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Well... if you're on 56k dialup you should have no problems

Try 24k :lol:

Anyway, das hat mir gefallen. I'll have to listen in when I'm back to high-speed connection.


Well I thought of 24k first but then again not a lot are using a mp3pro decoder (or some can't simply use one, like with Foobar or iTunes) so I had to find a balance. That's why I used 32kbit. Gives me half the quality that I'd usually have with mp3pro enhancement (mp3pro enabled = 44kHz Stereo, mp3pro disabled = 22kHz mono) and it still sounds great.

So yeah... I can't really support 33kbout users anymore. Those times are kinda over. But glad that you liked it. Maybe I do this a bit more often, so please keep an eye on the regular VG Frequency thread. ;)


Just a reminder that VGDJ Episode II: Attack of the ReMixers (not really I just made that up) will be released

MONDAY May 30, 2005! (that's tommorrow :))

Be sure to check the website for the link to the show, the show feed (if you wanna subscribe and not have to check back all the time), and the show notes.



SWEET show guys!:)

WAY better than the first one in my opinion! (Rayza; you were perfect this time around!:)

I am REALLY looking forward to what this show will become in a couple of weeks! (I can't wait for #100:P)

You're gaining confidence, you have a hell lot more material (LOVE those little remixer/collaborators interviews) and it's just a pleasure to listen!

bonus points for making laugh a lot more this week! (gotta love the fan mail:P)

Keep up the good work!

ps: Aurora you're still the sexiest voice I've ever heard;) (WizardMario you get off my sweet Aurora!:P)


Show = Pure condensed awsomeness in a can (or in my case, an mp3 player).

The show is actualy way more informative than I thought it would be. I had no idea that there was a Kirby project in the works, so thanks for bringing that up. Also, I loved the Rama report, very cool 8) .

Just a suggestion, I think the WIP reveiw should be included. It doesn't have to be your favorite, just pick one and review it. Anyhow, keep up the great work guys!

Just a suggestion, I think the WIP reveiw should be included. It doesn't have to be your favorite, just pick one and review it.

Well it could be interesting since I did use to give reviews in the WIP forum a while ago. Does anyone else think this would be a good idea?

Just a suggestion, I think the WIP reveiw should be included. It doesn't have to be your favorite, just pick one and review it.

Well it could be interesting since I did use to give reviews in the WIP forum a while ago. Does anyone else think this would be a good idea?

Very sparingly. Stick with people you know will actually finish what they've started. I'd keep the priority to mixes you feel confident could pass as well.


Listenin' now. Pretty good so far. I like the proj reviews.

And I contest SGX's claim for first RSS subscriber.

EDIT: Now that Aurora mentions it, I do belive tefnek uses some of the almost exact effects and stuff as those artists mentioned. (Chemical Bros. / Fatboy Slim / Propellerheads)

EDIT EDIT: Just me being naggy, but I maybe these individual shows are a tad too long. Maybe half the length, double the frequency?

EDIT TOO MANY: I belive it's pronouced "Ki-jen", y'all.

Just a suggestion, I think the WIP reveiw should be included. It doesn't have to be your favorite, just pick one and review it.

Well it could be interesting since I did use to give reviews in the WIP forum a while ago. Does anyone else think this would be a good idea?

I'm honestly a little opposed to this. I have no problem pointing the audience to the WIP forum to check it out for themselves (hence including the WIP forum link in the show notes) ... but I think we should focus on complete songs available. We definitely talk about things that are up and coming like projects and stuff, and the remixer interviews are there to give some insight on how some of this music is made... Plus, our review section is long enough as it is! We spend like 10 to 15 minutes a show reviewing songs, and we don't even play the whole song! so I really think the WIP is for the listener to explore themselves, and like I said I don' have any problem promoting its location.


A few comments:

Is it just me, or did you miss covering the Dark Side of Phobos (Doom) album in your list of remix projects?

Rama Report was good, but he needs a new mic, or a better encoding.

Re: WIPs, I'm gonna say I think only dealing with complete pieces is best, and then only stuff from the WIP:Other forum.

Otherwise a good show.


That reminds me, those random movie clips really didn't sit well for me. They were cringeworthy, for lack of a better word. Getting some bumpers like at the beginning of the show would fix that.

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