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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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Thank you.

... my god, it's the Green Biker Dude. I give him two seconds before he blows up.

*killed by Kyle for being off-topic*

Hey, I come from UnMod; I'm pretty used to threadjacking! :P

So, how bout' that new ABBA album?

Thank you.

... my god, it's the Green Biker Dude. I give him two seconds before he blows up.

*killed by Kyle for being off-topic*

Hey, I come from UnMod; I'm pretty used to threadjacking! :P

So, how bout' that new ABBA album?

...ABBA's still alive?


Hah! We never leave the topic, because we're all-business, top-quality workers! Our project is Grade AAA! That's right, so whomever the jerk was that brought up ABBA, you'd better get serious real quick!

... my god, it's the Green Biker Dude. I give him two seconds before he blows up.


*shot for offtopicness*

Anyways, I'll just be keeping an eye on this topic for awhile. And once again, GOOD LUCK!!

*hops on a jet bike and speeds off*

Hah! We never leave the topic, because we're all-business, top-quality workers! Our project is Grade AAA! That's right, so whomever the jerk was that brought up ABBA, you'd better get serious real quick!

Haha, that is correct! *breaks out the whip* Now back to work, my remixing minions! *CRACK!*

Power trips aside, I believe that I may have a prospective remixer for the final song of the Symphonia part of the project. Those details will come further into light later today, hopefully.

Other than that, keep sending your WIPs to me, folks! We're progressing along on this project pretty rapidly so far, so keep up the good work! :)

...*CRACK!* Mwahahahahaha!


For some reason I want Sir_nuts to do Search a seal ~Tethe Alla, and Darkesword to do Search a Seal ~Sylvarant for their second song. I think it would be interesting to have the calm song be remixed by darke, then afterwards hear the "upbeat" one done by Sir_nuts.

Anyhow, I just created the introduction to it. It's "alright", but it could use a lot of work. I will post it when I feel it right to be actually critiqued by you guys :).

Search a Seal ~Sylvarant

A certain someone mentioned this one when we talked yesterday, so you might see a remix of it. ;)No, it wasn't DarkeSword, and something tells that neither him nor NutS will want to pick up another song. Well, NutS, anyway. =P

For some reason I want Sir_nuts to do Search a seal ~Tethe Alla, and Darkesword to do Search a Seal ~Sylvarant for their second song. I think it would be interesting to have the calm song be remixed by darke, then afterwards hear the "upbeat" one done by Sir_nuts.

I'll take it in consideration, if kyle is ok with it of course.

Anyways I haven't been around the thread enough(well, ever) So I just saw the name. Best name for a project, ever.

I'll try to get a WIP for you all soon. I'm having some inspiration problems with my music :? as well as having the little free time I have being sucked by this bastard, but I'll try to not let you down.


Well, it's just a very early WiP. I'm going to add some more stuff to the intro.

I noticed someone say that he heared 2 synths in the intro. That's odd, because it's one synth. (I can send you the soundfont if you like :P) Should I remove the lower bass part from it, or add some variation to that? Also, I'm going to change the signature for the intro. Once the drum kicks in, it's okay, but with just these instruments, it's nothing. (Hmm, maybe I'll add a high lead guitar there, too... Just to fill it up)

As for the transistion: I'm loosely getting inspiration from a Camel song, so expect something along those lines. I'm keeping it a surprise for all of you.

Hehe, well, this is going to be great: 2 guitarists, a singer and a keyboard player (yes, I play keyboards)... All we need is a bassplayer and a drummer and we're set for a band. ;)

Thanks for the support so far!

Hah! We never leave the topic, because we're all-business, top-quality workers! Our project is Grade AAA! That's right, so whomever the jerk was that brought up ABBA, you'd better get serious real quick!

Nope, our project is Grade AAAA! ...at least! :roll:


Can anyone here with a decent sense of pitch help me out with the first broken descending seventh chord is in Martel's theme? I'm trying to get a sense of what the key is but I don't have perfect pitch, and I failed the listening section in music class. ;)



It's in E Major, but there are various harmonic functions in it that can be misleading. I'll look at it more later when I have some time. ^^

The tonic is always descending chromatically, but otherwise, it's in E.

Can anyone here with a decent sense of pitch help me out with the first broken descending seventh chord is in Martel's theme? I'm trying to get a sense of what the key is but I don't have perfect pitch, and I failed the listening section in music class. ;)


If you can tell me all the notes that are in this chord, I can ^-^


Alright, I'm ready to comment on those two WIPs :)

Link: Although brief, it's still got a fair amount of promise with the opening statuses here. But I have to agree with much of what's been said already by thinking that the lead into the drums could have been a bit smoother. I'm still appreciating much of the concepts so far, and it should work out once everything starts to fill out.

Usa: You completely surprised me; I was expecting a piano solo, although a party anthem is just as interesting :D In the brief minute the incorporation of the theme is shown to be imaginative, and has managed to add to your diverse moods within your music. There are two things I need to state here though - firstly I'd say it needs some light dynamic processes. In other words, some of the more realistic instrumentation like the brass and the backing percussion could have done with reverb to better fit the room ambience. Depending on the software you work with, you can link the sounds up with a good range of VSTi's (or export the waves individually, apply the reverb in your wave editor and import it back into the mix that way) to make them sound more interesting in terms of granting ambience. Secondly, you sould also think of humanisation; the samples are rather cool for what they were, but some of the sequences feel a bit mechanical. That can be altered with varying attack times, release times, note lengths, velocities (most importantly of all!) and timings. But this is good stuff coming out so far; it'll be interesting to see what else you can do.


Whew... relaxation time. And no way, ABBA are not dead; they're just in a heavy hiatus that may never cease. Oh well... :?

Can anyone here with a decent sense of pitch help me out with the first broken descending seventh chord is in Martel's theme?

it would be easier to download the midi from here I think


just download the Tales of Phantasia midi music collection

Well, it's just a very early WiP. I'm going to add some more stuff to the intro.

I noticed someone say that he heared 2 synths in the intro. That's odd, because it's one synth.

I meant two synth parts, not necessarily two distinct synths. It's just that to introduce the song more smoothly, I'd recommned not introducing the bass and lead part together.

Holy crap, are you good are what? XD

(That's a nice range.)

I'm a baritone in actuallity, but my Jazz Choir teacher got me to sing Tenor.

And then she got me to sing with the Concert Choir too, where I used alot of falsetto, broadening my range.

And I'm only 15!

Imagine what I could hit once my voice settles down..!!

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