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Electropuncture Awesome start! 0:16 - 0:22 had some amazing spunk and was executed flawlessly. Great effects in the first half minute and some of the most interesting cover of the Wily 1 source this round. And then... 0:39 - 0:41. Amazing use of old school sound effects. This is how they should be used. Not just as a nod to source, but as a really catchy sound that really adds to the piece. Also quite the smooth transition. I like how you kept the unique Wily 1 interpretation layered in the background, lead to some excellent cohesiveness. Great use of reverb in most places. 1:39 - 1:52 was an interesting shift, and lead to a more straightforward touch on both sources. The 1:39 - 2:24 area could use a little polish I think, but really added to the piece and somehow fit very well. 3:06 continues the trend of spectacular sound effects, dat health bar was something else. Last 10 sec or so could use a little work, but it doesn't detract from the piece. I mentioned earlier that I narrowed it down to 4, just had to decide on order (which figures out which one I sadly do not get to vote for) This is one of those.

I do love some well-placed and well executed sound effects ;-) When I was making the song, I kept listening to the 0:39 - 0:42 part over and over thinking "this transition could not be any cooler" lol. At some point I'll probably clean this one up a bit because, although I didn't like working on it at first, it has grown on me a lot since. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Also, thanks for posting reviews every round! I enjoy hearing what others think of my music, good or bad.

You sure it wasn't prophetik who won round 6? Because that's what i did when i did a vote tally during the contest itself.

I tallied the votes at the very end. I think that there may have been some last minute switching of votes, but I don't know how it tipped the scales. I'll double check my numbers again, though (but any change from my originally tally may mean that someone changed their vote after voting was closed).

EDIT: Nope, my original tally is correct. You may have been off if you counted Sir_NutS's and Gario's votes. After Darke's comments about late voting last week, I am erring on the side of not counting votes made after the deadline. Darke can count those votes at his discretion, though.

I rated my 167 favorite MM songs, because that's how I am.

#1 was Galaxy Man

#15 was Search Man

#167 was Clown Man

This should give you an idea on my thoughts on that track. :P

Anywho, I can't wait to finish this track! :3

I never said it was a good song...but if someone were to remix it into a good song then I'd have to give you the maddest props that were ever to be given. Ever.

I never said it was a good song...but if someone were to remix it into a good song then I'd have to give you the maddest props that were ever to be given. Ever.

Now this

This I can agree with :P

Go flex, you can do way better than me :P


I'm really anxious to see what everyone thinks of my piece this week, it's kind of a milestone for me; made all my synths myself, and returned to a style that I very much enjoy, as far as ethnic stuff goes. Also, disclaimer, I didn't sequence ALL the percussion this time... sorry :( I don't know how to sequence ethnic percussion amazingly yet, so I used a couple loopz... kinda feels like cheating, but hey, it sounds good, so I can't complain

I'm really anxious to see what everyone thinks of my piece this week, it's kind of a milestone for me; made all my synths myself, and returned to a style that I very much enjoy, as far as ethnic stuff goes. Also, disclaimer, I didn't sequence ALL the percussion this time... sorry :( I don't know how to sequence ethnic percussion amazingly yet, so I used a couple loopz... kinda feels like cheating, but hey, it sounds good, so I can't complain

Pro Tip - if you feel you've "cheated" in a mix in some way, don't tell anyone ;)

Pro Tip - if you feel you've "cheated" in a mix in some way, don't tell anyone ;)

Haha, loops are pretty commonplace from what I understand (although I've never used em before, so BOOM), even dat BGC uses em! It just annoyed me, because percussion is kinda my thing, so it was dumb that I didn't know enough to sequence all my own shit this round

is there somewhere to see the tallies besides the first post? i only see rounds 1-5 there.

Like SuperiorX said, SectorZ has tallies, but Darke hasn't voted in rounds 6 - 8 yet, so none of them are final.


Even though round 10 may sound exciting, the mystery of what it entails just ravels on our tongue.

Though, I don't even know if the team would even keep together, simply because of this in the IRC earlier tonight:

[01:41] <Brandon> screw round 10 i am done anyway

True, Brandon did want 3 Splash Woman tracks for his EP, but if Round 10 (praying that it's not just a few teams :() requires the input of everyone, then I guess the BGR are already in a pickle. Surely potentially being a man down shouldn't affect the chances of having something, whatever it would be, right? :\

Also, thank you Helios for pointing out the piano solo was based around the Mega Man 1 ending theme! Ecto, I told you it wasn't Earthbound :razz:


Like I said before, I'm betting Round 10 involves the point leaders somehow. I mean, you gotta have some reason for those points, and you've really got to have some awesome final battle.

I'm holding out for a remix battle with Dr. Wily himself (aka Darkesword)

Because that would be hella awesome.

I don't know how many people would participate or how many themes would be involved, but, I would say that round 10 epicness may perhaps be so awesome that Brandon Strader (I add the last name because my name is Brandon as well and I feel weird just saying Brandon and not refering to myself :P ) gets a new, adrenaline pumping desire to remix in such an awesome final match.

After all, I'm pretty sure Mega Man has wanted to say

, but he's pressed onwards and fought for world peace. You too, remixers, can kick fatigue to the curb and do the impossible Round 10! Don't believe in yourselves! Believe in the me who believes in you guys!

Yay references :P

Like I said before, I'm betting Round 10 involves the point leaders somehow. I mean, you gotta have some reason for those points, and you've really got to have some awesome final battle.

I'm holding out for a remix battle with Dr. Wily himself (aka Darkesword)

Because that would be hella awesome.

I don't think Shariq has the time to participate in a remix battle, dude. :P

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