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Besides, Horde are the evil side and that is who I usually pick anyway.

Argh. How can you have played both WoW and the warcraft games and still think the horde are the evil side? Geeze.

In response to the flavour of the month post, believe me I never considered swapping factions till now and am not one to go with the current whining. I play a shaman and I've had my hopes set on them making improvements to our buffs. When our review didn't address it I was hoping on new 62-70 skills to fill the gap. With this announcement I see no reason to remain horde, better to have a 60 before the expansion and level that one to take on the challenges at level 70.

Besides, Horde are the evil side and that is who I usually pick anyway.

Argh. How can you have played both WoW and the warcraft games and still think the horde are the evil side? Geeze.

I've heard this argument a thousand times. Orcs and Tauren, yeah, since they're simply trying to establish a peaceful culture. But Undead? Please. They're oozing, decaying abominations against God attempting to wipe out all life in the world. Sounds pretty evil to me.

I once considered Trolls as one of the "good" races, but after fighting them in Dun Morough, Stranglethorn Vale, the Hinterlands, Tanaris, Zul Farrak, Sunken Temple, and just about everywhere in between, I'm convinced that they are the most evil motherfuckers on the planet. I think when the Blizzard developers were ever confused on how to populate the world with enemies to kill, they just threw their arms up in the air and put in a thousand or so Trolls.

As for the death of the Horde, I agree that I've seen less and less Horde players around (I haven't been ganked in months). I'll admit that I rolled Alliance simply because I thought all the Horde races looked completely retarded (Not that Alliance races don't either, but maybe to a lesser degree.). I'm pretty jaded when it comes to the character designs, and I don't mean anyone any offense, but I'd much rather play as an Elf with sleek hair and smooth curves than an Orc with hanging jaws and the orthodontic nightmare that are their teeth (Or a gigantic cow). I think many players felt the same, hence the huge influx of Night Elf Alliance players, which is probably big enough to become a faction unto itself.

The new races in the expansion should be an effective way to rebalance some of the faction population. Horde will get many of the 12 year-olds I've had to group with for the past several months ("hay a gurl letz cyber"), while Alliance will get some more of the Blizzard lore freaks. At least that seems to be how the balance is intended.

The ability for DPS Warriors to generate 95% less threat than the tanks without any effort on their part, please.

actually warriors (and rogues) have an innate -20% threat generation while in zerk stance.

...blessing of salvation would be nice though. tranquil air totem usually just doesn't cut it, since in order to drop it you have to give up WF or GoA.

i did read a pretty decent suggestion about that though, instead of a totem that reduces threat, a totem that increases threat would be a bit more practical. instead of praying to ice jesus that you don't accidentally drop tranquil air within range of your MT (which is almost guaranteed to wipe you), keep the MT inside the new threat totem's range and everyone out.

Well, the bombshell just hit...

Direct from Blizzard: Shamans and Paladins will now be cross-faction once the expansion comes out.

This was such wonderful news to wake up to today /sarcasm

I'm really not relishing the fact that I'll have to face Paladins on the horde now. Wonderful. Getting Shaman on the alliance is decent at best. We just lost one of our best BG resources. Plus, I haven't even mentioned the lore, which has both doomed the BE's as an evil race and made me feel like the story has no authenticity to it anymore. Bahh...

Well, the bombshell just hit...

Direct from Blizzard: Shamans and Paladins will now be cross-faction once the expansion comes out.


source plz k thx

that would NOT fit the story to have palys on horde


Blizzard's oh-so flexible, ever-changing BC lore, is as adaptable as ever!

So... does this count as to what we were talking about earlier about Blizzard should add more classes? lol

i just saw

holy shit wtf thats lame man

this totally screws druids bad

I'm personally more worried about the shaman class(ironic, since I play mostly on the Alliance). Take raiding for example. Why take a resto shammy when you can have Holy pallies now?

Bliz also said that they would be looking at Shamans in a new light with this new change in mind. In other words, they can be balanced differently. They no longer have to be thought of "the Horde counterpart of Paladins", but as its own class.

as a 60 shaman im going to have to call you on that one.

this game has been out for 2 years, and the faction raiding imbalances have been well known for over a year. we just had our review, and got jack squat. blizzard isnt going to change us in any meaningful way (like actually giving us bloodlust, which is a spell that is already IN THE GAME and was promised to us a year ago). they'll just sit back and watch as raids take at most 1 or 2 shaman. im disgusted with this spineless "fix" of an imbalance that never should have existed in the first place, not to mention the repeated rape of what was passing for the lore of the game. I'm quitting, and giving my money to a company that knows what the hell they're doing.


And for the sake of mentioning it:

WoW pretty much DOES follow the WC3 lore in a weird entangled way explained over countless wikis & the manual. Giving the horde a single class or making the bloods elves "evil" doesn't COMPLETELY FUCK UP THE WHOLE THING.

But there's somethign that you need to understand right here and now: If you're playing World of Warcraft for it's tie in to the original lore, get out now.

