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Facebook likes issues (i.e. "Asking for likes is against the law of the internet! How dare you!")

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I don't want this anymore, because it might get popular.

Facebook will NEVER know that I like nerdy things.

I don't wanna know that other ppl like it too.

I think good things should never be given publicity.

Liking things is against my socio-political views.

I don't want this anymore, because seeing the likes means I can sort of figure out how long I have to wait.

I don't wanna support a community that makes music I want.

I don't want other ppl to like what I like.

*unlikes* (...aaand some white text down here for ppl who don't have a sense of humor...)


Guys, it's a Facebook campaign. People do it all the time.

Yeah it sucks, but the album will be out soon. And look, now we even have a timer for the album (not very consistent, but a countdown nonetheless).


This could have been handled better...

- Link to the facebook with an annotation on the trailer

- Put the image on http://maverick.ocremix.org/

- Possibly post a mix from the album with an explanation, include it on youtube

I know how COMPLETELY uninterested and unengaged an audience can be unless something is Skyrim and this response was somewhat predictable but there's also more that can be done (like on the above 3-point list) to turn this around. As it stands I think the facebook page gained somewhere around 150 likes in a day. Someone should start keeping track instead of just guessing. :-P Anyway, it'll take a hell of a while for it to happen at this rate but we've waited this long, I don't guess another couple weeks will hurt too much. Except that it'll probably delay the next album. And the next album would blow peoples' MINDS!


I just returned here and now I'm hearing something about "27,000 Likes". Is this scheduled for a specific date? Or does it stay in the gate until some page has 27,000 Likes on Facebook? This isn't the only album I'm anticipating, and with so much more to come, I hope this hostage-holding isn't for real, because no-one can be sure how many more days it'll take until 27,000 Likes, or if it'll even get to that point. From there, we'd have to re-order the album queue or nothing would ever be released by O-Clocked again. I can't afford to lose Double the Trouble and Milky Way Wishes too!

This is not because it's not coming sooner rather than later, per se, but moreso because this 27,000 Likes factor is adding another layer of unpredictability.


Disagreeing with the method and calling it a dick move is opposite extremes. I think it's an even worse move if we don't at least use this opportunity to do what we can to open up opportunities to promote future mixposts/artists from the site. Again, it's the big picture and on a bigger scale. We have a diverse listener base, many who don't check the site regularly yet love what we do. It's a completely different environment than some regulars might realize.

I made this point in the other thread in Community, but this complaining is negative energy when listeners can just as easily choose to expend that energy helping get the word out. It detracts from well-meaning efforts, and from the album itself. Is that worth the price of admission for some of the complaints seen? I get the impression that people want to vent over short term impatience over these larger considerations, or incorrectly attribute this to OCR caring only about popularity, which completely misses the point.

I waited even longer than you all for this day. While the album project's existence has been publicly known for 2 years, it has been in the works since July/August 2009. I originally wanted the album out before I left for boot camp back in 2011 & the music was pretty much done then, but several factors conspired to confound the release, and mismanagement while I was gone caused the album to face other unique problems, which came up last month while we were preparing for release and caused yet another minor delay. These are some unfortunate events, but we are finally ready to release, and yet...people want to diminish that achievement over a fairly common social media technique that's largely about free music, and not even over a commercial product? It reeks of entitlement to be honest.

I did not originally suggest this idea, but I was open to it because I understand the importance such a large album has and its potency for accomplishing OCR's larger mission. We're continually looking towards the future, and how best we can accomplish our primary goal. This is a one time event for furthering towards that end. I would love to see the album out already and see the artists get their due. I feel this is a way of allowing those artists who worked hard to get an even bigger slice of attention with a relatively minimal delay, which in the long run is more important for their future.

My post is a bit long winded and repetitive, but it contains the core points I wanted to make. I'm disappointed at how shortsighted the complaints are, and that more effort seems to be expended there from a few than into productive aspects. We're at an exciting point and time, with the album's release imminent. A deluge of music is about to come pouring upon your ears of the like that hasn't been found on the site before. Minor complaints don't really belong in light of that.

