Phoenix Down Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 j0 everyone, I'm back with an update on the WoW situation. For the most part I am on WoW now, the only thing is I'm having problems getting it reinstalled on my computer oddly enough, but I jack a friends comp every now and again to play as myNight Elf/ Lhrayven/ Profession (Probably skinning and leathercrafting)/ Realm: The Deceived Realm and I am going on level 14 right now. This isn't my old character, she was like level 31 or 32. I'm playing on The Deceived Realm which is a free server (in case some did not know that). So if anyone wants, look me up. You can easily find the The Deceived Realm here Lucreshia over and out! I recommend herbalism/alchemy. Leatherworking is not all that good. Self sufficience/self buffing pushes any character a lot further than putting armor kits on stuff you can easily buy off AH because of the money you make from seling superfluous potions. I already have leatherworking as my craft. I don't plan on taking up those again till I create a second character, which I do plan on, so it really doesn't matter much. Quote
The Xyco Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 My druid is lvl 17 now (Prophetus on Gorefiend). Druids are fun, but without cat form the DPS is so low it's ridiculous. Doing the Samophlange quest in the barrens was a pain because I couldn't kill the goblins fast enough to clear it out so I could reach the control panel and the switches. They literally respawned just as fast as I was killing them. HOWEVER, in the same area, I survived some shit (omfg goblins are aggro happy) that probably only a paladin or a good priest would have survived. Druids are f'ing tough. No kidding. I've seen three high DPS classes attempt to gank a druid in Gadgetzan while in bear form. They were in the 48-55 level range, the druid was 46. Though the druid didn't stand a chance, he lasted ALOT longer than anyone could've expected. It wasn't until a hunter laid down an aimed shot that he went down. You'll jump for joy when you get cat form. The difference between bear and cat DPS is remarkable. The biggest drawback is that you'll lose that incredible survivability. However, if you self-cast rejuvenation prior to engaging any mobs, you'll last alot longer. What I've found with a solo druid is that switching between cat, bear, and normal forms are key to surviving. The first character I seriously played was a druid. I liked it alot, until I got to level 20 or so and realized that, to groups, I was nothing more than a healer. I really wish these types of games would have less dependence on healing classes, because they are always few and far between. Quote
zircon Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 You'd be surprised. Lots of people play Priests, Shamans, and Paladins. Given that Priests can spec Shadow and do uber dps, and Druids *can* feasibly go Moonkin or Feral, I'd say WoW allows for more flexibility than any other MMORPG of its kind. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 yeah, but good luck doing end game as a feral druid. raid leader: "what spec are you?" druid: "feral" leader: "is that like, healing and stuff" druid: "uhh no" leader: "you can heal right" druid: "not very we--" * druid has been removed from the group also, paladins are so incredibly strong now since their patch. i was sitting in the crossroads when i see some 60 paladin come running through with like 6 gaurds on him. he literally runs right up to the flight master, aggros him and begins to tank the flight master, 2 wyverns, and the 6 gaurds. it took him like 5 minutes, but he fucking solo'd a god damn flight master with 6 gaurds and 2 wyverns on him. jesus. if that's not overpowered i don't know what is. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 yeah, but good luck doing end game as a feral leader: "what spec are you?" druid: "feral" leader: "is that like, healing and stuff" druid: "uhh no" leader: "you can heal right" druid: "not very we--" * druid has been removed from the group That doesn't happen as much anymore with feral druids, atleast not on my server. Feral druids heal just fine and people are learning that. Maybe not quite as efficiently as a resto druid, but well enough to heal for bwl. People are also starting to accept that druids can tank instances and offtank pretty decently in raids. I have offtanked sulferon myself and I'm a restoration druid... Amazeingly enough I get to use innervate on MYSELF because our priests aren't total retards. In regards to the hunter gripe a bit further up. Track hidden is trash, it does NOT track stuff like track beasts/humanoids/ect. It improves stealth detection slightly, and if the hunter detects someone stealthed yeah there will be a dot, but as soon as you move away the dot will disapear. Track hidden has never alerted me of rogues or cats before they were already within range of stunning me, and most hunters keep their pet on defensive or passive so the pet probably won't react. A good rogue can kill a good hunter, yeah hunters have an advantage, but they are killable. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 also, no improved mark of the wild? no guild. Quote
