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So I finally got bored and went to a battleground. It was fun sometimes, but half of the time the Horde is SO unorganized. People run out alone instead of waiting for everyone else.


That's a quality of Alliance as well, and could probably be attributed moreso to the general lack of organization in pickup battleground groups as a whole.

Though in general, I'd say that Arathi Basin is substantially more conducive to teamwork and organization, since everyone is pretty much relegated to either attacking or defending a base -- which doesn't require a whole lot of attention to detail.

BTW, is it just me or has there been a sharp decline in the interactivity or players recently. I haven't been in a group with any of my characters unless it has been someone I've known for a good while.

For a game oriented around player-to-player interaction, very few people ever seem interested in grouping anymore. And really, if I wanted that, I'd play Oblivion.


I've had a few random people group with me when i'd ask for help with a quest, but it takes a little time to get someone.

All I know is that I'm so sick of getting bot /ts or whatever about some PLing/gold selling website.

  The Xyco said:
That's a quality of Alliance as well, and could probably be attributed moreso to the general lack of organization in pickup battleground groups as a whole.

Though in general, I'd say that Arathi Basin is substantially more conducive to teamwork and organization, since everyone is pretty much relegated to either attacking or defending a base -- which doesn't require a whole lot of attention to detail.

BTW, is it just me or has there been a sharp decline in the interactivity or players recently. I haven't been in a group with any of my characters unless it has been someone I've known for a good while.

For a game oriented around player-to-player interaction, very few people ever seem interested in grouping anymore. And really, if I wanted that, I'd play Oblivion.

A lot of people are canceling their accounts due to the horrible patch coming out soon. The shaman community is basically gone, and the warriors and hunters are ditching as well. Mages are pretty pissed, so I am sure some quit there. Of course, our friendly lovable locks will always be around *fuckers*, considering that the devs love them to death.

  Arek the Absolute said:
A lot of people are canceling their accounts due to the horrible patch coming out soon. The shaman community is basically gone, and the warriors and hunters are ditching as well. Mages are pretty pissed, so I am sure some quit there. Of course, our friendly lovable locks will always be around *fuckers*, considering that the devs love them to death.

lol @ the story of every patch to every MMO ever

"A lot of people are cancelling their accounts ebcause of...."

They'll be back...until Blizzard really rapes WoW, but until then...they'll be back.


eh, I have a level 70 draenai shaman, and all though we could use some fixes, we're not totally broken...there's just better options at times.

I think overall the community is overreacting, but shamans could use some loving just to bolster their numbers. It's the least played class in the game, and the only one to show an actually friggin _decline_ in overall numbers since it peaked sometime near opening.

I dunno, work needs to be done, it's still a strong class.


Okay... so it's Friday. Not patch day. I'm running Burning Crusade 2.0.12, and all of a sudden, I'm getting a 247 MB patch from Blizzard, and it's slow as hell. Does anybody have ANY idea what this is?

EDIT: It would seem Blizzard is rolling from 2.0.12 all the way to 2.1.0, according to my patch folder. I'm just wondering, why Friday, Why is it that friggin' huge, and most of all, why is it completely unannounced and without patch notes on Blizzard's website?

MORE EDIT: It would seem that this is the Black Temple patch. More info here for those as clueless as me. I'm too low level to do it yet anyhow, so I ignored it.

This is only part 1 of the patch. 247 megs later, it's not actually finished. I just have a '2.1.0 partial' file in my patches folder. Friggin HUGE PATCH.


Blizzard started sending patch information ahead of time so that when patch day comes, they don't have everyone hitting the patch server(s) at once, plus you won't have to wait to apply the patch. The patch won't actually be applied until patch day.

This possibly means 2.1.0 is coming next Tuesday. Not bad.



THis patch is MASSIVE

Every class is tweaked (rogues all get improved sap, now the improved sap talent will increase the range of sap and blind, while reducing the energy cost... This makes me rather happy)

New 70 flying mount areas are made available. You can kill ogres threatening Shattrat, fight in the flying city above Skettis (or so I heard) and help the consortium in the prison of the Ethereum.

The Black Temple is open, and it is apparent a huge BRANCHING dungeon. You do fight Illidan, but you only are a nuisance and you simply slow him down.

A new boss is added in one of the aunchindoom instances... not shadow lab, the one in which you get the shadowlab key. This boss is part of the epic flying form quest.

In addition, a quest chain will be made available for the netherdrake mount.

Read the patch notes, this one will be rather impressive.

