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I've never played this game before (and thus have never heard the music), but I really like what I'm hearing. Good "classic" electro/trance stuff here!

Ditto....I'm more than grateful to hear another amazing remix from DigiE :-D

Thanks Naser

  • 2 weeks later...

ah! so good to see OMF getting some love. the music was probably the best of any stats based robot fighting games for DOS at the time..

i'm kidding, i'm kidding! OMF reminds me a bit of a trancy 7th legion, at least in that they are both a very much underrated electronic OST of the mid 90's.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ooh, a DigiE mix!

More solid stuff, I like it - the high end earlier on seems to stick out a bit and maybe could be dialed back a bit, but it doesn't really affect much of how awesome this comes out. There's a lot going on, which is something I tend to look for in active mixes like this. Can we get more of this? :)

  • 3 weeks later...

Very appropriate title. I'm sure between DigiE, Sir Nuts, myself, Stephen Kennedy, k-wix and probably more not on the edge of my mind having gone several years without mixposts re-surfacing this year, 2011 appears to be the "year of the comebacks", apparently. :razz:

Having understand the duo's pair of fun via their contribution to Anime Remix a few years back, I'm glad to see that sense of fun managed to maintain itself well with the submission. It managed to reference the source material subtlely in the modified intro, before going into a more straightforward adaptation of the melody with enough variation and additional rhythmic elements to keep with the nostalgic feel of the source. A lot of the additions like with the subtle buildups and the vocoder voices managed to add a lot to the feel given here, and saw itself as a fitting homage towards the game.

Seeing the reference towards the Power Plant from 3:15 onwards, one couldn't help but think of another person's notable homages and can be seen as a strong message of thanks towards those that have supported the duo in the past. People engrossed in the song may just see it as a fun beat driven section leading up to a last minute that seems to fuse both sources together, but as for me, paying homage to your roots with that similar attention to the texture can be seen as a very inspirational touch.

The low bit rate may bother some, and to be fair I felt a little uneasy with that production addition, but with an arrangement that good I would probably let it pass. :wink:

But yes, a very inspirational mix fitting the nature of nostalgia and more modern ideas, paying homage to a rather under-appreciated game score and being really gracious towards the listeners that approach it. I hope you guys keep sending more stuff down the line and top it up to some degree, because I found it to be extremely enjoyable!

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I must dance? Very well, begin the dancing! And this is a very easy track to dance to. Good classic sounding electronica, and while I have to admit that the second section with the vox was more my speed, great stuff all around. The longer this song went, the more I ended up enjoying the style done at each section. The amount of variation was a great thing considering the ReMix is over five minutes long. Another amazing ReMix by DigiE.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02299 - One Must Fall 2097 "One Must Rise 2011"

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