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Out of all the gaming "communities", which do you think could stand to see the most improvement? We've all saw people online with Call Of Duty calling you every swear word in the book while telling you how they're going to teabag your mom after they hit you with a tactical nuke. Or the fighting game tourney kids who boycott any "non-tournament worthy" fighting games, rage quit, and scream "scrub" at everyone.

Things like that. What's your worst experience with game fanbases?

We've all saw people online with Call Of Duty calling you every swear word in the book while telling you how they're going to teabag your mom after they hit you with a tactical nuke. Or the fighting game tourney kids who boycott any "non-tournament worthy" fighting games, rage quit, and scream "scrub" at everyone.
inb4 sonic community mentions.

Pretty much all that.

MOBA communities tend to be pretty bad too, too.


Probably any MMO, with the exception of one. 50% of people who play MMOs have given up on life and want to game all day. Dealing with those hostile people in Guild Wars, WoW, etc. sucked. I was also scammed out of my money like five times in GW for some reason.

Final Fantasy XI Online was the exception. Great user base, never scammed once, freakishly helpful people.


I was WAY into Counterstrike in its early days, and I got about as deep as you could go into the league play without going to the CPL (too young at the time, or I would have gone :[). The assholes weren't just kids in public servers, they were kids who happened to be professional gamers. As far as I know, internet douchebaggery was born in Counterstrike, and man... I saw a lot of it. I miss those days, haha. Was I a screaming asshat of a 12-year-old? Damn right, I was.

Final Fantasy XI Online was the exception. Great user base, never scammed once, freakishly helpful people.

Early Everquest was insane. Everyone playing was like 20+ years old -- except 11-year-old me -- and they were all super nice, minus the crazy basement-dwelling powergamers. Seriously, I don't think there will ever again in gaming be a community quite as unique as the original Everquest community. And I'd play FFXI were it not for the fact that MMOs are so mind-bendingly time consuming that I can't justify it anymore now that "real life" has hit.

And I'd play FFXI were it not for the fact that MMOs are so mind-bendingly time consuming that I can't justify it anymore now that "real life" has hit.

Yeah, once you hit mid-levels in pretty much any MMO, a single quest or party-outing requires at least 2 hours of uninterrupted playing.

Or in some of my major quests, 5+ hours, which is just stupid.


Or in some of my major quests, 5+ hours, which is just stupid.

El, Oh, El.

5 hours?

Try a 2 month long quest in Everquest. Go look up the Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl quest sequence for Everquest. Seriously, go google it. Doesn't even matter if you've never played the game. The quest sequence is like a novel. That shit takes AT LEAST a month of several hours a day to complete, and that's IF you have a guild of, oh, 200+ people willing to raid some NPCs for you.

And you can damn well bet I had one :D I miss being a kid so much. Here's to my dream of semi-retiring at 40...

Or the fighting game tourney kids who boycott any "non-tournament worthy" fighting games, rage quit, and scream "scrub" at everyone.

this is the dumbest thing anyone has said in this thread

mainly because this only happens when people try to go to a tournament and then be like 'wut i dun get it why no smash bawlz in brawl??' and get mad they can't go to a tournament and play by their own rules. the fighting community is one of the most personable out of all of them.

moba communities are the worst though mostly because the games are free i think

Dealing with those hostile people in Guild Wars, WoW, etc. sucked. I was also scammed out of my money like five times in GW for some reason.

See, I've had nothing but good experiences on Guild Wars, and I've been playing it since it was released. I'm not sure how deep into the game you were, but I always kept up on any news related to the game, be it official or community-based, and knew exactly how to tell when somebody was trying to scam me and what to look out for. You can get scammed on pretty much any MMO, especially if you're out of the information loop.

I mostly just play on Xbox Live now, and in my experience, Halo has the absolute worst community right now. Before then, it was Counter-Strike. I haven't been on CS in years, but I'm willing to bet it's still pretty bad.


I mostly just play on Xbox Live now, and in my experience, Halo has the absolute worst community right now. Before then, it was Counter-Strike. I haven't been on CS in years, but I'm willing to bet it's still pretty bad.

Yep, going to confirm CS 1.6 is still awful. I can't tell if the 12 year olds on the public servers are just a different generation of tweens or if it's the same douches from 2001 who never quite ventured beyond the racecar bed.

... and for some reason, there are a TON of Mexicans who play CS 1.6 now. Seriously, why an 11 year old game?

... and for some reason, there are a TON of Mexicans who play CS 1.6 now. Seriously, why an 11 year old game?

Like the same reason as with Halo PC 1.0; Piracy.

Strangely, I've never been scammed in GW. Met a lot of hostile people, though, but not as much as WoW.

I would like to second the fact that FFXI had an absurdly kind community as far as MMOs go.

