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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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Someone get Harmony on this project. His music style fits the source material well. Anyone asked him?

He was thinking about it when I talked to him a few days ago, but he's kinda busy. I'm currently trying to convince GrayLightning to get back on this thing, too.

And in other news, Ashane (you know, that name that's been sitting on the bottom of the list since this thing started :P) has picked up Final Act from Tales of Phantasia. ZOMFG!


Same project? Right... does that mean there's no remix war?

On the tracklisting it says Luiza Carvalho is looking for a collab partner for Fatalize. Does anyone know what kind of help he's looking for, exactly? Composition partner, recording, etc.?

Same project? Right... does that mean there's no remix war?

On the tracklisting it says Luiza Carvalho is looking for a collab partner for Fatalize. Does anyone know what kind of help he's looking for, exactly? Composition partner, recording, etc.?

That'd be a she, and I think she has it handled right now. One person stepped up and offered to help her, but it's not quite official yet. We'll see where that goes. ;)


Just a heads-up for everyone: If you have your contact information posted here or at VGMix, I have added you to my buddy list, so I can keep in touch with you on your progress. MSN users, take note; If you get a notification from jckyle5@hotmail.com, that's me. :P

Please let me know what your contact information is if you don't have it posted here, or let me know if you'd like to keep all contact limited to PMs. Thanks!


Just a few comments, this is probably one of my favorite RPG's ever (next to FF4). Also, I was one of the first people to get a mix posted of this game on the site (and still classic). I remember I completed it in like, 5 days over Spring break. I hope this project doesn't take a whole year, hehe.

I was disappointed to see there was not a complete list of songs. The original game has about 70 tracks (far from the short list you have). Arche's theme was one of my favorite themes and did not make it to your list.

If I can find free time (apart from working full time over the summer), I would love to remix several tracks from this game, probably several of which are not on your list.

Since I am certain some people will not follow through with this project, I recommend more flexibility on your track selection (I don't see why you don't include every track, like some other remix projects are doing).

Also, I am sure I will break several of rules of this project. I will most certainly distribute the finished version. You do not own the rights to my music, I am not getting paid for participating, and I believe in free distribution of music.

I don't mean to be hostile as a new participant in this project. However, I do believe less strict rules are in order, due to several reasons, for instance, the huge depth of the music of this game, the great variety of music (if you're going to pick specific tracks for the project, you need a specific theme for the project, not just TOP REMIX PROJECT). Also, we remixers, at least most of us, our amateurs. Also, I am sure everyone who has played this game has gotten something different out of it or enjoyed it in a different way. As the game offers something different for everyone, I believe every track that is remixed should offer something different for everyone. (I think blending them together is kind of dumb. It will only end up watering down the individual mixes)

Any single remix from this game could take many months to complete if done well. I think August 1 is a reasonable deadline for at least a WIP. I recommened you recruit massive amounts of people before the deadline though. :P (it seems you've been doing that already though)



I appreciate your suggestions, GLL, and as much as I would like to include the entire soundtracks from both of these games, there is already a huge amount of songs on the project as it is, and trying to cover the entire soundtracks would make it nigh unmanagable, and this project would surely fail. Not to mention, we're trying to cover TWO games, because both Lea and I feel that the two are connected enough to warrant having a project covering both of them. I hope you understand what we're trying to do here. ;)

Also, I think you misunderstand what we mean by not releasing finished works. The rule is in place to prevent the release of finished songs before the project is complete. The reason for this is, we would like keep a semblance of quality control among this project, and also keep an element of surprise for when the project is ultimately released. The rule doesn't mean never release your project songs anywhere else, ever; it means that, in the interest of keeping the project fresh and interesting when its released, and also maintaining some form of quality control, to not release your finished songs until the project is completed.


Nice post. Actually, today I was thinking about you and this project because I was listening to your remix of "Be Absentminded" and was hoping the version that ends up on this project would be as good.

I was a little dismayed at the exclusion of certain especially good tracks too, and wasn't absolutely certain why there was a limit. Sure, we already have a lot of songs, but I don't doubt that even more remixers could readily be managed by two coordinators as attentive to the thread's developments as Kyle and Lea. I think the freedom that MP3 and Torrent distribution offers should be embraced. I mean, we don't have to consider how best to fill up the space on a little 700MB CD. There are certainly enough capable musicians to cover many songs, and there may even be people who are refraining from signing up because their favorite piece from one of the games is not on the tracklisting.

Of course, I didn't think myself to be in any position to challenge the boundaries of a project I didn't put any effort into organizing, though suggestions can never be a bad thing. Kyle and Lea selected tracks that made for a well-balanced album. One of them said something to the effect of, "Maybe this project will inspire new remixes of songs from the games that aren't on this project." That's true. I've already decided to make one that I will send into OCR independantly of this project, but I would prefer that my efforts go towards improving this already ambitious project. Imagine that, quality remixes of all those excellent songs.

I say, if there are people who are willing to put a lot of effort and time into working on songs to augment this project instead of their own personal OCR profiles, maybe a few rules should be broken?

PS: Definitely do not release anything in full before the project is done! That's so boring. You completely miss out on the feeling of having the torrent finish downloading and diving into the entire project, like buying a new album from your favorite band, eager to hear all the great stuff to come.


Alright, let's try something here. ON-THE-FLY RULE CREATION!

Lea and I just discussed this, and I think it's something that could make the people who want to do a track not listed on the project right now happy. What we've come up with is this: If you have already claimed or are planning to claim ONE song (those who currently have two tracks selected are exempt from this) for this project, then, once the track list is completely filled and all of the current tracks are claimed, we will allow you to choose ONE extra song not currently listed to remix for the project. If you decide that you can't do the extra track, it will be removed completely, with no chance of getting picked up by anybody else. This rule will go not go into effect until all of the main tracks listed are claimed by at least one person; reason being that we want to get what currently have filled up first, before we start adding things. Hopefully this might convince some of you to try and get some other people on board to fill up the list. Also, you must guarantee that you will ABSOLUTELY finish both of the tracks.

We're not trying to declare open season on the entire soundtracks of both of these games. This is just a compromise we have decided to make for those who wanted to do something that's not currently listed. One of our goals with this project is to still keep it maintainable and reasonable. We don't want to get overly ambitious.

Is this fair?


*British Mode*

Bloody brilliant, I say!

That's a great idea. I love you. XD

The system will really keep the management simple and clean. The part about "if you can't do the track, it will be removed entirely". Very efficient!


Even suggesting that the project should have all the tracks from both games shows you need to think a little more

*edited for the sake of the childrem yes i think about the children

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