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I thought they got rid of war efforts for newly created servers. There's nothing going on at my server, anyway.

I rolled a pally dwarf on the new one for a refreshing experience. I just got Verigan's Fist and oh boy, is it fun or what? First thing I did was smack up a lvl28 tauren shaman, at level 22.

~3450 armor now self buffed, still sitting at around 4650 HP. 6.2-6.3k mana. However I also have +15 defense now which doesn't hurt. I am now the most durable priest Hordeside on my server. NEED MORE GEAR

Burn in hell...

Had to study today and missed out on picking up a Drake Fang Tailsman as well. Oh well maybe I'll just hoarde all my points for Death Dealers.


So I'm thinking of starting on a new server. My current server (Thunderlord), is just way too full of level 60's and endgame guilds to have any fun, even when I'm relatively close to level 60 (Highest character is currently 47). I just went through two and a half hours of mediating between old guild buddies on personal problems, something which I have to deal with way too much in real life, much less a game full of Dwarves named "Chuccnorrris" and dancing, naked, purple elves. Most of the people I play with are way too concerned with endgame content and are leveling way too fast for me to even have time to enjoy the game with them. By now, all my contacts has moved on to fairly exclusive guilds that take up all their playing time.

I played around with the idea of starting my own guild, but you have to have prospects for endgame material to be even taken seriously by charter signers. It's just not a friendly environment for new characters, or anyone not dedicating four hours a day just to make quota. Like someone before me said, it's become too much like a business.

Oh, and God forbid Blizzard ever open up our server to transfers.

So I'm looking for suggestions. Server suggestions, race/class suggestions. Anything. This game can be really fun, but now when it's a chore to play.

I was thinking of joining a RP-PvP server, if nothing for a significant drop in 12 year-olds and being able to strike up some decent conversations with people, not ending up in a group of 4 Chinese farmers every time I run instances. Only thing is that there are only four RP-PvP servers, and I'm sure they have a similar establishment of my current one. If anyone knows different, let me know.

As for race/class, I was thinking either a Human Warrior, or Night Elf Rogue. More likely the former, since my main character was a Night Elf, and the early quests got really repetitive. I'm still open to the idea of playing Horde though, but only if I can be convinced that Trolls aren't that ugly.

So I'm thinking of starting on a new server. My current server (Thunderlord), is just way too full of level 60's and endgame guilds to have any fun, even when I'm relatively close to level 60 (Highest character is currently 47). I just went through two and a half hours of mediating between old guild buddies on personal problems, something which I have to deal with way too much in real life, much less a game full of Dwarves named "Chuccnorrris" and dancing, naked, purple elves. Most of the people I play with are way too concerned with endgame content and are leveling way too fast for me to even have time to enjoy the game with them. By now, all my contacts has moved on to fairly exclusive guilds that take up all their playing time.

I played around with the idea of starting my own guild, but you have to have prospects for endgame material to be even taken seriously by charter signers. It's just not a friendly environment for new characters, or anyone not dedicating four hours a day just to make quota. Like someone before me said, it's become too much like a business.

Oh, and God forbid Blizzard ever open up our server to transfers.

So I'm looking for suggestions. Server suggestions, race/class suggestions. Anything. This game can be really fun, but now when it's a chore to play.

I was thinking of joining a RP-PvP server, if nothing for a significant drop in 12 year-olds and being able to strike up some decent conversations with people, not ending up in a group of 4 Chinese farmers every time I run instances. Only thing is that there are only four RP-PvP servers, and I'm sure they have a similar establishment of my current one. If anyone knows different, let me know.

As for race/class, I was thinking either a Human Warrior, or Night Elf Rogue. More likely the former, since my main character was a Night Elf, and the early quests got really repetitive. I'm still open to the idea of playing Horde though, but only if I can be convinced that Trolls aren't that ugly.

Male trolls look stupid really, Blizzard made them slouch over way too much. Also their noses are too long and they are really thin. But, if you want a decent looking Horde character, play a female one.


lol my friend was sick of overpriced and overpopulated bullshit queues so he randomly xferred asap, and it was like getting teleported to a nether world, where you can only play single player cause of how low the population was. i lmaoed

So I'm thinking of starting on a new server. My current server (Thunderlord), is just way too full of level 60's and endgame guilds to have any fun, even when I'm relatively close to level 60 (Highest character is currently 47). I just went through two and a half hours of mediating between old guild buddies on personal problems, something which I have to deal with way too much in real life, much less a game full of Dwarves named "Chuccnorrris" and dancing, naked, purple elves. Most of the people I play with are way too concerned with endgame content and are leveling way too fast for me to even have time to enjoy the game with them. By now, all my contacts has moved on to fairly exclusive guilds that take up all their playing time.

I played around with the idea of starting my own guild, but you have to have prospects for endgame material to be even taken seriously by charter signers. It's just not a friendly environment for new characters, or anyone not dedicating four hours a day just to make quota. Like someone before me said, it's become too much like a business.

Oh, and God forbid Blizzard ever open up our server to transfers.

So I'm looking for suggestions. Server suggestions, race/class suggestions. Anything. This game can be really fun, but now when it's a chore to play.

I was thinking of joining a RP-PvP server, if nothing for a significant drop in 12 year-olds and being able to strike up some decent conversations with people, not ending up in a group of 4 Chinese farmers every time I run instances. Only thing is that there are only four RP-PvP servers, and I'm sure they have a similar establishment of my current one. If anyone knows different, let me know.

As for race/class, I was thinking either a Human Warrior, or Night Elf Rogue. More likely the former, since my main character was a Night Elf, and the early quests got really repetitive. I'm still open to the idea of playing Horde though, but only if I can be convinced that Trolls aren't that ugly.

Male trolls look stupid really, Blizzard made them slouch over way too much. Also their noses are too long and they are really thin. But, if you want a decent looking Horde character, play a female one.

Hey, I like my male Troll, thanks. The slouching is what makes him awesome. :D


trolls are cool. trolls are my friends. i think it takes a certain personality type to roll a troll.

i, on the other hand, like to roll taurens. i like being able to block the screen of the undead priest so he can't see wtf is going on. bwahahaehaer. plus, gnomes barely come up to my ankles. it's like, y hallo thar you fiendish midget, let us see if you fit in my mouth without chewing!

though, if i were to reroll alliance, i'd probably make a gnome. a gnome warrior. KiSS on Smolderthorn used a gnome warrior as an MT once vs. Lord Kazzak. that was mighty entertaining to grief. and watch. but mostly grief.


Back when I still played, there were only two tanks I trusted. Our guild's main tank (because I actually didn't have a choice but to trust him) and a gnome warrior.

The first time I went to Onyxia, we had the gnome as a main tank, and trust me, it was a marvelous sight.

There's something about a giant Tauren in full Wrath going toe to toe with one of the twin emps :)

BTW: fun stuff, my guild leader is pretty much about to cancel his account since he's bored with the game. Guess who the new leader is ><

Grats =)

I'm gonna ask you some strategies later.


Haven't been here in a loooong time, but have been on WoW most of the past 2 years. Just wanted to post my character name here in case any of you old-timers might see this. (Hi Gray. :P)

Server: Lightbringer

OCR Name: Leah

Char Name: Villainelle

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

In an endgame guild doing AQ40 (Twin Emps atm). Come say hi sometime if you remember me.

Haven't been here in a loooong time, but have been on WoW most of the past 2 years. Just wanted to post my character name here in case any of you old-timers might see this. (Hi Gray. :P)

Good to see you around! :o You've been missed.

You all need to stop playing this game, it's taken over your lives. :lol:

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