Go enjoy some of the already released tracks!

Chuck Dietz - A Flea and His Giant

(Chuck does a nice video series of him playing the song on guitar too)

Cyril the Wolf - Crushing Gravity

BONKERS - Into the Rebellion

Brandon Strader - String Chamellotron

melody - resolut-(ion)

(This version is longer than the album version, it contains more than the song)

Might I suggest making the giant banner on the front page actually link to the Facebook page that needs to be liked? The average internet surfer won't take the effort to click through to the youtube video then click through again to the Facebook page.

zimafreeze said:
Just a small note... to complain publically, on a public forum, which is made for opinions, is fine. It isn't small minded. What is, is not being open to the criticism. Criticism works both ways... both positive and negative. How you take it and what you do with it is entirely up to you. The internet is made up of human opinion... welcome to the internet. Enjoy your stay.

Well said zimafreeze.

just want to point something out as well. made a post on another website about this and a fellow poster made an interesting discovery... there are MULTIPLE OC Remix pages on facebook. Fine marketing decision there, Lou.


Hey guys, I know you have been waiting, but just put things into perspective a little bit. It's a free album that you will enjoy. You like OCR, Wes is just asking for support for OCR. He's not holding the album hostage, IMO I think he's just utilizing pre-release time to help spread news of the album, and also help OCR out.

Maybe it's because you guys have perceived the album being moved back again and again as waiting so long, and it's a respect issue... But try to remember that everyone here is doing this for free, we are and have, tried our best to get this album out. I know Wes, from behind the scenes, has been on top of getting this album out ASAP, and even though there have been delays, you're not going to remember the delays a year from now when you're listening to the album, you're going to be listening to the album.

So, I understand why you guys might feel this way, but I say to that, lighten up a bit. It's not worth approaching this release from that perspective.

At WORST, I would say this is a move from ignorance to the feelings of the audience that is waiting, NOT maliciousness, as a lot of you guys are making it out to be. Saying it's a dick move, implies that Wes knew it would piss you guys off. Why would he want to do that?

Be happy! Take a step back and breathe a bit. I've been waiting for this album too, but I'm not getting offended here, and I'm on the album, I have a song that's been waiting over a year to be posted. I adjusted my perspective. Why should I be pissed? When it all boils down, for real, why?

agentgerbil said:
just want to point something out as well. made a post on another website about this and a fellow poster made an interesting discovery... there are MULTIPLE OC Remix pages on facebook. Fine marketing decision there, Lou.

You don't even understand how Facebook works. :lol: Pages can be automatically created by search terms linked in people's profiles as well as automatically generated by Wikipedia pages. So of course there are going to be other pages automatically generated for "ocremix", "ocremix.org" and "OC ReMix". That doesn't mean we created those Pages, nor are we asking anyone to go there. The link's pretty clear on the homepage.

Calatia said:
I'd rather the album be an exclusive to people who donate to the site than to have it held hostage because the site's Facebook page doesn't have enough "likes". At least then, the intentions would be honest, whereas now it seems extremely petty.

We're not going to make people be required to donate money to access ReMixes. These are free fan arrangement albums. Charging money for unofficial fan works is not how we operate.

Yes, we are "punishing" you by attempting to encourage more potential fans to check out and appreciate this album as well as future ReMixes and albums by joining our page so they're more likely to know when even more new music is out later.

All I've heard is vague vagueries of moral wrongdoing over daring to promote free music you're instead recommending we charge people for. :lol:

Omni-Psyence said:
It's amazing how much entitlement people can feel for something given away for free.

Quoted for truthz. :-D

Yes, we are "punishing" you by attempting to encourage more potential fans to check out and appreciate this album as well as future ReMixes and albums by joining our page so they're more likely to know when even more new music is out later.

Wait a second. Another moderator said earlier that this drive was targeted at people who were already ocremix fans but hadn't liked the Facebook page yet. Now you're saying it's for to spread the word to people who haven't yet heard of the site.