WoW is a constantly changing MMO, & WarCraft 4 WILL come out one day. Then what? Will WC4 pick up where WoW is when WC4 comes out? Will the alliance & horde ties still be broken? Will they be mended again? What happens when Arthas comes & the scourge invades? Will their be a 3rd faction? What happens when Blizzard wants to bank on StarCraft races & the Zerg crash land on Azeroth and you have to invade a lair & fight the 80-man level 100 raid against the OverMind?

It's just like Ultima Online. In theory it was an excellent online version of the original gameplay elements & world...but overtime they HAD to deviate from the story to keep the game alive, and before long everyone had completely forgot about the original game elements all together.

Bottom line is: Play WoW because it's a fun MMO based in a familiar setting, but if you're expecting it to ALWAYS make direct and un-challenged ties to a story line...you're gonna get disapointed pretty badly, and pretty often.

Question: Is this how ALL alliance people think? (We're PALADINS OF VIRTUE ridding this evil world of the horde!!)

Also: Before you go off calling the horde "evil" I'll have you remember that ACCORDING TO WARCRAFT LORE the orcs are no longer bound to the blood curse, let the remaining humans leave Kalimdor with a promise to never return, & fight only to defend their borders.

For God sakes Taurens are tree hugging hippies who are a peaceful race.


OMg...this is quite a schoker....

i have great faith in blizz as they have never let me down...but....i hope this change only applies to dreanewi and BE...because it would be quite weird to see a night elf shammy fighting an orc pally


Question: Is this how ALL alliance people think? (We're PALADINS OF VIRTUE ridding this evil world of the horde!!)

Also: Before you go off calling the horde "evil" I'll have you remember that ACCORDING TO WARCRAFT LORE the orcs are no longer bound to the blood curse, let the remaining humans leave Kalimdor with a promise to never return, & fight only to defend their borders.

For God sakes Taurens are tree hugging hippies who are a peaceful race.

Yes! How many freakin' people have to say this before it becomes understood?! The Horde is no more or less evil than the Alliance. Both sides have "evil" classes like Warlocks, both sides have their "good" classes like Druid or Priest. Largely, the sides are neutral. You have scum on both sides. Do any of the people calling the Horde evil remember Lord Garithos from the Frozen Throne?

Honestly, the whole mentality of "evil Horde" is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to WoW.


Question: Is this how ALL alliance people think? (We're PALADINS OF VIRTUE ridding this evil world of the horde!!)

Also: Before you go off calling the horde "evil" I'll have you remember that ACCORDING TO WARCRAFT LORE the orcs are no longer bound to the blood curse, let the remaining humans leave Kalimdor with a promise to never return, & fight only to defend their borders.

For God sakes Taurens are tree hugging hippies who are a peaceful race.

Yes! How many freakin' people have to say this before it becomes understood?! The Horde is no more or less evil than the Alliance. Both sides have "evil" classes like Warlocks, both sides have their "good" classes like Druid or Priest. Largely, the sides are neutral. You have scum on both sides. Do any of the people calling the Horde evil remember Lord Garithos from the Frozen Throne?

Honestly, the whole mentality of "evil Horde" is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to WoW.

Or in a much more OBVIOUS sense:

"So far, Onyxia is seen in two guises. The first is Lady Katrana Prestor, through which Onyxia influences the politics of Stormwind and has tremendous influence over the Human's leader. The other form she has is that of her true form, a dragon the size of a small town."

Evil horde INDEED.


I for one think this sucks. I don't know...it just seems like they gave up on trying to balance things and took the easy way out by making all the classes available to both factions. I am not looking forward to fighting shamans...

Also, I don't want Blood Elves. The twelve-year-olds can stay on the alliance.

EDIT: Imagine Undead fighting alongside paladins. Won't that be a sight to see...

Don't call ME out. I'm just repeating what Blizzard said.

But frankly, I have faith in them. WoW is the most finely detailed and balanced MMO I have ever played.

Im not trying to attack you, just those fools Tigole and Furor.

but after patch 1.11, where Blizzard CMs (the European ones of course, Eyonix is a worthless piece of trash who took an insult from a single forum troll as an excuse to communicate with us even less) said that the developers never got our mountains of feedback and suggestions, and we recieved a buff to elemental, a nerf to enhancement, a small buff to resto, and zilch for our totems, while watching druids get their innervate made trainable while our inferior mana tide remained at 31 points got me pissed. then eyonix said that they weren't really done with us and that there would be more coming in 1.12. more meaning the nerf to WF totem because horde raiding and shaman PvE is so awesome and way too powerful. the only reason that this nerf didn't survive was the massive outcry from horde and alliance who saw the existing imbalance being made even worse. so after our review, shaman and horde issues were not addressed at all. so what does blizzard do? fix the raid imbalance by giving horde paladins, and completly screw over every raiding shaman in the process. the only thing we're good for is bringing 1 or maybe 2 along to soak up loot and drop WF totem for the melee groups. gg

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