zircon Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 Yeah I dunno what kind of shitty guilds you guys are in. We've got at least 2 Feral druids right now in my guild and they're very nice to have, especially for PVP (best WSG flag runners in the game). Quote
zircon Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 My guild has room for anyone. We're cool like that. Population? It's Medium. As Horde, you will rarely see a queue longer than 1m. If it's 5m, it's a "broken queue" and 15m is considered "ridiculous". All afternoon my queues have been within 10 seconds, just as a reference. Never had login queues.. ever. Quote
Epyon3001 Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 I play WoW quite Avidly. I go to a smart-kid, live-on-campus dorm Highschool, and a large group of my friends and I play on Suramar, Alliance side. We have a nice family-friendly guild, though we have recently gotten into MC and Onyxia. Just thought i'd throw out my shout. Quote
Hydro Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 Yknow what? Ill start a horde on Gorefiend too. Sounds like fun. Im not expecting to join, but rather curious- Zircon, does your guild have level requirements for joining? I often see guilds with such (which I would assume doesnt matter for alts). Quote
zircon Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 My guild, Shadowlords, currently is very interesting. We are the biggest guild on the server so we have a VERY wide range of players - we also have a sub-guild called Shadowtwinks where we have most of our alts and lower level players. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Level 21 now. Cat form is awesome and holy shit the 30% running speed talent is awesome. I did something extremely retarded though. I ran through WC with some random fgts and... I forgot to loot the Gem of Serpentis. D: D: D: *pounds face into keyboard* edit: how do i get into shadowtwinks? Quote
SleazyC Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 I will second the feral druid in end-game raiding situation. We currently have two feral druids with one of them being Rank 13 and they totally rock especially on the Nefarian encounter. They can sit back and intercept Draknoids that leak out and also shift into cat form for some extra dps. Also the +crit aura is a big favorite with the rogues! Zircon - Been hearing a lot about Ironweave and Vhell wears a couple pieces as well. We need to get back onto test so we can fight again as I want to bring that rank 13 druid in our guild. Also need to find a less laggy area to duel in. Quote
zircon Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 I will second the feral druid in end-game raiding situation. We currently have two feral druids with one of them being Rank 13 and they totally rock especially on the Nefarian encounter. They can sit back and intercept Draknoids that leak out and also shift into cat form for some extra dps. Also the +crit aura is a big favorite with the rogues!Zircon - Been hearing a lot about Ironweave and Vhell wears a couple pieces as well. We need to get back onto test so we can fight again as I want to bring that rank 13 druid in our guild. Also need to find a less laggy area to duel in. Alright, sounds good. Yeah I desperately want Ironweave; if I can get the four pieces I want, with the appropriate enchants, I'll be sitting at about ~1800 unbuffed armor and ~4.1k unbuffed HP. Maybe a little more if I can get a Smoking Heart of the Mountain. That's over 500 armor and 300 hp than I have now. However lately I've been doing PVE hardcore to get various healing items; lately I've acquired the Handguards of Transcendence, Rejuvinating Gem, Bindings of Transcendence, and the Shroud of Pure Thought. I even picked up a Band of Dark Dominion for when I go back to shadow. Built-up DKP ftw. Quote
SleazyC Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 Yea nothing's dropping for me at the moment. All I really need are rings, trinkets and various jewlery. Quote