One of the artists on the album put his track on YouTube because he was told the album was coming out today, not that the publicity drive to get a release would start today.

The level of inconsistency coming from the "higher-ups" is quite troubling. Instead of this "oh no free the page from Sigma" stuff, could we please just get a clear and definite press release staing the reasons for this artificial delay to the album's release as well as a clarification on what purpose this Like drive is meant to fulfil?

Look, I understand that you want to make this site bigger and better, but sending these mixed messages and withholding content from your fanbase isn't the way to do it.


This is how I feel about all of this.


Already been worked on for 2+ years(off and on personally for me). I suppose we can wait another 2 until we reach 27,000 likes.

Just being honest, not every legitimate VGM fan uses Facebook.

Also :

I don't want this anymore, because it might get popular.

Facebook will NEVER know that I like nerdy things.

Some hipster or closet VGM fans may be like that hahahah
but we are finally ready to release, and yet...people want to diminish that achievement over a fairly common social media technique that's largely about free music, and not even over a commercial product? It reeks of entitlement to be honest.

How is it entitlement? You guys are all like jego.jpg

(FFS you guys are already the biggest and most well known VGM remixing community left on the Interweb. Nearly Every fan of VGM knows about you already. You've been around for 10+ years already)

It's a punch to the gut to people who've been patiently waiting.

I'm not saying it's wrong or right. Just you guys seriously could've picked a better way of going about this.

And anything I say or do won't change anything. So i'm not going to be super critical and say stuff like "YOU GUYS ARE ATTENTION WHORING DICKS" or shit like that.

Hey , off topic. Maybe you guys can get around to the backlog of songs that need to be posted to the site while we wait eh?

The level of inconsistency coming from the "higher-ups" is quite troubling. Instead of this "oh no free the page from Sigma" stuff, could we please just get a clear and definite press release staing the reasons for this artificial delay to the album's release as well as a clarification on what purpose this Like drive is meant to fulfil?

It's meant to bring more potential listeners and newcomers to check out to what the artists provide here at OC ReMix, as well as target folks who may already enjoy the site but don't like OCR on Facebook yet. I don't know why you need a press release to state this rather obvious fact.


You guys really gotta kinda put this into perspective. The reason why you're angry is out there, but the hostility in general right now I feel is unwarranted. No one has really responded to you in the manner you guys are posting about people from this site. It's your reasoning they don't understand, not everyone is gonna see it the same way.

The album will be out, but the color here is extremely negative right now suddenly. It's something that really shouldn't be in play, in anticipation of a release, so try to just let go. Let all the positives outweigh this... Remember it's a collaborative effort among dozens of people, releasing it to you with the best quality they could, 60 tracks, art, website, and trailer, everything else. You've made your case, but let's not jump to conclusions as to the motives of the people who have done this.

Like I've said before, I can understand the reason why some of you are peeved, but what I don't understand is the level of anger I am getting, and the way it is spilling into the view of the site in general.

Again, stop mistaking ignorance for malice, Wes, and the rest of OCR, obviously didn't know it would peeve some people, so let this stuff go, and realize no one here "tried" to do anything they thought would hurt you, they just probably didn't realize you'd take it this way. It's been done, it's over, let them get the likes, and then move on with your lives *_*.

Either way, its starting to go past the level of construction, and into just an insistence of who is right or wrong. You guys all have your perspectives on that, so just agree to disagree, and stop attacking each other.

Maverick Rising will come out, and it's gonna be great, regardless of when/how/why.


For the handful of people who don't like Facebook publicity campaigns, welcome to Issues!

Wait a second. Another moderator said earlier that this drive was targeted at people who were already ocremix fans but hadn't liked the Facebook page yet. Now you're saying it's for to spread the word to people who haven't yet heard of the site.

Yes, there is no way we could be attempting to reach both types of people at once. How that makes one go "A-HA, CAUGHT YOU IN LIES!" is beyond me. :tomatoface:

There is a fundamental problem with this campaign, in that it shows that the only fans OverClocked ReMix cares about are those who have a Facebook account and are willing to "like" their page.

