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Posted (edited)

No messages from Chernabogue. Not sure what's going on or if it got lost in limbo :/ I'll contact TheGuitahHeroe, any files I had are long gone with hardware backups and losses so I'm hoping he still has the WIP.

edit: or rather, the wav itself. all i ever had was the mp3. i haven't even been able to listen to the remix since my file lost 2 years ago 'cause he hid it on his box account. never bothered asking for it after that.

Edited by urdailywater
Posted (edited)

Just realized what happened, I think GuitahHeroe was the only name in the old thread so he probably got the PM. I guess I'll wait for word from Chernabogue if he gets a response, and in the meantime ask Will if he has the wav. :-)

edit: Honestly our line-up right now is FANTASTIC, but if anyone else is 100% sure they can deliver their finished WAV within a month, please let us know! This EP is going to be awesome! Thank you!

Edited by Brandon Strader

I really appreciate it Brandon. Would you possibly mind sending me the WAV when/if you get it? I'd like to be able to listen to the song in the meantime. It was very pleasant :)

I'll also do my part and hit TGH up on Skype if he doesn't respond in time here. That's the only other place I'd know where to find him. That loving bastard. :3


Yeah... unfortunately I'm on such a time crunch that June 10 does not look like it'll work for me. Wish the deadline was a few weeks later. :/ Oh well. Someone else take the track I was originally gonna do, cuz it's awesome (It's the Super Mario Land overworld theme).

Can't wait to see what happens with this project, though. :)

Posted (edited)

I've got a tentative snab on Super Mario Land's Chai Kingdom but it depends on if I can do it soon enough in addition to DBZ.. that's why it's not on the list.. definitely need to get that game covered, it's the game I had for GB way back :-)

If anyone wants to grab the game please do, I'm not going to be so overly strict about dupes from a game, especially with how small EP is now -- just not particularly keen on 2 of the same source.

And yes, we've got 3 wavs! From Chernabogue, timaeus222, and Bluelighter/XPRTNovice. Nice to have roughly 50% of an EP done here. :-) It's good to have so much with such a short deadline going...

Edited by Brandon Strader

I'm having trouble getting in touch with TGH, but I'm sure I'll get in touch before the deadline. I"m just curious, if it comes down to it, would the MP3 by itself be ok? I'm pretty sure by itself if it's up to submission standards to the site, I'm just not sure if TGH even has the project file anymore since it was so long ago. He might, but might not.

I know the Links Awakening had it to where some songs didn't have WAV's available at submission and was wondering if that'd work here (if it wasn't available)


I left TGH a message on Facebook, we shall see what he's got eventually! I'm not too worried. He'll probably have something (It'd be super rare for a musician to finish a song and then lose it unless there's a hard drive failure or something)

I'd like to have WAVs so I can make FLACs/MP3s for release and have everything be consistent. Not a fan of inconsistency in that way.. Hopefully everything is ok, just gonna wait for word.


I've got the flu so I'm gonna leave current WIP listening to Chernabogue if anyone sends WIPs (make sure to cc both of us)

I sent out a tweet on the tweeter asking for an 8bit cover artist. It got retweetered by OCR. Hopefully something good comes along. If anyone knows someone who could make a cool 8bit style cover I think that would be pretty fitting.

How about The Coop? :)

We've got something almost done by the Coop, so we are pretty comfortable to hit this June 10th deadline. No hold-ups from not having artwork done!

Got it. Hope you'll go better soon, Brandon.

I'm still coughing like a sailor and nose issues, but given enough hours I can warm up my voice well enough to try to sing, and my hearing is decent. I can resume listening to some WIPs.

PLEASE, to anyone working on songs or who has a WAV they need to send in, please do so ASAP! The closer we get to the deadline without them, the more anxiety the Bogue and I will have.. and it will stink to have to cut anything out because it's not done on time.

I'll be starting on my mix tonight and will hopefully get it finished. The source material is really good.

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