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Mirror site doesn't show up for me, either. Not that it matters, because I've had the project since last week and am one of the mirrors, but regardless! :P

I read up on the Tales-Project biographies, and they're all serious and stuff.

Thanks, Carbunkle. :lol: It's not my fault!

BTW, if you're not going to use my mirror, let me know so I can free up the space?

We originally had it up, but we removed it about an hour ago. Feel free to clear up the space. Thanks for offering it to us, man. If the supertux mirrors hadn't gone through, we would have needed it for sure...

ALSO, working on the mirror page..


Seeding all night. Get me while you can!

I know I'm not a part of this project in any way, but did somebody e-mail planetdoom.com the good news? If it's as big as SLy says, might be a good idea.

I'm torrenting it now. I'm excited. :lol:

EDIT: My excitement died a little when I saw the size. It's fuckin huge. But, the torrent is going... very slowly.

The size comes from the lossless flac files. If you're not fussy about having absolutely top-notch music, then deselect the flac files and just download the mp3's. It'll be much quicker and free up some bandwidth for other torrent users.


Just finished listening to it all. Still unsure what to really think of it. Many of my opinions will sound like nit-picking, but I still feel I should voice them.

First off, I acknowledge that this may be the boldest and riskiest arrangment project possible. The Doom soundtrack forced you guys to stick to basically the same tone throughout every song, which in my opinion bogged down the lengthy 1.5 hours of listening. I'm thinking "Damn, this is awesome" after the first 5 tracks, but then it starts to get tiresome after 10 more tracks that are all built around the same ideas: distortion, a feeling of chaos, and synths going off in every direction.

Tracks 1-2 really, really kicked my ass. The transition between the two is by FAR the greatest moment of the whole project, and it's little things like this that should have been evident throughout the whole album. Voices on track 1 are well executed, and some suprisingly impressive guitar work on track 2 and also track 5 from some guys whose work I'm not too familiar with.

From there on however, it's really a mixed bag. Very few memorable moments, at times it seems there's an alarming lack of musical creativity and experimentation. Not too many things that stood out, except for perhaps the ending on Dan B's title track.

The idea for an Intermission gave me the sense that you guys understood the use of a filler track, but the execution of it here makes me doubt that. Yes, you had good intentions of dividing up this lengthy 23 track listen with the Intermission, but it's how it sets up the following track that's important. Tracks following filler tracks generally don't need intros, so as good as the drums are at the beginning of Infiltrator, it sort of destroys the purpose of the track before it. Fillers are generally intended serve AS the intro for the next track, which brings up my next point...

As offensive as this may seem, Ghosts of Mars and Secrets and Lies should have been made into filler tracks themselves. Eliminate the beat on Ghosts of Mars, make it about a minute long, and it sounds a whole lot more ethereal and makes it a better change of pace with a tone of mystery rather than the tone of danger that exists everywhere else on the CD. Secrets and Lies is pretty much already perfect as a filler track...except that its about 3 minutes too long to be one. You're probably thinking "Why won't this guy shut up with this filler talk? Filler filler filler blah blah blah." Really, I think fillers are the only way to save something like this when you've got the same tone throughout a double disc set. You had the right idea with Intermission, but it's still damn tiresome consecutively listening to 11 songs over 4 minutes long each.

Then there's that vocal track at 22. I like vocal tracks, and I think this one's pretty good, but it's awkward as hell. For 21 tracks you try to pull me into this feeling that I'm on an alien planet, desparately fighting for my life to survive against these gruesome monsters around me, and suddenly this female voice is clearly singing out to me "Trust in me, that's all you can do." Eh? Instead of having one full blown vocal track with lyrics, having silently spoken lyrics littered throughout the tracks would have worked, sort of building the sense that the main character is hearing voices in his head or something.

Overall, some moments of brilliance, holds up well compared to previous arrangement project efforts, but contains some ideas that could be executed a little better.

Then there's that vocal track at 22. I like vocal tracks, and I think this one's pretty good, but it's awkward as hell. For 21 tracks you try to pull me into this feeling that I'm on an alien planet, desparately fighting for my life to survive against these gruesome monsters around me, and suddenly this female voice is clearly singing out to me "Trust in me, that's all you can do." Eh? Instead of having one full blown vocal track with lyrics, having silently spoken lyrics littered throughout the tracks would have worked, sort of building the sense that the main character is hearing voices in his head or something.

First off, thank you for giving your opinion on the project in a polite fashion. That means a lot.

