100_PERCENT ROEMER Posted August 28, 2005 Posted August 28, 2005 WoW turned three of my friends into MMORPG Zombies Quote
Ninja-san Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 EVERQUEST 2!!!!!!!!!!! SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! Hey now everquest is one of the backbones to MMORPGs. Dissin that disses all of them Quote
zircon Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Guild Wars > WoWIts not close. Well, yeah, but that really goes without saying. Er, maybe for you guys. I bought GW, being a WoW player, and didn't really like the graphical style, combat, or statistic/equipment system. I've been playing WoW for months and it's only getting more fun. Quote
zircon Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Oh man. My guild just did Onyxia for the first time today - we did it on the third try. One of the most intense and fun fights ever. We had about 8 people alive when we finally took her down.. the celebration was incredible afterwords. Damn, most fun I've had in a game for a LONG time Quote
SleazyC Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Oh man. My guild just did Onyxia for the first time today - we did it on the third try. One of the most intense and fun fights ever. We had about 8 people alive when we finally took her down.. the celebration was incredible afterwords. Damn, most fun I've had in a game for a LONG time That's pretty awesome. It took us 3 days worth of trys (about 15 or so attempts) to finally take the big dragon down. Quote
Klay Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Oh man. My guild just did Onyxia for the first time today - we did it on the third try. One of the most intense and fun fights ever. We had about 8 people alive when we finally took her down.. the celebration was incredible afterwords. Damn, most fun I've had in a game for a LONG time Just wait till you do Molten Core Quote
zircon Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 We've been doing MC and we're up to Majordomo now after about 1.5 months (and a little bit of guild upset). Basically, we breeze through Lucifron, Magmadar, and Gehennas, and no trash mobs give us trouble - hell, we've even taken 2 Molten Destroyers (the big ones) and a Firelord without problems. Garr always takes us a little while to set up but once we do, he's cake. The lava/fire packs are a little harder, and we still wipe on those from time to time, but we're getting better at it - MT fire res helps as well of course. Baron Geddon is probably our hardest fight currently as I'm in a Horde guild and we're understaffed in the way of Priests and Druids. Last attempt we wiped twice (beat him on 3rd) because we only had 5 Shamans, 5 Priests, and 2 Druids. That's not a lot, since the 5 Priests have to be dispelling everyone. Finally, Shazz, Sulfuron, and Golemagg don't give us much trouble either. Majordomo we ALMOST have.. last shot we had the last add down to like 8000 HP but the healers were completely drained. If I had been there we would have done it for sure. Onyxia IMO is much harder than anything in MC we've done so far. There is no uncertainty in the MC bosses. Even in fights like Shazz or Geddon, with the right classes you can control their debuffs and keep up the heat. With Onyxia, you have 5 people get feared into lava and die for no reason, or a Warrior get tailwhipped into a room of whelps and pop all the eggs. There are way more variables - but it's a lot more fun than any MC fight so far. Quote
The Dennis Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Correct me if I'm wrong, but BWL is for the folks that love the boss fights. I've never been in it myself, but I hear that basically every room is a boss fight. Once you beat a boss, the next boss is in the next room. Once my guild is geared up, I can't wait to check the place out. I've read a strat for the Razorgore fight, and it looks pretty damn complicated. If you enjoy the Onyxia fight, or at least find it exciting, then I'm sure BWL is a blast. -Dennis- Quote
zircon Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Dennis; BWL has I think the same amount of bosses as MC. It is, however, significantly harder. No one has beaten it yet, and even the very very very best guilds are still developing strategies for it. So far on my server, the farthest anyone has gotten is killing the first boss, Razorgore. Quote
gannon Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Correct me if I'm wrong, but BWL is for the folks that love the boss fights. I've never been in it myself, but I hear that basically every room is a boss fight. Once you beat a boss, the next boss is in the next room. Once my guild is geared up, I can't wait to check the place out. I've read a strat for the Razorgore fight, and it looks pretty damn complicated. If you enjoy the Onyxia fight, or at least find it exciting, then I'm sure BWL is a blast.-Dennis- The first two rooms are both bosses, razergore and a dragon with a really long name that everyone shortens to just: vael. after that there is some clearing before you get to the next boss, broodlord lashlayer, who my guild is currently working on. the clearing is harder than the normal molten core routine, but there isn't as much to clear so it's shorter and less of a grind than mc clearing is. Quote
