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even Caydiem, one of the former CMs has expressed this, and is possibly (?) one of the reasons she quit.

Caydiem was an idiot who only cared for the druid class. Never did anything for paladins or anyone else. The reason she "quit" being a CM was because she was promoted. And shaman are hardly getting nerfed, in fact they're supposed to get the rest of their incomplete review(Bloodfury is being added again somewhere down the line) from 1.11(I think it's 1.13, because 1.12 is focusing on fixing the PvP system).

even Caydiem, one of the former CMs has expressed this, and is possibly (?) one of the reasons she quit.

Caydiem was an idiot who only cared for the druid class. Never did anything for paladins or anyone else. The reason she "quit" being a CM was because she was promoted. And shaman are hardly getting nerfed, in fact they're supposed to get the rest of their incomplete review(Bloodfury is being added again somewhere down the line) from 1.11(I think it's 1.13, because 1.12 is focusing on fixing the PvP system).

1.12 is the last patch before Burning Crusade. It's already been confirmed on the Shaman class boards that there will be absolutely no changes to the Shaman class until the expansion is out. If you know anything about MMORPGs, the expansion is going to be riddled with wierd bugs and inconsistencies. 1.13 will probably focus on rooting those out and changing parts of the expansion that frustrate players, to facilitate more sales of the expansion and ward off bad press.

Honestly, at this point, Shaman are probably stuck "as-is" for the next six months, at least.

1.12 is the last patch before Burning Crusade. It's already been confirmed on the Shaman class boards that there will be absolutely no changes to the Shaman class until the expansion is out. If you know anything about MMORPGs, the expansion is going to be riddled with wierd bugs and inconsistencies. 1.13 will probably focus on rooting those out and changing parts of the expansion that frustrate players, to facilitate more sales of the expansion and ward off bad press.

Honestly, at this point, Shaman are probably stuck "as-is" for the next six months, at least.

Where did you hear 1.12 was last patch before expansion? There will be a new patch for the dark portal opening event at least. It was said by a blue mod on the EU forums that there would be 'no major rebalancing' with regards to the pally/shammy differences until after the expansion but that doesn't discount more shammy changes before it.

I agree though, were it not for my guild I'd reroll alliance over this. We are vastly inferior, with no attempt to improve us.

BTW windfury was de-nerfed


shaman are hardly getting nerfed
It's already been confirmed on the Shaman class boards that there will be absolutely no changes to the Shaman class until the expansion is out.

really? that's funny...

Windfury Totem: The weapon enchantment from this totem will now only trigger off normal melee swings. This means abilities such as Sinister Strike, Mortal Strike, and Hamstring will no longer trigger the Windfury Totem.

if it was de-nerfed why is it still live on PTR and still in the patch notes?


I'm not liking this at all. It just makes me sad. Of course, I wonder if in the future Blizzard finally makes both factions equal in raid and PvP survivability, making all those who rerolled Alliance feel embarrassed. Might not happen, might happen, who knows?

I'm sticking it out.

shaman are hardly getting nerfed
It's already been confirmed on the Shaman class boards that there will be absolutely no changes to the Shaman class until the expansion is out.

really? that's funny...

Windfury Totem: The weapon enchantment from this totem will now only trigger off normal melee swings. This means abilities such as Sinister Strike, Mortal Strike, and Hamstring will no longer trigger the Windfury Totem.

if it was de-nerfed why is it still live on PTR and still in the patch notes?

Check the latest blue post on the shaman forums and quit the QQ. :(

i've officially rerolled alliance... i'm finding it very, VERY interesting. well over half the guys i've partied with are all former horde who are rerolling for the same reasons i am. if you've been paying attention to the WoW forums lately, people are abandoning horde left and right. i used to think the faction imbalance was a lot of hot air (outside AV where it's painfully obvious), however i've read some extremely enlightening and insightful posts over at the forums explaining in very clear and undeniable terms how alliance is clearly, CLEARLY advantaged. even Caydiem, one of the former CMs has expressed this, and is possibly (?) one of the reasons she quit.

ps: shamans get nerfed again in 1.12.


Mana Tide, or Blessing of Wisdom... #2 please.

Strength of Earth, or Blessing of Might... #2 please.

Tranquil Air Totem, or Blessing of Salvation... #2 please.

Judgement of Wisdom/Light, or... well, Judgements please.

Blessing of Kings, please.

Healers that can take hits and absolutely never run out of mana, please.

Massive spirit bonus to *our* priests, please.

Endgame encounters that are attuned to us, before the other faction (*cough*Twin Emperors, C'Thun, Patchwerk*cough*), please.

Armor that's actually tailored to fit our races, please.

The ability for DPS Warriors to generate 95% less threat than the tanks without any effort on their part, please.

So, yeah. Still trying to figure out why my fucking retarded guild decided to go Horde. "We're hardcore" my ass.


when readin WOW post here i am come to realize that everyone here seems to be Pro horde(well until recently) i started out as a horde, but by the time my troll priest was at level 32 my friends wanted to restart in a new server and we switched to alliance just for the sole purpose of trying our something new. In a recent post some one claimed people who are horde are more serious players as if belittling alliance players. I could be just mis interpreting everything but thats just what i get from reading this forum,

so i guess my point if any is why alliance is looked down upon so much?


Well, some people claim Alliance to be easy mode when it comes to PVE.

I picked horde because that's who I always was in the actual RTS. Besides, Horde are the evil side and that is who I usually pick anyway.


Oh yeah, it's funny to only point out the advantages of the otehr faction.

You will realise that the alliance is just as annoying as horde...

Just the racial spells. With the exception of fear ward, our priest spells suck. "OMG reduce ranged attack damage by 15!"

Draining life and reducing foes damage as you reduce their attack power. Now there is a spell.

You also forget that the shammy can dish out DPS 10 times better than a pally.

And racial abilities: I can stop bleeding vs I can stop fear. I'll take number 2.

I can detect rogues VS I can stun everyone around, I'll take 2

I can escape a trap VS I can attack faster, I'll take 2...

See what I did there? The best hunter now is a troll marksmanship hunter. +5 to bows and a second "rapid shot".

The best rogues are undead or orc.

Best mage is troll

Best shadow priest is UD...

The list can go on. We have the pally, you have a hell of a lot more you don't see.

Yeah, most likely. It's almost 2007. Were you expecting a second expansion in 6 months?

Oops, sorry, I meant 2009. I mean, 2 years for the first expansion? Sheesh.

And besides, why not? It wouldn't have to be a huge expansion. Just something to add more classes.


More classes mean itemisation from level 1 to 70, quest creation, balancing issues, role in a raid, and what not.

However, I would see Undead and bloodelves having deathknights (a response to the pally except more shadow oriented) whereas the alliance could get some sort of new mage... maybe a priest/mage hybrid class available to gnomes and humans.


Two classes already have Shadow as a major method of attack (priest, warlock). Another Shadow class would not make sense. Ice is really only represented by the Mage.. Shamans don't count as they're only caster hybrids, and have Nature, Ice, AND Fire.

Yeah. It'll be an easy expansion. Just add more classes.


It'd be PART of an expansion. :roll: Add that with new zones, items, etc.

Could be done in less than a year.


I know what you meant :P

You have to understand, I'm used to perusing the entirely ridiculous WoW forums and taking every know-it-all request/demand with a bucket of vitriol (despite my best efforts). I tend not to reply to things there, although I sort of can't get into why. But I do defend Blizzard for a reason.

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