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Hey, just something I saw over at another place and thought might be interesting for here.


Someone was banned for using a Logitech gaming keyboard that has a macro feature, even though it(apparently) isn't against the ToS or AuP. Personally, since I don't play the game, I don't know what the ToS actually says, but figured it would just be good for some conversation.


"Maybe it's not a very good escape from the real world, playing a game online and dealing with a bunch of other people," says Andrews. "It's like escaping the real world and finding what you don't like about it... in the online world."

This is why since I've cancelled my account and have begun to play through M&M again, life is good. 8)

...and my heartseeker // tribal guardian are starting to bore me.

I told you so. :lol:

Jog my memory please kthx

Joggage initiated.

Mecca, you'll learn to love that dagger, heheh, but I remind you...it won't be so effective come level 60...facing things equal your level will make you yearn for something better, whether it be a Lobotomizer, a Gutgore Ripper...anything.

Heartseeker was nice back in the day (one of the best) but now its pretty bad lol...just got got a core hound tooth tonite! I wanted either that or fang of the faceless but it just didn't want to drop.

  • 2 weeks later...

So, I guess today is the long-anticipated(at least for me) patch 1.10. I personally can't wait to see how my priest plays when specced Holy/Disc. I'm also very interested in the ".5" epics(why they're called that is beyond me.They're more viable for PvP than most of the MC sets imho). It's good to see Blizz is finally taking notice of the non-raiders. :)

So, I guess today is the long-anticipated(at least for me) patch 1.10. I personally can't wait to see how my priest plays when specced Holy/Disc. I'm also very interested in the ".5" epics(why they're called that is beyond me.They're more viable for PvP than most of the MC sets imho). It's good to see Blizz is finally taking notice of the non-raiders. :)

You have your blue set (tier 0)

You have your Tier 1 set (Molten core exclusive.)

You have Tier 2 set (Onyxia, MC, and BWL)

You will have .5 (better than 0 but under tier 1)

You also have the Quest sets, ZG blues+purple (a .75 set if you ask me because of the lesser number of pieces)

And the AC 20 quest set (1.25 IMHO)

And probably a AC 40 set (either 1.75 or 2.25)

The next real set (tier 3) will come most likely in burning Crusade, with the level 70 cap. Tier 3 will be a 70 blue thing, Tier 4 will be 70 purple, and tier 5 will be 70 orange.

It is believed that tier 5 will look like a gundam wing mech armor and will include +str for every class except pally and warriors, +spirit for every class except priest, +agi for every class (especially hunters) except rogues, +stam for every class except warlocks, and +arcane damage for shammies only. This will be called the "statistical normalisation project."

By then, pallies will be wearing Uberplate, shammies will be dualwielding 2 handed weapons, warlocks will have a permanent fear aura, priests will have a constant damage reduction shield lowering any damage taken by 200 (400 on crits) and rogues will no longer unstealth when someone casts a spell 3 zones away.

Obviously, such a buff to rogues will cause them to only wear cloth, and to depend on dex for HP, Stam for armor, Str for energy, and spirit for crit rate. Intel will, as usual, be useless for rogues. This means taht every item in the rogue sets will have +int.

A new 80 player cap will be put on raids. Drop rates will be decreased accordingly.

The latest Dungeon: The Temporal Overusage Cavern will require a quest chain available starting at level 1 and will be part of a character's whole history. Doing the level 1 part will offer the Alliance their first ever level 1 green. The horde will gain a level 1 purple set dubbed "Tier Fairness."

These quests will not be available to anyone over level 2, so sucks to be them.


Actually, the next tier after AQ40 should be Naxxramas(coming in 1.11, I believe) Fortunately, Blizzard said that they're done with 40-mans for a while after this next one(thank goodness). If you've noticed, all the high-level Burning Crusade instances previewed so far have been 5-10 man, which is very good news indeed. Even Naxx is rumored to have 5,10, or 20 man portions to it as well.


Oh, sorry. Was early in the morning and I guess I missed the humor. :-) Realms are still down... boo. Although, I suppose it's better that we're able to disenchant cloth this time around before activating the servers. lol


I've been waiting since 2 PM. Saw the message blizzard posted, so decided to do some reading for English. Once 3:55 came around, I looked over some quests on thottbot and the instance I'm gonna do tonight. And I've been refreshing the realm list every minute.

