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I'm not bitter for something that happened in the past. I may have been feeling that way with the voters in general, but let me say that I ultimately didn't have the intention to come off that way. In fact, I'm happy that I managed to come here and improve my skills as they may help me considerably for fuure endeavours.

And I'm certainly not bitter for Brandon either - a little disappointed, naturally, that he didn't win when he was in the lead for most of the week, but I am happy that he did so well and proud he represented the team so well.

Now please, let's just be happy and face round 10 :)

Dont feel like you have to be apologetic or have to explain yourself to that fool. Just tell him off and be done with it.


Train jokes are the best jokes! :D

<3 Charge Boy


Derailed at Wily Temple - Really gripping start! This builds up to 0:47 - 1:01, which was really intense. Then a fascinating change in style for the Wily source, which worked well. 1:26 - 1:38 was really epic and leads to a very nice buildup and meshing section. Of that, 1:50 - 2:02 really does a great job covering source. Great use of effects to follow this up from 2:04 - 2:15. Overall, this piece was very well rounded. Amazing coverage of source, tight production, creative, varied, yet cohesive, and interesting.

Glad you liked it :D the part at 1:00 is actually more Charge Man, and the segment following is the same melody fleshed with electronic instruments. There's also an homage to Mattrex from MMX5 in the flute part of the ethnic section at 1:00. His theme was stuck in my head when I was writing, so I rolled with it, since that generally works better for me than just ignoring it and have it nag me for the rest of the piece.



I envy you... I'll be changing the name of Planes, Trains, and Auto 'n' FUCK I HATE TYPING THIS


OH WAIT...I had an amazing idea for all us bored people! It's totally original and is in no way, shape, or form ripping off DarkeSword.

We should totally take this next week or so and find us each a robot master from the Mega Man series of games, then have each person do a remix with that theme as well as a Wily castle theme. Any takers?

:tomatoface: :tomatoface:

OH WAIT...I had an amazing idea for all us bored people! It's totally original and is in no way, shape, or form ripping off DarkeSword.

We should totally take this next week or so and find us each a robot master from the Mega Man series of games, then have each person do a remix with that theme as well as a Wily castle theme. Any takers?

:tomatoface: :tomatoface:

I'm no remixer, but I heartily endorse this option!!

OH WAIT...I had an amazing idea for all us bored people! It's totally original and is in no way, shape, or form ripping off DarkeSword.

We should totally take this next week or so and find us each a robot master from the Mega Man series of games, then have each person do a remix with that theme as well as a Wily castle theme. Any takers?

:tomatoface: :tomatoface:

Someone already did that like 2 years ago, it was called the Grand Robot Master Remix Battle.

:tomatoface: :tomatoface:

don't derail the thread. thanks. i just hope you were drunk when posting. no need to rent like that.
I should slap the lightning bolts off your head.
I hope you're being facetious, because that seems kinda rude. Just sayin'.
Or you could, you know, not go on the internet during MAGFest. You're kind of wasting time and money doing that. :P
For future reference, this is the internet, if you don't want your statements be taken seriously, YOU MUST USE SMILEYS!!

If you are in fact serious, then how dare you interrupt this thread with your rude and thoughtless posting. Shut the hell up please, get out of the internet, go on back to magfest and play games and drink loads of beer :P The rest of us are getting on fine without you party hearty magfest people :D

Mother of god. OK, maybe I should have smiley'd.

It was teh MAGFest silliez. Being that I've never exactly been harsh on the forum before, I didn't think it would be taken TOO seriously...

so umm.. retroactive smiley faces for all! :nicework::!::x:(:sad::banghead:;-):lol:

edit: That being said, everything helios said eariler I agree with. And my bitchy post was brought to you courtesy of Sailor Jerry's rum. I highly recommend it for parties and internet drama.


Ahhh, so I should have indicated my post was a drunk post.

Ummm, so Luke... you hug the shit out of me one night like you hadn't seen me in years, and then the next morning, you don't even remember who I am. You are awesome. MAGFest was awesome. Everything is awesome.

Too bad I'm home now :(

And let's hear it for Gario who beat Silver Surfer right in front of my eyes. IN. CRED. I. BLE.


To the one with the avatar of Phanto (previously with a sig resembling Kisuke Urahara from Bleach),

Please elaborate on this Silver Surfer mention. I am not privy to the super top secret information that took place at this event called "mAgFesT". Us peons would like to hear "the down low" (At least I would anyway). Thanks :)

Holy crap. For someone who's tried and failed (got to the 6th - final? - stage before giving up) I can appreciate just how impressive that feat is *claps*

Failure is a bitter sweet thing. True it makes us feel bad and unfulfilled but it also serves a better purpose. It makes you stronger by giving you the desire to out do yourself. Who is to say that you would fail on your next attempt? Hmmm... Even in failure great things are born :)

Holy crap. For someone who's tried and failed (got to the 6th - final? - stage before giving up) I can appreciate just how impressive that feat is *claps*

Yeah, Magic man is final. I will also add (as you'd surely be aware) that the area is insane. Holy shit.

As for Shadow, look up Silver Surfer NES on youtube. It's legendarily difficult, hence the fuss here.

With that, MAG is over. I think it's time to get back to WCRG talk again.

1. Block Rockmen Beats - 48

2. The Hard Men - 46

3. Bad Guy Robots from Mega Man <TIE> - 42

3. The Concrete Men <TIE> - 42

5. Blue Bomber Brotherhood - 36

6. The Gentlemaster's Club - 34

7. The Mega Ballers - 23

8. The Beat Busters - 16

9. Cold Steel - 13

10. The Skull Men - 12

11. Dr. Light's Luminosity Legion <TIE> - 8

11. Energy Tank <TIE> - 8

hard men sneak attack successful; total pwnage acquired

thanks for all the votes everyone! :)

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