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The VGA's were on tonight I watch them because not much else on to watch

They end the night with an announcement on MGR.

First things first.

We now know what happened to TLA. (Team Little Angels)

They're working on MGR. (platinum games)

MGR will NOT be stealth action

Raiden is the Primary it looks like

The style is clearly that of an Action game in the vein of DMC and others. And by god the trailer they showed tonight looked AMAZING. I know a lot of people probably wanted stealth action but Hideo's going for an entirely new look on the Metal Gear series. Hideo's got the story and the team that did some of the best mechanical work in an action game in a good long time. Gear up boys. This might even get a PC launch.


Oh come on! :P there was literally nothing on around here and i've gone through my DVD supply for a while. But seriously i was flipping it on and off not really paying attention until that happened.

Besides...its not like i have that much respect on here to begin with i'm a lurker who posts sometimes not an active/remixer. xD


I saw several things worth watching from We Were Soldiers to The Polar Express.

But the MGS Rising er.... I mean Revengence, was the absolute biggest letdown of the show for me. Even worse than Bioware and Epic's reveals. The game has a tenth of the polished look from the last trailer a year ago. And they are making it look and play exactly like Vanquish IMO. I think what I'm really disappointed about is that people don't die in a slash like we saw in the first trailer. They should have at least shown some footage of the environment being slashed like they did last time.

But whatever. There was absolutely nothing worth seeing for my particular interests. Even "The Last of Us" didn't appeal to me. Sure it looked like technical marvel, but it's just not my type of game.


Personally being a big metal gear fan to me the whole trailer looked like a bayonetta clone,

I mean picking up a metal gear ray and slicing it to pieces?

and the dialogue was pure urgh... what is this a samurai film?

I got into the metal gear series for the great story, this trailer showed none of that.

I will wait to see later how it turns out, but so far i'm unimpressed.


Considering how Kojima makes trailers for his games purposefully misleading (Snake as the main character of MGS2, repeated shots of Old Snake putting a gun in his mouth in the MIddle East for MGS4), I wonder how much truth there is to the trailer. I mean, it was over the top in a very self-aware fashion. It is kind of hard to a trailer that says "Revegeance" seriously.


Obligatory Metal Gear Awesome Reference...? Or sorry I'm reading far too into this maybe >_<

Kojima is only overseeing this, Platinum the makers of Bayonnetta are making this and it shows. Since Kojima admitted he was trying to kill of snake and possibly end the franchise, perhaps these guys were right. I love action games but this isn't the type of production KP is known for.

People wonder why the Dragonball series is so drawn out and weird... well the truth is that it was suppose to end at the Freeza Saga. Then at the Cell Saga (which is why Goku died actually)... but it was Akira Toriyama's supervisors and fans that demanded the series be stretched out. I hope the same thing doesn't happen to Metal Gear

Akira Toriyama's supervisors and fans that demanded the series be stretched out. I hope the same thing doesn't happen to Metal Gear

Technically, Kojima was done with Metal Gear after the first one. But his former collegues convinced him to make MG2 Solid Snake, and it was a masterpiece.

Later, when he said that he was gonna pass the rod to his team for MGS4, he received death threat from angry fans, which provided incentive to continue directing.

So, not only this has already happened to Metal Gear, it will happen again, cause it's standard policy for mangas, animes, movies and videogames since the 80s.

There is no compelling reason for Konami, or any big game company out there not to stretch a popular franchise and squeeze it dry with Hollywood-style sequelitis.

Now on topic: armored Vamp wielding a freaking hi-frequency blade while battling Raiden on top of a moving train. Wait, what? :dstrbd:

Now on topic: armored Vamp wielding a freaking hi-frequency blade while battling Raiden on top of a moving train. Wait, what? :dstrbd:

Not any more bizarre than Snake dodging a missile in Twin Snakes.

Or well, anything in the series, really. It's pretty over the top when you get down to it; MGR just seems like it's removing the faux-realism filter and turning things to 11.


I'm still not sure what to think of this. I'll definitely play it, looks fun. though from this trailer everything seems kinda choppy animation wise...like...a lot. I don't care if it's an action game or stealth game, I'm not snake and raiden doesn't have to be sneaky at all so I'm ok with it as long as the game doesn't blow.

I am kinda disappoint that they changed the timeline. I was interested in how raiden went from zero to HOLYSHITCYBORGNINJA. but whatever I guess.

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