 Posted March 22, 2013 I'm hoping for a fixed lip synch with some lines re-dubbed. Hoping, but not optimistic. If there's a japanese audio option for this I'd be happy. I really love FFX and will most likely pick this up, but man I really hate Yuna's english voice actress. Also looking forward to that inevitable FFXII International HD, because it would be so easy for them to do. I have it on PS2 emulation, but damned if I can read japanese. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted March 23, 2013 Author Posted March 23, 2013 I'm just hoping it actually looks as good as FF13 and people weren't lying all this time Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted March 23, 2013 Posted March 23, 2013 I don't think FFX's dub issues result from a lack of talent, I think it was just an awkward transitionary time. It was one of the earliest games with full facial movement and voice acting. The game is lousy with close up shots of character's faces as they talk. The directors were clearly trying to showcase/figure out the technology. I've heard Yuna's voice actress elsewhere and she does fine. She was Rosie in Valkyrie Chronicles, although you wouldn't know it because her voice sounds totally different. In FFX though she's just clearly trying to match the lip flaps. Also, Rikku is Tara fucking Strong. Man now I'm all sad. FF7 and FFX are both awkward games in retrospect because of how cutting edge they were during their time. How the mighty have fallen. Quote
relyanCe Posted March 23, 2013 Posted March 23, 2013 HAAAAAA ha HAA HAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAA! alright we reached our laugh-joke quota for this final fantasy thread Quote
Annie Felis Posted March 23, 2013 Posted March 23, 2013 I don't think FFX's dub issues result from a lack of talent, I think it was just an awkward transitionary time. It was one of the earliest games with full facial movement and voice acting. The game is lousy with close up shots of character's faces as they talk. The directors were clearly trying to showcase/figure out the technology. I've heard Yuna's voice actress elsewhere and she does fine. She was Rosie in Valkyrie Chronicles, although you wouldn't know it because her voice sounds totally different. In FFX though she's just clearly trying to match the lip flaps. Also, Rikku is Tara fucking Strong.Man now I'm all sad. FF7 and FFX are both awkward games in retrospect because of how cutting edge they were during their time. How the mighty have fallen. And Hedy Buress was also Agrias in FFT: WotL, who had a pretty crap fakey british accent. I don't think she's that great of an actress, even as Rosie. They did have Tara Strong, who was typecast as a cute little bubbly girl, although that wasn't her fault. They also had John DiMaggio, who was typecast as a big dumb guy. I'm not sure if it's a reflection on the japanese actors (who also seem to be typecast in anime/games all the damn time), or directors not trusting actors to get outside the little niche they're pictured in. A lot of my annoyance with the characters of FFX is with the bad localization and over-the-top japanese motion actors. Every time Rikku did that weird scrabbly motion I ground my teeth a little, even though she was a good character as far as the story went. I also was not in favor of Tidus putting his hands up on his head all the time, probably because I figure Spira is not a place where people use deoderant or soap very often. It'd be neat to see the game re-done with different motion actors, or even better: do what they did with FFXII and for some roles re-capture the motion with western actors for the western release. Quote
Bleck Posted March 23, 2013 Posted March 23, 2013 alright we reached our laugh-joke quota for this final fantasy thread Quote
relyanCe Posted March 23, 2013 Posted March 23, 2013 Photoshop contest. it'd just be a buncha dicks Quote
Melbu Frahma Posted March 23, 2013 Posted March 23, 2013 it'd just be a buncha dicks I feel like a "Yeah, but what would you put IN the dick's mouth?" joke is warranted here. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted March 24, 2013 Author Posted March 24, 2013 I feel like this thread was destroyed Quote
relyanCe Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 So funnily enough I just started playing FFX again so my partner could experience it. The "HAAAA HAAAA HAAAA" scene is actually extremely well-put-together, as well as forcibly, intentionally, painfully awkward for everyone involved (except poor Tidus), and ultimately extremely depressing given the context of the game. Amazing how your view of a game can change with 10 years. Quote
Bleck Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 yeah that scene has always been good in the context of the game and anyone who ever argued otherwise is dumb Quote
Brandon Strader Posted March 24, 2013 Author Posted March 24, 2013 yeah that scene has always been good in the context of the game and anyone who ever argued otherwise is dumb Yup yup yup, this this this Quote
prophetik music Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 I also was not in favor of Tidus putting his hands up on his head all the time, probably because I figure Spira is not a place where people use deoderant or soap very often. cool story - i often stand like this, for no reason related to the game. i do use soap AND deoderant (ikr) so maybe that changes it. Quote
relyanCe Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 I also was not in favor of Tidus putting his hands up on his head all the time, probably because I figure Spira is not a place where people use deoderant or soap very often. wait so your saying that in a world with cameras, public address systems, a world bank, organized, televized sports, magic, a giantass world-unifying religion, and BATHROOMS you think it's unlikely that people wash themselves? Quote
Brandon Strader Posted March 25, 2013 Author Posted March 25, 2013 He was just being racist because Spirans look like middle-eastern type people. Quote
Annie Felis Posted March 25, 2013 Posted March 25, 2013 waitso your saying that in a world with cameras, public address systems, a world bank, organized, televized sports, magic, a giantass world-unifying religion, and BATHROOMS you think it's unlikely that people wash themselves? In places like Bevelle where they have plumbing and electricity, they probably are hygenic. Bevelle and Luca probably have access to hot water. Places like Besaid where they live in tents, or places like Kilika where they live on stilts over the Not unless they have magic spells that make hot water and soap. Making soap from scratch is hard work and it's very harsh on skin and hair. It literally burns. A place that gets leveled by Sin every year isn't going to have indoor plumbing. People can still wash with hot water by heating it up, sure...but hot water alone isn't that great against B.O.. Quote
Mirby Posted March 25, 2013 Posted March 25, 2013 I think you're overthinking things a bit there. XD Quote
Brandon Strader Posted March 25, 2013 Author Posted March 25, 2013 The main thing to remember is if body odor isn't "shown" or referenced in the game in some way, it does not exist. This is a fantasy world after all, things only exist if they are meant to. We can't just 'assume' that people get B.O. in Spira. Quote
Annie Felis Posted March 25, 2013 Posted March 25, 2013 The main thing to remember is if body odor isn't "shown" or referenced in the game in some way, it does not exist. This is a fantasy world after all, things only exist if they are meant to. We can't just 'assume' that people get B.O. in Spira. Why not? Aren't they human? Or are there no bacteria living on humans in Spira? I mean we can assume that people poop on Spira since they eat, even though nobody is talking about poop anywhere in the game. Why not assume that they sweat too since they play sports? I dunno, I'm one of those people that when I see a fantasy world with fantasy people, I always assume they have the same issues and quirks that people in our world have. When I saw that there were toilets in FF7, I was like "Aha!" because somebody designing scene layouts over at Squaresoft took the time to indicate that humans do certain things no matter where they are. I also made jokes about how people had to walk all the way to Rocket Town to poop, because I was in high school and poop jokes were funny. There are probably people on Spira with bad breath, or gas, or anything else smelly the human body does. They mention that chocobos stink, so why not people? Quote
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