Raenok Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 As a level 30 Hunter, I must say, Feign Death is one useful ability. Take, for example, when I finally decided to hunt down Steelsnap in 1k Needles. I figured it would be a long aimless search though the northwestern part, but I guess I was lucky since a found him about to cross my path with his two minions. So I waited until he was at a prime position to fire at him, sent Scavenger (my wolf pet) after him, and fired upon him until he died. Well, my shots are somehow more powerful tan my pet, SOOO he charged after me. He was a half HP, though, so it was easy to take care of him. But I forgot about his two lackeys. so, I sent my pet after them while I looted Steelsnap. Unfortanately, Scavenger was killed, and his two lackeys came after me. I tried to run, but I figured it would be worhless, and went for Feign Death to see if it would work. Worked like a charm. After the coast was clear, I got up and ran off to TB to get the second quest. In conclusion, I might be using that a LOT more from now on in tight situations. Also, reading the article about Naxxramas on the WopW website made me ponder about a possible insult-fight between Sylvanas and the Lich King. Might not be funny to you guys, but it is to me. Quote
mecca Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 So I was starting my Darkmantle 0.5 armour quest when I decided to take two days off University to hasten the process. I was halfway through 45min Baron when we wiped for the second time, everyone was moaning and pointing fingers, and I started to wonder what the fuck happened to the last year of my life, and deleted all my characters. WoW's gameplay is bollocks. It's the neverending quest to get bigger and better weaponry so you can walk through your respective city showing it off, coupled with the social aspect (even if it is comprised of immature retards with little or no comprehension of punctuation and grammar). and I gotta say.. WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCK HAVE I DONE!? Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 I nearly did the same thing back in December. Fortunately I just decided to cancel my account instead. So my 60's are still there, somewhere in cyberspace, waiting for me. In the mean time I'm using my brother's account. Anyways, I joined Malevolent Gaze on Gorefiend. Holy shit 465 members D: ..They let me in after I ran WC with some of their alts as main healer. BAHAHAHA FERAL SPEC FTW. Quote
xinster Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 So I was starting my Darkmantle 0.5 armour quest when I decided to take two days off University to hasten the process.I was halfway through 45min Baron when we wiped for the second time, everyone was moaning and pointing fingers, and I started to wonder what the fuck happened to the last year of my life, and deleted all my characters. WoW's gameplay is bollocks. It's the neverending quest to get bigger and better weaponry so you can walk through your respective city showing it off, coupled with the social aspect (even if it is comprised of immature retards with little or no comprehension of punctuation and grammar). and I gotta say.. WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCK HAVE I DONE!? rofl, was that a joke or serious? i lol'd anyway. Quote
mecca Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 rofl, was that a joke or serious? i lol'd anyway. Believe me, it was serious. I almost rolled a caster again last night in desperation, but thankfully my brother changed the account password in time. Quote
suzumebachi Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 damn crackfiends. i won't have a lot of time to play for the next two weeks or so. this week is hell week, and next week is finals. plus i have tracks to finish and songs to post. Quote
Shonen Samurai Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 I've recently rerolled with a bunch of my Lothar buddies on Dentarg. It's only a month old. I'm having a good time. If anyone wants to reroll there and join us, let me know. My warrior's name is Putrefaction. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 whew, i need a little break after the arathi basin weekend; I played more than I ever have I think, and it was awesome! On my server we (the horde) are outnumbered 4 to 1, so our preformed team can have 5 second queue times while the alliance preforms have to wait at least an hour. We've gotten so well organized that our team that is mostly in blues can beat out alliance teams that are in full T2 gear (the advantage of having a huge population is the ease of raiding). Is this situation common on your servers? I know that our raiding groups are sortof messed up two with only like two or three raids being run by just a guild, and the rest (maybe 12 or so) are all comprised of multiple guilds joining together. Quote
zircon Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 I've recently rerolled with a bunch of my Lothar buddies on Dentarg. It's only a month old. I'm having a good time. If anyone wants to reroll there and join us, let me know. My warrior's name is Putrefaction. Alliance or Horde? Please say Alliance. Quote
Casual Gmoe Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 Geez, nobody is from Thunderhorn? I have a 55, soon 56, Night Elf Warrior named Masamuri, look me up if your ever on. Quote
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