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Just voted...

I've already told Rayza (thru MSN) how much I liked what he and Aurora have put together.

Overall, I was really impressed. I liked that clips of recent songs were played, but the full 'random' song is also a great idea.

Keep up the good work you two, I'm looking forward to the next episode!


Thanks for voting jmr..

Also we've got a scene report from Rama c/o ThaSauce, an "interview-mini" with Tefnek and hopefully some the other featured mixers can contribute something. The next show will have more stuff rather than an OCR101 course. So check it out and vote if your haven't!


Awesome job Rayza and Aurora - for a first time around, you both did very well, and the spontaneous tangents made it seem more like you believed what you were saying, rather than just reading from a script.

The show aside, you guys both get hella brownie points for remembering Today's Special. Hocus-pocus-alamagokus!

Hehee fucking loved that show.

My siblings and I used to act out the opening sequence whenever it came on... hehehe (as you can guess, I acted out sam crenshaw)


Interview goat - goat wins for two reasons I can think of. First and foremost being that he shares my given name, and shares the surname of the great Evil One.


Your name ... IS... goat?

<ahem> anyway... reposted from THE FORGOTTEN THREAD in Unmod...

If you go to www.ipodder.org or www.podcastalley.com , you can find pretty good descriptions of what the whole podcasting thing is all about.

I haven't been able to catch you on aim, but if i could, i'd say this...


Mirrorsites +1 :)

I'm saving your files, and your shownotes. I can mirror the whole site if you like, but it's probably not necessary. I'm not even sure if the mirroring is necessary, your site is likely more stable than my desktop PC's cable connection (thank you, baldwisville cable brownouts), but i have a desktop server and i'm saving the files anyway. I don't have to do anything special, it just matters where i save the files.

I can also give you an FTP account linked to that space if you'd like as well.

Just lettin' ya know! I'll go back to your podcast now. ;)


Hey TimberWolf thanks a ton. It's always good to have a mirror around, especially since the mp3's are being hosted at Aurora's university. Who knows if they'll cut her bandwidth if they think something is up. I think we're ok for the main site, but the show notes + mp3 are on the university server so those would be good to mirror. Thanks again!

Aurora can you update our entry with mirrors to Timber's address? Thanks..

-Your Boss.. :lol:


Holy crap Timberwolf... thank you so so much. This is soooooo much help. As Rayza said right now the shows are up on my uni account...no word from the admin yet though, so all is well :D

*snif* can you feeeeel the love? ... makes me well up... *snif*




Seriously, no sweat! This PC is always on, barring hardware/connection failure. I'll store whatever ya like, and i've got oodles of space. I've been meaning to delete my old porn anyway. ;) Only thing is my server's a bit simple, so we can't get any kind of php or anything running here.

I've been meaning to delete my old porn anyway.


Awww, myth, i'm sorry... would it be better if i burned it to DVD first, sweety? You know i'll do it just for you, my widdew snookums...

I've been meaning to delete my old porn anyway.


Awww, myth, i'm sorry... would it be better if i burned it to DVD first, sweety? You know i'll do it just for you, my widdew snookums...

Not in front of the kids...!


Not bad for a first episode. Not bad at all.

If you're after ideas, how about an episode where you review some of the best OCR remixes according to genre? Like an episode where you do the best hiphop, the best classical, etc.

and you gotta make sure to discuss the WIP forums sometime as well. WIPForum = thegreat.

how about an episode where you review some of the best OCR remixes according to genre? Like an episode where you do the best hiphop, the best classical, etc.

Well the thing is that theres not really a "best" of this and that, it's all opinion. OCR does not have a ranking or rating system on purpose, just a community with feedback. I honestly couldn't pick the best of this and that out of the huge amount of mixes OCR has.

and you gotta make sure to discuss the WIP forums sometime as well. WIPForum = thegreat.

Yeh I use the WIP forum when I'm working on something, I think we can do a segment on that sometime..


Sorry for the shameless plug, but...

to those you're bored out this saturday evening.

Tune in: http://viper.mediacast1.com:9720

(mp3pro enhanced shoutcast stream, of course normal mp3 works too, so you can listen with any mp3 player you want)

Reruns of:

VG DJ #001 (by Aurora and Rayza)

VG Frequency #60.99 (Bootleg recorded by Compyfox, show by Larry Oji)

Crimson Moon #001

Over 10 hours of music and random babling from the radio hosts. Please enjoy.


Was a nice first show. So kudos to both of you Aurora and Rayza. ;)

I hope to hear more from it on a regular base.


GOD. Why do I ALWAYS hear about these shows DIRECTLY after they are over?!

EDIT: Okay, well I got it now, but I'm on dialup. This is just great. I'm really feeling the damn scene vibe here. Rebuffering...

EDIT 2: Well at least i'm not missing anything. It just stops every minute. This is cool, my first VGM radio show experience!

EDIT 3: ...Except of course for VGDJs...I'm excited for the next show! Okay I'm done ranting.

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