(and well, they are doing some unique tweaks which may indicate a level cap increase sooner than expected or an additional source of talents.)

Party members will no longer see a hunter who is feigning death as actually dead.

Awww... there goes nearly half the fun I get out of this game.

Players will now be able to access the Looking For Group Channel by joining the Looking For Group/Looking for More tool.

Thank GOD.


As far as it was previously, numbering is like this:


X._._ for games

_.X._ Content patches

_._.X Fixes (uses the beta numbering too, so you can go from 1.0.1 to 1.0.34.)

1.X.X was World of Warcraft

2.0.0 was the Pre Burning Crusade patch

2.0.1something was the post BC fix patch.

Now we should get 2.1, the first BC content patch.

And at 245 meg, it is not the biggest patch. I do believe that honor goes to 1.4 which was (IIRC) the Diremaul Blackwing Lair Honor patch. Followed closely by 1.5 which was the Battlegrounds patch.

Also, the reasons why I suspect a level cap or talent point increase is due to some odd fixes between impossible combinations, such as Cold Snap reseting Dragon's Breath and such things.


Lots have happened to me on the land of Azeroth.

My mage (an alt) finally reached level 70, and she has her first epic ever, the Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders. I am once again guildless on bloodscalp, and well, I don't care.

Because I started playing a Blood Elf paladin. While I had a level 39 pally, I never really got into it. Now I'm planing to make her a healadin, as with my 4 friends we will have a decent group, and whiel we have a priest, she decided to go shadow, since she has been a main healer for about 2 years now. (I have to admit, going from rogue and mage DPS, a holy paladin is kinda slow.)

Anyway, the reason I am posting is that I recently did a quest called "The Lady's necklace". I recommend you all do it. It's simple. You get a random drop, report it to tranquilien, and then to Undercity. Then something incredibly cool happens. I recommend you turn up the volume and listen to the music. Sylvanas sings in the High Elf language. It's a rather haunting song.


So, while I know I could extract the song from the proper MPQ, I don't know how to do this. I hope one of you may either have the song or that you could explain to me how to do it.

  Radical Dreamer said:

Anyway, the reason I am posting is that I recently did a quest called "The Lady's necklace". I recommend you all do it. It's simple. You get a random drop, report it to tranquilien, and then to Undercity. Then something incredibly cool happens. I recommend you turn up the volume and listen to the music. Sylvanas sings in the High Elf language. It's a rather haunting song.


I concur. Awesome and hypnotising song.

I concur. Awesome and hypnotising song.

It's called "Lament of the Highborne", for the BC soundtrack. If you notice, all versions of the Eversong Woods background music are based upon this one song, some even in The Ghostlands, sort of.

If I find ANY source of an MP3, I'll be sure to post it here.

Oh, and if any of you guys visit the WoW boards, a CM named Tseric has left after a tirade about Shamans, I think, leaving Blizzard a new job opening for a Community Manager. Looking at said thread, and based on my opinion and the boards as of late, I think Tseric's rant against trolling was deserved.

  Raenok said:
It's called "Lament of the Highborne", for the BC soundtrack. If you notice, all versions of the Eversong Woods background music are based upon this one song, some even in The Ghostlands, sort of.

If I find ANY source of an MP3, I'll be sure to post it here.

Oh, and if any of you guys visit the WoW boards, a CM named Tseric has left after a tirade about Shamans, I think, leaving Blizzard a new job opening for a Community Manager. Looking at said thread, and based on my opinion and the boards as of late, I think Tseric's rant against trolling was deserved.

I have the collectors edition of BC with the OST ripped already. PM me for any of the tracks =D

  Raenok said:
It's called "Lament of the Highborne", for the BC soundtrack. If you notice, all versions of the Eversong Woods background music are based upon this one song, some even in The Ghostlands, sort of.

If I find ANY source of an MP3, I'll be sure to post it here.

Oh, and if any of you guys visit the WoW boards, a CM named Tseric has left after a tirade about Shamans, I think, leaving Blizzard a new job opening for a Community Manager. Looking at said thread, and based on my opinion and the boards as of late, I think Tseric's rant against trolling was deserved.

Yay for people putting in input when not knowing the details.

It isn't just the shaman that went off on him.

Also, who the fuck cares. He went and mouthed himself off one night, which caused a lot of people to go and retaliate. Imagine it as if Darkesword went on the boards one day and just said how he hated everyone and every poster annoyed the hell out of him.

He was a rep of blizzard. Since he was a rep, he should not have mouthed off at all. That and he was a liar anyways, so fuck him.

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