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OCR01390 - Super Metroid "Energy Tank"


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mega goodstuffs!

I really dig the middle section...chill flow and then build up of the beat... i really dug that...

though I felt that transition from the chill to the main beat again (2:18/2:19) was a little drowned out by the revvin sound effect you had in there... i could have been a little cleaner but...

all round nicely done :D

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In my opinion, this remix battles FF Mystic Quest - Mystic Mountain for the best intro on the site. The intro to this one blew me away. Then yeah, it sorta got into a "random trance with the source ing the background" rut for a while, with the energy kicked up in a new direction around 2:20, in a Donkey Kong Country minecart madness sort of vibe.

Imagine if the original material is a basepath in a baseball game, the remix is a baserunner. If the runner gets too far away from the basepath, he's out. If he stays too centered on the basepath, the fielder will tag him out, he's got to stray a LITTLE bit. Good remixing is all about maintaining that fine balance, and in this case he's diving off the basepath but still manages to get his hand on home plate, barely. Safe.

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This song is like Samus executed her "speed boost" attack and just kept running. That was the first image that popped into my head was that blurry varia suit. A driving beat with a mach 4 tempo. Solid tech/trance and not too repetitive at all. Which is hard to do with techno by the way. Engaging from the get go and doesn't LET go. (heh heh, I made a rhyme) Kick ass Metroid mix! Nice job!

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Awesome stuff!

Well done dude. As someone who has never played much into the game (never owned a SNES and I hate emulators), I can't relate to where it comes from.

Anyhooo it's cool.

sux2bu. Super Metroid STILL holds its own in EVERY aspect...gameplay, music, and surprisingly enough graphics. There's something about well-executed, colorful sprites that will never be beaten.

Of course, for something similar and almost as good, Metroid Zero Mission for GBA is very very worth it.

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I don't see this as being too liberal at all... A liberal interpretation, yes, but it doesn't stray too far from the source material. I'm hearing source material at least 90% of the time in this mix.

Anyways, I really enjoyed listening to this one, great job. My only gripe is that reverb, which makes the mix sound rather muddy. It's not too bad though.

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Awesome stuff!

Well done dude. As someone who has never played much into the game (never owned a SNES and I hate emulators), I can't relate to where it comes from.

Anyhooo it's cool.

sux2bu. Super Metroid STILL holds its own in EVERY aspect...gameplay, music, and surprisingly enough graphics. There's something about well-executed, colorful sprites that will never be beaten.

Of course, for something similar and almost as good, Metroid Zero Mission for GBA is very very worth it.

Yeah, I'm going to pick Zero Mission up in a couple of months (I have MP2 soon). What I'd really love is for them to release a gba double game cartridge with Super Metroid and Metroid 2 (only with colour). I think there is a market for it. I'd grab it straight away.

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ah Super Metriod...never really thought Brinstar could be taken this way...very interesting, the intro and a bit from there was a mad powerful beat (I'm thinking 'battle music'? 8) I'd glady trade in my screw attack for that :) ) but then it breaks into a somewhat calmer, spacey sort of trance...I like it and that's all there is to it :D nj 8)

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What I'd really love is for them to release a gba double game cartridge with Super Metroid and Metroid 2 (only with colour). I think there is a market for it. I'd grab it straight away.
So would I... join the club.

As for this mix, I enjoyed it. I'm hearing a progression at 0:58-1:02 (among other places) reminiscent of Robert Miles' 'Children'.

Great work.

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So I beat Prime 2 Echoes just the other night and I know it doesn't really relate, but it's been making me think about Super Metriod again.. gotta break out the SNES again and try to beat my old time. Always loved the Brinstar theme, and this was a great rendition and variation of it! Awesome work, I want more! :D

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A wonderful addition to the Metroid mixes here at OC. I read the Judges Decision on this and was overwhelmed with pros and cons, but I think that the production was solid and it wasn't too liberal at all. This would be my first pick for an action scene in a Metroid movie. Great Track

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Awesome mix! I didn't feel that it was too liberal, especially since the main flute-ish theme comes in once the original material is developed. I might be the only one saying this, but I think the bassline worked really well, as it effectively drove the beat forward.

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I do have one addition to the previous post, now that a little time has past... my only complaint is that it is too short! Perhaps that's why some of the people think the mix is boring - because there is a lot of what could be considered intro and comparatively there isn't much of a body to the song. As I see it, the body of the song is at 2:20 and ends slightly before 3:10. I remember someone saying that this would be great as a Metriod live-action version of a battle scene or something, and it really works well in this light. If it were to be a standalone track, that portion from 2:20 to 3:10 should be expounded upon. My original opinion still stands, though. I want more stuff like this! :) Ja ne!

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