Your argument is immediately nullified by the fact that the album will not be available only to those who liked OCR on Facebook, but to everyone. If OCR only cared about Facebook, the album would be exclusive to Facebook fans only.

Your argument is immediately nullified by the fact that the album will not be available only to those who liked OCR on Facebook, but to everyone. If OCR only cared about Facebook, the album would be exclusive to Facebook fans only.

Wouldn't be surprised if an album did this in the not so distant future. And that's not even me being cynical about OCR, just facebook itself. Everything is whored through social media these days, everything. Can't say that I like it but it does show OCR's willingness to evolve, no one regularly visits websites anymore, they just follow on social media. A lot of other late 90s sites are dying off because they wouldn't adapt to this era, have to do what you have to do

Your argument is immediately nullified by the fact that the album will not be available only to those who liked OCR on Facebook, but to everyone. If OCR only cared about Facebook, the album would be exclusive to Facebook fans only.

"must like this page X here in order to get album released" "the album will not be available only to those who liked OCR on Facebook, but to everyone."

So, it's going to be available to everyone, but everyone only get's it if 27,000 other various people(who have a Facebook and actually "like" things on Facebook.) like OCR's Facebook page. And not everyone uses Facebook.

You might as well make Google+ and Twitter pages and all that other junk(if you can make pages on those types of things. I wouldnt' know I dont' use 'em) and link all the follows, etc together and tally it to 27,000.

Maybe'd that'd work better.

An underlying issue with this campaign is it feels dishonest, as if there is an ulterior motive for this push to get 27,000 fans on Facebook.

Of course there's an ulterior motive. Beyond promoting the MMX album now, the ulterior motive is that more people will hear about the new free mixes and new free albums later on TOO. It's extremely shady and shadowy. :-D

"must like this page X here in order to get album released" "the album will not be available only to those who liked OCR on Facebook, but to everyone."

So, it's going to be available to everyone, but everyone only get's it if 27,000 other various people(who have a Facebook and actually "like" things on Facebook.) like OCR's Facebook page. And not everyone uses Facebook.

You might as well make Google+ and Twitter pages and all that other junk(if you can make pages on those types of things. I wouldnt' know I dont' use 'em) and link all the follows, etc together and tally it to 27,000.

Maybe'd that'd work better.

Except they're already past 24,500. It's not like they're starting from zero. Also, if you added in everyone that follows OCR on Twitter, the count would be 38,281. But this is about Facebook, not Twitter.

Liontamer said:
Of course there's an ulterior motive. Beyond promoting the MMX album now, the ulterior motive is that more people will hear about the new free mixes and new free albums later on TOO. It's extremely shady and shadowy. :-D

Nah, I know you guys are just in it for the money. Clearly you are just LOADED giving away all these free remixes!


I think it's unreasonable to say that OCR is doing anything bad here by asking you to advertise their website and its media

however I also think it's unreasonable to say that anyone who doesn't want to use their facebook page as an advertisement broadcast center are "entitled"; some people might want to just not post things like that, or maybe don't like 'liking' things

there's a lot of undue hostility of varying kinds from both sides in this thread over something that is kind of a silly thing to be hostile about


yeah see that's the sort of unwarranted hostility I was talking about

implying that the people in charge are outright stupid because they've done something that would maybe irritate a few people but is ultimately not really a big deal is kind of taking it too far

I mean it's not like they're trying to charge you money or anything

Charging money for a product is at least honest, and completely justifiable.

Unless that would lead to infringement, as it would. Arrangements aren't products that the artists here have a right to sell, so OCR won't ever cross that line.

And no, asking people to like a FB site isn't hostile, but lashing out on the directors of the site would be. Cool your jets a little bit, take a deep breath and calm yourself; while it's a hell of a compliment that people are waiting this desperately for the album, going off the handle just poisons the product for not only yourself but for those around you.

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