Blizzard makes me cry. *tear*


Is it just me, or is it taking forever for patches to download? I started downloading the 1.10 patch an hour and 20 minutes ago, and I'm only at 11 percent. My roommate started at the same time, and he isn't even past 5 percent.

Granted, I am behind the ZoneAlarm firewall, but it still shouldn't be taking this long.

Edit: Ah, here we go. I was just being impatient. Well, I could delete this post, but instead I'll ask another question that probably everyone asks.

Anyone here play on my server? I'm on Earthen Ring.


After months of playing, being level 60, occasionally running MC and BWL...

...I'm rather tired of this game. Sure, it was addicting for a while...but...it's just so BORING now. Doing the same damn instances all the time...and not making any PVP progress because of well-organized, PVP-epic'd alliance "A-Teams" ruling the damn battlegrounds, and horde's unorganized level 60ers...

Meh. I decided I'm gonna drop this...it's just not worth the bloody trouble anymore. Auto Assault however, looks very very, very very very fun. Plays as such too ((playing the free preview)). It's a little buggy (lol, vehicle pun), but I can work with it. It's a nice change from Warcraft at the very least.


zircon, AQ gear is NOT I repeat NOT considered tier 3...not by a long shot, especially considering the sets are 5 piece and not 8. As a end game raider many people have complained that blizzard dropped the ball on this instance - sure it has its cool parts, but the risk vs reward is too great for the minimal upgrages - which is considered more of a sidegrade to many (including myself). Sure it has it's standout items, but thats something seen in every instance.

The itemization was also poorly done - its not fun having to run a mid 40's instance for a level 60 instnace...no nature resistance gear no dead huhuran. Not to mention that a third of the bosses were bugged (2 optional ones and the last boss)up until todays patch (at least I hope so) so that didn't help either...

To add more issues AQ 20 is a joke as well - it doesn't hold a candle to ZG in terms of both size and content. Here's hoping that Naxxramas will end as a pre expansion 40 man that was executed well.

Due to a gamebreaking bug I double sand blast you for 3483 and 4828. (Few will get the joke that most won't.)


Tremors ftw!

How about the double tentacle spawnage ftw!

zircon, AQ gear is NOT I repeat NOT considered tier 3...not by a long shot, especially considering the sets are 5 piece and not 8. As a end game raider many people have complained that blizzard dropped the ball on this instance - sure it has its cool parts, but the risk vs reward is too great for the minimal upgrages - which is considered more of a sidegrade to many (including myself). Sure it has it's standout items, but thats something seen in every instance.

Actually, tier1->tier2 could barely be considered an ugprade if you want to look at it that way. Many Shamans prefer Earthfury over Ten Storms for PVE, for example. I see rogues using their Nightslayer set rather than Bloodfang sometimes as well, and I myself see little reason to spend all my points on Transcendence when I can get UBER upgrades like Pure Blementium Band, Rejuvinating Gem, etc. In comparison, however, the sets in AQ are VERY good. Neither Prophecy nor Transcendence even holds a candle to Oracle, in my opinion.

Actually, tier1->tier2 could barely be considered an ugprade if you want to look at it that way. Many Shamans prefer Earthfury over Ten Storms for PVE, for example. I see rogues using their Nightslayer set rather than Bloodfang sometimes as well, and I myself see little reason to spend all my points on Transcendence when I can get UBER upgrades like Pure Blementium Band, Rejuvinating Gem, etc. In comparison, however, the sets in AQ are VERY good. Neither Prophecy nor Transcendence even holds a candle to Oracle, in my opinion.

Most of the AQ40 sets are far from PVE oriented.

Look at Conquerer's, its a DPS warriors wet dream. As far as most rogues wearing NS over Bloodfang thats mainly due to the fact that wearing 5 pieces of NS gives you +10 energy which is extremely nice for PVP. Bloodfang is not by any means a bad set but many rogues value that +10 energy that 5 pieces of NS gives you. Myself I am collecting BF due to the PVE 5 set bonus that increases the effectivness of feint. AQ40 can be compared as a parallel instance to BWL (although the bosses past Huhu are probably tougher then the comparable battles in BWL) and with Ouro and C'thun being bugged (although that might have changed with 1.10) most guilds have been having a hard time finding reasons to go into AQ40.

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