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I've been using adsense on my sites for about a year now (zircon asked me about it a few days ago). It does go by page content, but more importantly, it goes by changes in page content - so once a new item gets posted up, most of the ads will be relevant to that. They do have measures in place to detect click-fraud, since it's a major concern to people that pay to have their ads displayed. That's the other thing - through the adwords program, advertisers bid on keywords that appear on websites, and are matched up with the 'best fit' for the words, rather than having to find websites to advertise on (although you can directly target a specific website). This also means that sites that get more traffic generally get better placements, and therefore more revenue, so just by visiting the site you're increasing the value of the ads.


You guys are the best! Keep it up. Just a couple seconds a day from all our listeners and we would never need to worry about this stuff ever again. Just remember, please, only click on the ads legitimately. Don't tell your little brother to sit there and keep clicking on 'em. Don't refresh the page 500 times to increase our traffic. Much like how we don't support proxy voting at podcastalley, we don't want people doing things that are less than legal for us.


Hey Zircon, since you beat your cold and since I'm nice and vote for you guys every month, do you think you could beat my cold for me? It's yucky and I don't want it.


DoD is a guitar mixing competition? Nay, I think not.

Its a instrument remixing competition. As in, the lead instrument has to be played, not programmed.

Just a quick correction. =/

Spunkle's right. It's just that most of the entries have guitar as the lead instrument, because it's popular. ^_~

Technically, if you were to follow this logic, what you'd be saying is that the only reason there are guitar leads is because there are guitar leads... in some quantum circles, this might fly, but, generally speaking, this idea is a self-originating and self-defeating paradox...


Due to "technical difficulties" * the full story of my entry didn't get listed. Adding Zelda to Footloose was exactly as I described it when I called in. However, there's more to the Mario thing than just switching the music. It was my idea, but if you listen to the two clips, the bass player and drummer were obviously in on it as well. I also cleared it with the actor playing Ren, the lead character, and with Sean, the conductor and my co-musical director.

During the original clip, Ren slides on his knees to the front of the stage during bars 7 and 8 (when the piano is playing chords each eighth note; it's the loud section in the first audio clip). He's back on his feet and singing on bar 9 (on my audio clips, the electric piano sound is playing the vocal line). What we did instead was to have Ren do a shorter slide and start a couple bars early. Then, when we played the two bars from Mario, he actually jumped up and punched a brick, so he actually *acted* like Mario in addition to the music being from Mario.

* Technical difficulties, in this case, means the following. I don't listen to podcasts over the weekend, so I didn't hear the VDGJ episode promoting the contest until two days before the first deadline. I didn't have time to put the audio together, so I submitted a description of what I'd done via e-mail. When the deadline was extended by a week and I resubmitted, I tried to call in my entry. I got cut off, so I e-mailed the MP3s to Zircon and Pixietricks. They played the partial audio clip and the MP3s instead of reading the e-mail (would've been nice, I sound AWFUL on the phone) and playing the MP3s, so the best part of the story got cut off. Oh well.

Aw, we would have been perfectly content reading the email itself, but you confused us with all those voicemails/mp3's/emails! VGDJ hosts is dumb. (Or just too busy to piece together the puzzle. ^_~)

Anywho, this week's show's gonna be shweeeeeeet! You'll see why Saturday.


Anywho, this week's show's gonna be shweeeeeeet! You'll see why Saturday.

Yay. Sweetness makes my mouth water. :P

I was also going to ask you why your background music has gotten softer--almost inaudible--in recent episodes (although it did pick up again towards the end of #60). Not only can I not decide if the ReMix played is worth downloading anymore, but I think it really makes your podcast stand out and makes it all more entertaining. 8)

Also, am I the only one who noted that Pixie's "nerd" and (original) "old" voices kind of sound similar? Are you implying something here...?


It can be hard to gauge sometimes. With some BGM, according to the actual dB level, it's fairly loud, but the range of frequencies might make it sound softer than it should. There's also the level you're listening at; if you have the show on at a lower level, the music will seem EXTRA soft, whereas if you turn it up, it will be apparent to a greater degree (as in, the actual ratio of bgm:talking will appear to change). Finally, listening on speakers vs. headphones can also affect it. On headphones, even very quiet BGM will be more audible, especially if they are closed back, but on speakers it will sound much softer.

What's the "right" setup to listen at, then? I dunno. That's why it's tricky.


Yeah. The typical comp setup I use has a threshold of about -26db, ratio of 9:1, 15ms attack, 200ms release, and a makeup gain of ~13db. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. I then have a hard limiter to tame any unwanted spikes. Compressing the BGM might work - I've never really tried it. Master track compression would affect the remix review clips we play which is no good.

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