suzumebachi Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 is BWL 40-man? also, i wonder what kind of sick ass drops you can get.. like.. LEGENDARY items... of which i've only seen one, ever, in my life, on a warlord on smolderthorn. Quote
SleazyC Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 BWL is a 40 man and so far no Legendary drops have been found there. Everything has been epic but most of those epics are quite a bit superior then MC epics. I know of two guilds that are currently working on Nefarion. Immortality on Skullcrusher and Fury on Medivh. Quote
zircon Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Er, Fury got up to Nefarion when the instance was bugged. Are you saying they did it again? Because once they fixed the bugs it got like 50x harder. Quote
SleazyC Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Hmm, looks like they got to Nefarion July 15th. Site got hit very hard and they had to move to a backup and lost all their new updates so I'm not sure where they are now. Quote
Blake Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Badass hunter raid on UBRS: http://files.filefront.com/Hunterpower_2/;4040679;;/fileinfo.html Truly awesome Take a look. By the way, the only real grind to level 60 is somewhere in the 30's. I did 3 instances 4 times each, but I also got a buttload of loot from those instances so it didn't feel much like a grind to me. Quote
gannon Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 my guild is on the same server as fury...from what i understand they got to nef again after bwl was mostly fixed..however i've heard they've been having problems with the new chromaggus(boss before nef) since blizz fixed his breath attack, which had never been working properly before. Quote
suzumebachi Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 there's got to be better ways to level... it feels like i've been level 30 for a week now. sometimes it seems like all the horde lowbie areas are also higher level areas for alliance. like hillsbrad for example. there's like level 20-25 horde leveling around tarren mill, but 30-35 alliance around southshore area. i mean, there's even an alliance instance (BG entrance i think) right in the middle of a level 25 area that's always got level 55-60 alliance hanging around. and right now i'm in shimmering flats, which is like 30-35, and there's constantly lvl 50+ alliance coming through from gadgetzan and killing all the lowbies. it's all in good fun of course, but it sure makes questing/grinding a huge pain in the ass. Quote
Blake Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 there's got to be better ways to level... it feels like i've been level 30 for a week now.sometimes it seems like all the horde lowbie areas are also higher level areas for alliance. like hillsbrad for example. there's like level 20-25 horde leveling around tarren mill, but 30-35 alliance around southshore area. i mean, there's even an alliance instance (BG entrance i think) right in the middle of a level 25 area that's always got level 55-60 alliance hanging around. and right now i'm in shimmering flats, which is like 30-35, and there's constantly lvl 50+ alliance coming through from gadgetzan and killing all the lowbies. it's all in good fun of course, but it sure makes questing/grinding a huge pain in the ass. Yeah, it's sort of opposite in kalecgos lol Since we're heavily outnumbered by horde. And leveling in Stranglethorn Valley at 30's makes me want to kill myself. For each bloodscalp troll I kill, I get ganked twice. Quote
Arcana Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Personally, I think PvE is simply a more sensible server option... I mean, it makes levelling much easier, and yet, minus the enormous amount of ganking, the level of PvP action on most PvE servers is still the same both inside and outside of Battlegrounds. I played PvP for a while and just got tired of it. The PvP action with my 60 Hunter on Shadowsong was much more frequent and fun. Huh, PvP got tiring, but yet, PvP with your hunter was more frequent and fun? Quote
gannon Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 think he means that the pvp server got tiring...but pvping on a pve server with his hunter was fun. Quote
U N N Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Woohoo got to 56 today, already about halfway to 57 =D Can almost join the populair instances that always has a group. Quote
zircon Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Level 30, suzu? These levels should take no more than 2-4 hours depending on what you're doing. You should be in Thousand Needles levelling up there, moving into the Shimmering Flats area once you gain a few more. Arathi Highlands is the next spot to hit, which should last until mid/upper 30s, at which point Scarlet Monastery (a fun, accessible instance split into four zones) becomes available to you. You can also try Stranglethorn Vale and some Badlands in the high 30s, moving on to Uldaman in the low 40s. Quote
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