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Ironically, Block Rockmen Beats probably would have won this round if they all voted (and didn't all give "Dayquil, Nyquil" their number one votes).

Oh, well, lesson learned

EDIT: Nutritious, you can't vote for your own team

LOL one sec

EDIT: Fixed. WMP wasn't showing me any of the artist names and I never even bothered to check while I was listening - figured it would be nice to vote without knowing who I'm voting for. It didn't even occur to me about one of them being for my team :tomatoface:

EDIT2: Lesson learned? Do you think we'd change our number one votes based on who's in the lead?

oh nooooooooooo! THIS IS UTTER CHAOS!!!! 8-O

Hey, YOU don't have anything to worry about, you Mega Ballin' sexy-boy. Rozo and I both voted (at least I assume, I haven't actually checked the thread in a while, but he posted his picks in his reviews...), AND (!), and, I finished cleaning up and polishing my track just in time, AND (!!) it has a definite ending now that will please even Ecto (and a halc drum outtro, which I already warned him about :D )

Hey, YOU don't have anything to worry about, you Mega Ballin' sexy-boy. Rozo and I both voted (at least I assume, I haven't actually checked the thread in a while, but he posted his picks in his reviews...), AND (!), and, I finished cleaning up and polishing my track just in time, AND (!!) it has a definite ending now that will please even Ecto (and a halc drum outtro, which I already warned him about :D )

I know, I just like inciting chaos. CHAOS! MADNESS!!! :-P


EDIT2: Lesson learned? Do you think we'd change our number one votes based on who's in the lead?

No, I was talking about the need to vote. It has caused several teams to incur lower round rankings because they didn't vote and get their free 3 points per member who votes.

Blue Bomber Brotherhood was also missing two voters. It didn't affect their placement this time, but it did in past rounds, I think.

Also, Neblix didn't vote, but I think that's a first. FOR SHAME!

No, I was talking about the need to vote. It has caused several teams to incur lower round rankings because they didn't vote and get their free 3 points per member who votes.

Blue Bomber Brotherhood was also missing two voters. It didn't affect their placement this time, but it did in past rounds, I think.

Also, Neblix didn't vote, but I think that's a first. FOR SHAME!

Gotcha, fair enough.

If you guys had any idea what kind've week I've had you'd know getting this track done was an absolute miracle :P

Gotcha, fair enough.

If you guys had any idea what kind've week I've had you'd know getting this track done was an absolute miracle :P

Sorry you had a rough week. I'm glad you got it done though. =)

Also, Darkesword the link is broken in your above post. Listening to it now on Youtube. Sounds like a good theme for The Concrete Men. =)

This week's Wily Castle theme is Mega Man 4 - Dr. Cossack's Fortress 2.

Stamp out the Red Menace!

Hooray! Fan requests work!

Although I am waiting for this song to be up...

I'm hoping that reverse psychology works on DarkeSword, so I'm going to ask that he PLEASE not pick Mega Man 4 Wily Stage 2.
That makes three of us.

EDIT: Whoops, I guess that's Cossack, not Wily. Still an AWESOME theme (Cossack 2, I mean)

Sorry you had a rough week. I'm glad you got it done though. =)

Thanks dude :)

So, to give an idea. My whole family (including myself) has been sick all week. It's hard to mix when you're running a fever as soon as evening hits :P. Finally got some meaningful progress last night, then got up really early this morning (I had to finish by 9AM my time) to close it out and vote.

Why oh why did I sign up for this again? :P

Thanks dude :)

So, to give an idea. My whole family (including myself) has been sick all week. It's hard to mix when you're running a fever as soon as evening hits :P. Finally got some meaningful progress last night, then got up really early this morning (I had to finish by 9AM my time) to close it out and vote.

Oh man, that's like how I was last week with an ear infection. I'm just now getting over it. Seems like we get sick at just the wrong times, no? I recommend Dayquil, Nyquil (the medicine, not the song) and tons of vitamin C.

Why oh why did I sign up for this again? :P

Because it's fun =)

I'll be bringing the insanity for the Concrete Men this week. Hit us with your best shot (and then wring your fists in pain as your flesh collides with one metric ton of solid cement)!

Aren't the mixers the last remaining ones that didn't mix the last two weeks?

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