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This is of course really clean. I listened this song on VGMix and put it in my toplist a few times ago. This is probably very cool for the Megaman fans. I enjoyed a lot what Shariq Ansari did with this track. In terms of arrangement and instrumentation, it is too satisfactory and pleasant. Very interesting effort.


I've been listening to this song for quite awhile, and its still just as enjoyable as ever. I agree that X doesn't get much coverage, and this is definitely the perfect song to compliment X.

I can see some influence from Makoto Jungle Jazz, which happens to be one of my top favorite mixes as well.


Aw man, this mix is going way back. I remember catching it on VGMix several months ago, and even to date I find it to be one of Shariq's better works published. I can't associate the track with its inspiration given that I haven't listened to Matoko Jungle Jazz yet, but the style is there to easily capture the recognition X deserves.

Naturally I'll quote in my semi-old VGmix review, which was somehow generated before I knew about his dislike for the play-by-play system O.o

Production techniques

I have seen some references to his Chrono Trigger arrangement Through the Dark through some high-speed drum references and the use of relaxed keyboard instrumentation alongside it, therefore showing that this track should be in a familiar state. Stereo panning is present through elements of drum spread, some light space being given to the keyboard instruments and steady placements of the remaining channels. The instruments are shown to be at a very high quality - maybe higher than some of his previous works? And the sound levels have also been warmly created well enough, even though I feel that there should be a bit more emphasis towards the treble instruments to compete with the bass. In general this setup is very good and should be set to take the listener through the piece at a powerful state.

Compositional structure

The use of the Rhodes piano has been showcased well enough in the gentle introduction, helping to add a laid back atmosphere to begin with. The melody soon starts to show up at 0:20, still appropriately fitting for the moods for the listener, and thus carefully fitting with the theme as required. The variance of the drums is also seen to create some strong interest-related liberties, adding to the tracks main strengths easily. If there seemed to be a light slip somewhere on the lines, I'd probably gesture at some elements of instrument expression, although I dont really see it was a big thing.

At the turn of the 1 minute mark, the chilled moods start to return slightly, before we get another melodic riff being provided at 1:07. It fools you first by providing the first elements of the original melody line, but 2 bars in it breaks into a very good set of improvisation, which should be able to guide a very strong emphasis that I doubt I've seen in some of Shariq's recent works. In other words, this area has to be seen as a highlight. Its entrance might have been a bit justified though, but it's not that big a problem - still very good.

1:58 brings in a brief return of the chilled moods once more, before the melody starts to build up over time - first it's a variation with pitches altered, then it's the original, and then both melodies coming together before the whole sequence comes together. Now I see this to be a good way to create a slick climax for the listener, even though I feel that the textures here could have wanted to welcome another instrument channel to go alongside it.

The ending shows a nice breakdown from 3:05 onwards, where the minimal instrument textures show once more, guiding the listener down a relaxed finishing scenario. I'm not exactly too fond of fade-out endings though, but I can admit that it's been positioned at the right time at the right place, embedded almost flawlessly to match. So that should be set to satisfy the listener accordingly.

Naturally you can tell that I really enjoyed this; compositionally there's definitely a broader sense of ambition in comparison to some of his other works, and the atmosphere is also up there to generate a well produced track fitting of its moods. I do have to agree with Larry that some of the areas of the track sounded a little bit thin and empty on both fronts, but after a few listens you'll be able to see that it won't hinder the experience that much; just seen as a light distraction that might falter for some.

But as far as I can see, this is definitely some great, GREAT work from Shark, and one that people should really check out. Well done once more, and let's see you provide some more material in the future :)


I'm going to sum my opinion of this in a cliche one word sentence as though my opinion is not just a drop in the bucket, but the actual bucket a drop is being placed in:


Yea, that sums it up very well.

Post-edit after further criticism to give further props to Darke:

I guess it's difficult to enjoy a song such as this from more recent Mega Man remixes considering those had more symphonic elements that continuouslly said "HERE I AM!! ROOOOOARR!" (especially considering recent entry from MMZ2, Cool Mind).

Yet, this song can be appreciated in the dynamic that it seems static but actually has quite a bit going on within; as noticed a bit down, the tempo changes slightly in the second half of the song, primarily as it nears to the 2:00 mark, but then resumes its previous groove.

This may be a mix more or less meant to be in a certain mood for it, but that it has some ambience to it alludes to a further "chill" feeling - that this song may introduce that mood, a la the recently departed Israfel's Shiver's remix, Cerebral Rose Jam; however, the latter does so in a much more seductive way.

Father of All may not be a direct "kick you in your FACE so you move" kind of song, but at least its a good, steady melody that proves to be a good mix over the original.


I think it's boring because it feels like the song never really starts. It's like it's in one of those little artistic slowdowns that you get in a lot of the songs on this page, but here it never gets back to the real song. Did that make any sense or was it just confusing? :)

I think it's boring because it feels like the song never really starts. It's like it's in one of those little artistic slowdowns that you get in a lot of the songs on this page, but here it never gets back to the real song. Did that make any sense or was it just confusing? :)

What you're saying makes sense, but I don't see it applying to my song. Plenty of pretty clear ups and downs. I wasn't subtle about anything.


