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So...are you actually a cheater or what?

EDIT: Wait, so Blood Elves can't be warriors because they're a magical race...and yet they can be rogues?



I don't think it's because they're a "magical race."

What High Elf units do you remember that were melee, besides Spellbreakers (which were barely that)?

I can anticipate your next argument: Gnome warriors! There's no previous stuff not to back that up, though.

Besides: if you had to choose between Blood Elves having hunters (long lore history of archery, Rangers, Sylvanas) or a warrior (no noted history), which would you take? Which would you bitch more about?

Would you prefer they took away warlocks? Mages? Rogues make perfect sense, the whole society is drug-addicted and shady as fuck.

Friend on my server made this movie:


Not your usual WoW movie, I assure you - fans of Weird Al should diggit ;)

[23:22] Ero Elohim: I'm goin'

[23:22] Ero Elohim: I'm goin'

[23:22] Ero Elohim: I'm goin'

[23:22] Ero Elohim: Yes, I'm going

[23:22] Ero Elohim: I'm goin'

[23:22] nightowl*****: wher?

[23:22] Ero Elohim: I'm goin'

[23:22] Ero Elohim: HArd

[23:22] nightowl*****: where?

[23:22] Ero Elohim: I'm going

[23:22] Ero Elohim: Yes I'm going

[23:22] nightowl*****: ew hard?

[23:22] Ero Elohim: We're going

[23:22] Ero Elohim: We're going

[23:22] Ero Elohim: going

[23:22] Ero Elohim: Yes, going

[23:22] Ero Elohim: We're going

[23:22] Ero Elohim: Hard

[23:22] Ero Elohim: We're going

[23:22] Ero Elohim: Hard

[23:23] Ero Elohim: To the

[23:23] Ero Elohim: We're going

[23:23] Ero Elohim: to the

[23:23] nightowl*****: its still loading

[23:23] Ero Elohim: HARDWARE STORE

[23:23] Ero Elohim: HARDWARE STORE

[23:23] Ero Elohim: HARDWARE STORE

[23:23] Ero Elohim: HARDWARE STORE

[23:23] nightowl*****: wtf


Sometimes I wonder why (or how) I have friends.


Oh, right, I don't think I've ever exclaimed that I had a Shaman.

Now, discussion on the Caverns of Time. We know about the different periods we will go to, but it's interesting that it could easily be tampered with. For example:

- One could go back and prevent Sylvanas ever becoming a banshee, thereby preventing the rise of the Forsaken.

- One could go back and prevent Arthas from ever becoming a Death Knight, though I don't know how.

- One could even go to the battle of Hyjal and help Archimonde obtain the power of the World Tree, dooming Azeroth.

So many possibilities could happen if the Caverns were to be messed with. Lore-wise, that is.

I don't think it's because they're a "magical race."

What High Elf units do you remember that were melee, besides Spellbreakers (which were barely that)?

I can anticipate your next argument: Gnome warriors! There's no previous stuff not to back that up, though.

Besides: if you had to choose between Blood Elves having hunters (long lore history of archery, Rangers, Sylvanas) or a warrior (no noted history), which would you take? Which would you bitch more about?

Would you prefer they took away warlocks? Mages? Rogues make perfect sense, the whole society is drug-addicted and shady as fuck.

take out rogues and replace them with war's

everyones happy then


i wish they didn't have to take out anything. what's wrong with having 7 classes? i mean, sure the icons on the character creation screen might look a bit awkward... but otherwise... srsly wtf.

the only explanation i've heard so far is that they didn't want to give the horde more classes for their new race than alliance. really? who gives a shit if blood elves can be 7 classes and draenei can only be 6. "only" 6. as opposed to the taurens' or gnomes' 4? give me a god damn break.

<end drunken rant>

in other news, legolas joins horde! if i didn't already have one 60 hunter and weren't already working on a second one, i'd totally make a blood elf hunter just so i could get mocked by random irrelevant faggots every time i talked in the LFG channel (i mean... it's bad enough asking for help killing hogger in elwynn forest as a NE hunter... imagine a BE hunter asking where mankrik's wife is... srsly it's gonna be great). so instead i will make a BE pally and will get mocked by all the lore-fags (like i REALLY give a shit).

<end drunken addendum>

warrior + aoe silence + 60 insta rage = imba

yeah i was going to roll one too :-P

holy hell

it is 15 rage. five per orb. it is 60 ENERGY.


btw charge + aoe stun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> charge aoe silence

I think BE rogues are a worse idea than BE Warriors. Think about it, stealth, stun. time to blink? nono, cause you got aoe silenced. oh crap now you are about to be wtfpwnt.

Think about it.


my simple angry post in the wow gen forums

i was tired when i wrote it plus i refrained from really putting much thought into the post


Hi... Newcomer here, I just started playing WoW (Friend trial invite, my friends were begging me to try it) and so far the game is pretty good except I'm only level 10 and getting my ass kicked... Anyone have any newbie-friendly tips and hints for a lv. 10 Undead Rogue on Andorhal?


getting your ass kicked? you shouldn't be at that level, and who/what are you getting kicked by. Keep in mind that your squishy as a rogue, and not to fight more than 2 mobs at a time, things can get messy when theres 3 or more, even with cooldowns. Also make sure you have enough help when taking on new monsters, and make sure they aren't over 3 levels higher than you, even @ 3 levels higher, alot of your attacks are going to miss


yeah, i'd recommend sticking to killing stuff 2-3 levels lower than you as a rogue. not only is that stuff much easier to kill (since your chance to hit them is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than stuff the same or higher level than you) but also much, much faster and so while you gain less XP per kill, you'll be gaining more XP overall in the time alotted with less chance of dying. if you're gonna be fighting higher level guys, your best bet is to group up with someone (preferably a healer) and go at it.

Oh, right, I don't think I've ever exclaimed that I had a Shaman.

Now, discussion on the Caverns of Time. We know about the different periods we will go to, but it's interesting that it could easily be tampered with. For example:

- One could go back and prevent Sylvanas ever becoming a banshee, thereby preventing the rise of the Forsaken.

- One could go back and prevent Arthas from ever becoming a Death Knight, though I don't know how.

- One could even go to the battle of Hyjal and help Archimonde obtain the power of the World Tree, dooming Azeroth.

So many possibilities could happen if the Caverns were to be messed with. Lore-wise, that is.

Nozerdomu is the one assigning the cavern of time quests and frankly, if you would piss him off, you'd die quickly (In theory... Take Nefarion, he is the son of Neltharion Deathwing, and is only a fraction of neltharion's power. Nozerdomu had power equivalent to Deathwing's power prior the demon orb ordeal. Basically, it would probably take a 120 man raid to down Nozerdomu (in theory). And that would be unless Nozerdomu decided to kill you right as you were born... to be safe.

whoa.... don't know what to say about that room!

well nothing nice at least ^^

Pfft, that's nothing. Check this out :P

Team Wizzy (one man) who plays DAoC. He controls a group of players alone and is pretty damn good at it.

haha, craziness


nah I meant the aforesaid room is quite messy, well at least for me it is. The second room looks very well setup and is rather tidy. Looks very ordered.

Oh, I see what you mean :P

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