I'm just going to address this issue above. Some of you may realise by now that the final sections of the project (the last 3-4 songs) were meant to sound like the culimination of a movie soundtrack. Dan B's is the biggest example of this, the climactic final battle and its resolution. My decision to place larsec's track right afterwards was based on the general idea that, in many cases, after a movie is over, there is a vocal track over the credits - maybe the main theme song or something like that. I felt like Larsec's track, with the dark yet hopeful lyrics, fit well as a "Credit Roll" sort of deal. If you disagree, that's perfectly fine. I know that this project won't please EVERYONE who listens to it and I understand that.

Again, thanks for your comments. I hope you get what I was trying to achieve.


We should put a disclaimer on the Website front page:

Warning: This Remix Project is a cohesive album, not a compilation of remixes in the vein of Kong In Concert. It is dark & industrial. Do not listen if you are currently taking medication for balding, diarrhea, anti-depressents, male IMPotence & are pregnant or breast feeding.

But yeah, I'm still d/ling (damned dial up) but what I've heard so far is awesome. I'm all for industrial dark stuff so this album is right up my alley. As opposed to my driveway, which I've parked my car in. Awesome work guys, I'll post again for the hell of it once I'm done d/ling.

EDIT: Fixed. I somehow typed RoTC instead of KiC. Thanks for pointing that out SOC.

Then there's that vocal track at 22. I like vocal tracks, and I think this one's pretty good, but it's awkward as hell. For 21 tracks you try to pull me into this feeling that I'm on an alien planet, desparately fighting for my life to survive against these gruesome monsters around me, and suddenly this female voice is clearly singing out to me "Trust in me, that's all you can do." Eh? Instead of having one full blown vocal track with lyrics, having silently spoken lyrics littered throughout the tracks would have worked, sort of building the sense that the main character is hearing voices in his head or something.

My decision to place larsec's track right afterwards was based on the general idea that, in many cases, after a movie is over, there is a vocal track over the credits - maybe the main theme song or something like that. I felt like Larsec's track, with the dark yet hopeful lyrics, fit well as a "Credit Roll" sort of deal. If you disagree, that's perfectly fine. I know that this project won't please EVERYONE who listens to it and I understand that.

The way I thought it out and planned the lyrics was to have someone tell a story, a very dark and disturbing story. Then at "Through the flames I see them coming" the listener becomes aware that the story teller is actually a part of the story. The story keeps darkening and prospects for the future look bleak. Then the story teller says she will save you, to come to her and be safe, to rest at ease... But it turns out to be a trick. She is actually part of the forces of Darkness and now, that she has lured the listener in, the listner will surely die...

Then there's that vocal track at 22. I like vocal tracks, and I think this one's pretty good, but it's awkward as hell. For 21 tracks you try to pull me into this feeling that I'm on an alien planet, desparately fighting for my life to survive against these gruesome monsters around me, and suddenly this female voice is clearly singing out to me "Trust in me, that's all you can do." Eh? Instead of having one full blown vocal track with lyrics, having silently spoken lyrics littered throughout the tracks would have worked, sort of building the sense that the main character is hearing voices in his head or something.

My decision to place larsec's track right afterwards was based on the general idea that, in many cases, after a movie is over, there is a vocal track over the credits - maybe the main theme song or something like that. I felt like Larsec's track, with the dark yet hopeful lyrics, fit well as a "Credit Roll" sort of deal. If you disagree, that's perfectly fine. I know that this project won't please EVERYONE who listens to it and I understand that.

The way I thought it out and planned the lyrics was to have someone tell a story, a very dark and disturbing story. Then at "Through the flames I see them coming" the listener becomes aware that the story teller is actually a part of the story. The story keeps darkening and prospects for the future look bleak. Then the story teller says she will save you, to come to her and be safe, to rest at ease... But it turns out to be a trick. She is actually part of the forces of Darkness and now, that she has lured the listener in, the listner will surely die...

Ooh, thanks for correcting me on that.

PS: We are now news on VGMix and DaSauce. Good stuff.


Wow, our first hatemail:

Far from the mark, you guys totaly missed the fucking mark with this terrible shit, holy fuck, you suck. This is the first hate mail I've ever written, damn, you guys blow.

Vocals in the text music?

WTF is up with the interrmision? its just pops and whistles.

What are you gonna do next? Buy an origonal, mint condition shelby cobra and drive it into the mona lisa?

I suggested that we could take the new car and drive it into him instead.

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