It doesn't exactly come out and slap you like a goat remix or something, but it does have distinct tempo changes and whatnot, even if it doesn't have a wildly different range of "sound". It sticks pretty close to its synth-jazz-pop theme throughout the song, so expecting randomness in terms of a solo here or there or wild variations within the song is going to lead to disappointment.

I liked it. I give it 3 stars out of 4. I prefer Gecko Yamori and DiscoDan's Megaman works, but I consider this still very worthwhile.

I think it's boring because it feels like the song never really starts. It's like it's in one of those little artistic slowdowns that you get in a lot of the songs on this page, but here it never gets back to the real song. Did that make any sense or was it just confusing? :)

What you're saying makes sense, but I don't see it applying to my song. Plenty of pretty clear ups and downs. I wasn't subtle about anything.

I have to agree with Dectilon, this song is boring. After you've heard the first 63 seconds of this song, you've pretty much heard it all, and everything that follows is pretty standard remixing 101. "Ups and downs" doesn't really cut it when it comes to creating a work thats truly outstanding. If you were listening to 1000 remixes in a row, would this one stand out? I think not.


I've listened to it several times now and find it to be relaxing. It has enough variety to keep it from being boring, but it maintains the same feel throughout the mix. You have to be in a certain mood to really appreciate it but the same can be said for all music really.

The mix strikes me as being a bit melancholy. Don't know if that's what Darkesword was aiming for, but that's the way I interpret the piece and it fits the character IMO. Since I tend to organize my playlists by mood anyway, this works very well for me.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Props for the mix, I enjoyed it. Thanks for wasting your time reading this post.

And yes, X > zero :wink:


I'm a megaman music fan and this is going to the top of the "most listened to" list for me. I know it doesn't have much as far as dynamics and originality go, but like Stealth said it's really relaxing. Nothing too complicated, just doze music.

I think the X theme for X4 was the best one, though the first three handed the award to Zero :P

Great choice for remix material, keep it up ^^


This is going in my OCR favorites folder. It really sounds more like something you'd hear in Mega Man Legends. Must be something with the style. I love it.

I think it's boring because it feels like the song never really starts. It's like it's in one of those little artistic slowdowns that you get in a lot of the songs on this page, but here it never gets back to the real song. Did that make any sense or was it just confusing? :)

What you're saying makes sense, but I don't see it applying to my song. Plenty of pretty clear ups and downs. I wasn't subtle about anything.

I have to agree with Dectilon, this song is boring. After you've heard the first 63 seconds of this song, you've pretty much heard it all, and everything that follows is pretty standard remixing 101. "Ups and downs" doesn't really cut it when it comes to creating a work thats truly outstanding. If you were listening to 1000 remixes in a row, would this one stand out? I think not.

you're a fucking idiot.

this song is pretty cool stuff.

I think it's boring because it feels like the song never really starts. It's like it's in one of those little artistic slowdowns that you get in a lot of the songs on this page, but here it never gets back to the real song. Did that make any sense or was it just confusing? :)

What you're saying makes sense, but I don't see it applying to my song. Plenty of pretty clear ups and downs. I wasn't subtle about anything.

I have to agree with Dectilon, this song is boring. After you've heard the first 63 seconds of this song, you've pretty much heard it all, and everything that follows is pretty standard remixing 101. "Ups and downs" doesn't really cut it when it comes to creating a work thats truly outstanding. If you were listening to 1000 remixes in a row, would this one stand out? I think not.

you're a fucking idiot.

this song is pretty cool stuff.

Please keep insults out of the review threads.

  • 3 weeks later...

I think this is pretty cool stuff overall. My favorite part has to be that crazy piano solo - slick work. Definitely has that indescribable Mega Man X4 feel thoughout the whole ReMix, which brings me joy.

My biggest problem with this song is the reverb, which didn't become all that annoying until I played it in my car and gave me headaches at certain points, which is rare for me.

Still, I find that this has great arrangement and is thoroughly enjoyable. :nicework:

great job shariq, he was defending your song and you probly made him feel bad for it, or at least angry with you. great job building a fan base that way.

I'm not interested in "building a fanbase." Part of my job here is to moderate the forums; if someone doesn't like my mix, then they're perfectly within their rights to express that in a review thread; however, there is no need for someone to be called a "fucking idiot" just because they don't like my music.

I appreciate his sentiments and his attempt to defend my song, but the language was overly harsh and has no place in review threads.

Anyway, thanks for your review.

  • 1 month later...

This remix is fantastic. It's coherent. It feels like Mega Man .

You can kinda see the twilight in the sky with Mega Man jumping from rooftop to rooftop with Zero lurking kinda in the distance just watching and waiting.

Then things start to pick up. Elaboration of the central melody begins. X sees a maverick. Fight ensues and the melody gets more complex and quick.

X gets the better of it and chills again. The beginning segment plays again and it's morning.

Edit: Think "A" by DJ Amuro, but Mega Man style.

  • 3 weeks later...
I think it's boring because it feels like the song never really starts. It's like it's in one of those little artistic slowdowns that you get in a lot of the songs on this page, but here it never gets back to the real song. Did that make any sense or was it just confusing? :)

I'm gonna hafta sorta agree..? It felt like I was tip-toeing around some glass roses or something. I certainly didn't feel like killing evil robots. It's kinda elevatorish with some very predictable drumming. Kinda British sounding. I just couldn't get into it.

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