I also second the fact that MOBA (ARTS, or whatever you want to call them) communities are pretty terrible. But I get the feeling that most PVP oriented games have a community like that.

not that much, like when you go on a tf2 public server usually people don't care if you're bad the only time i've ever seen someone get really dressed down is when they a) call someone a hacker or B) start complaining about something being cheap

general note here: anytime you call something cheap as if the person who did it is at fault while playing a multiplayer video game regularly, you have lost all credibility regardless of whether or not it's true. this means you are bad at scenario recognition.

this is the dumbest thing anyone has said in this thread

mainly because this only happens when people try to go to a tournament and then be like 'wut i dun get it why no smash bawlz in brawl??' and get mad they can't go to a tournament and play by their own rules. the fighting community is one of the most personable out of all of them.

moba communities are the worst though mostly because the games are free i think

This comment here is a shining example of fighting games tourney people aggressiveness.

I get why people who are skilled and invest a lot of time in a game find it annoying to be called 'cheap' by others. What I don't get is why people who are less skilled or want to play the game on a more casual level are considered sub-humans and aren't allowed to enjoy the game.

I also get why those less skilled people might want to create arbitrary rules to make the games more enjoyable and why they would find being called 'scrubs' annoying.

This comment here is a shining example of fighting games tourney people aggressiveness.

I get why people who are skilled and invest a lot of time in a game find it annoying to be called 'cheap' by others. What I don't get is why people who are less skilled or want to play the game on a more casual level are considered sub-humans and aren't allowed to enjoy the game.

I also get why those less skilled people might want to create arbitrary rules to make the games more enjoyable and why they would find being called 'scrubs' annoying.

look i'll even give you that. all i'm saying is that this 'passive-agressive' attitude you speak of comes up when people try and play at their lower level and then act as if everyone else should as well.

SSBB is a perfect example of this. when the game was still in its early years, there was a huge group of people who came in who hadn't played either of the earlier two smash brothers games, and tried to make it so all official tournaments would have items in them. everyone who had been playing the games before knew that was a bad idea, and said so. most were even cordial enough to say 'do tournaments your own way and we'll keep doing what we know works.' despite this, both online and in person people would come to tournaments and complain about the lack of items and smash balls, and everyone else was like WTF.

i mean, wouldn't you get mad if a bunch of people showed up at a basketball court and was like 'NO WE WANT TO PLAY BASKETBALL WHERE U DON'T HAVE TO DRIBBLE TO MOVE' and acted as if they were in the right? i would.

I don't think that anyone in the fighting game community goes out of their way to slam on DBZ games or naruto fighting games or anything like that. they just hate it when dumb people come to tournaments and act like they should be good, and then whine and cry when they get stomped.


the fact that smash players think items should be turned off is the exact thing they're talking about

it doesn't matter if they've kept them off since the first game, it has always and will always be dumb


Surely if you're the best at Smash Brothers, that would mean that you would be able to adapt to any stage and any random item drop?

Also Dotalikes aren't the worst because of them being free, but because you're put in a situation where you're on a team with a bunch of strangers, you're forced to work towards a cooperative goal, and a single player dragging you down will affect your whole team.


OCR, hate those guys. >:[

Jokes aside, a thread just for venting about communities you hate seems like kindling for a flame war. Maybe it's more important to discuss what can be done on your part or their admins' parts to mitigate specific factors that contribute to the aspects of their community you dislike.

I get why people who are skilled and invest a lot of time in a game find it annoying to be called 'cheap' by others. What I don't get is why people who are less skilled or want to play the game on a more casual level are considered sub-humans and aren't allowed to enjoy the game.

That is a very valid point and one that takes me back to the rhythm gaming communities (Guitar Hero in particular) - fun to play, but otherwise so painfully elitist.

When I first got GH World Tour, what I was hoping to do was to just start on Easy, with the eventual goal of passing everything on Expert guitar (which finally happened just over a year ago when I passed 'Satch Boogie' on Expert for the first time).

Along the way to keep improving, and somehow being stumped at some of the expert charts that would take me mere weeks/months to build up the dexterity to manage, I cited Youtube vids for some of the charts, and to see some of those people hitting every single note on some of the harder songs being all "this is too easy/boring to play" (the Ozzy Osbourne tracks in the game in particular), all it was was more inspiration to try and keep improving my methods, even though there were some songs on expert that I couldn't pass for a long time.

Then when Guitar Hero 5 came out with the opportunity to play online with different instruments (in which around that time my best 'pass' was 'Bark at the Moon'), that gave me the chance to be more flexible with my playing style. But it annoyed me so much that there would even be many people coming online to pick songs that they would be completely unable to play, AT ALL. And I even noticed a handful of people that couldn't even pass some of the easier songs on medium or something daft. And even if you consider yourself good, you'd still have painfully hard customs to tell you otherwise and the sadistic attitudes behind them.

So basically, whether you're a rookie or a very skilled gamer who invested a lot of time into the game, you just can't win at rhythm gaming either. :?

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