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I'm calling it right now.

There is no Amon. Not a single one, at least.

Amon mentioned his family being killed by a Fire Bender in The Revelation. Sato, the rich guy that makes cars in the Avatar world, also says his wife was killed by a Fire Bender. Other minor characters have stated personal experiences with Benders as well. At some point in the past, this common experience led them to meet and plot out revenge against all benders, even the ones that had nothing to do with any of their personal tragedies.

Recruiting and training other non Benders to act as an army, building machines to fight back with, scaring the population... it's all part of a plan for revenge. But they were vurnerable as a group. They needed something to act as both an inspiration and protection for each member. Thus, we come to Amon.

Amon's story is just generic and common enough to both inspire his followers, while also shield each member from suspicion from the authorities. His story applies to hundreds of members, and yet applies to no one in particular. It's a great cover.

He wears a mask not to cover his fictional scars, but to conceal the multiple identities of the Equalist leaders. Different members with different strengths (like public speaking, fighting or the one guy that knows how to block Bending) take turn wearing the Amon disguise depending upon the event. That way, he is always in top form, always present and never afraid of capture, because you can't arrest an idea or a symbol.

Even if the cops did arrest an Amon, they would see it was not a scarred man, but a regular person, and assume it was a double the entire time. Then another Amon appears makes an appearance on radio or at an event, and the city see that the "real" Amon is still out there. This eliminates any victory the police have in arresting an Amon, while still stirring up fear in the population that he is still very much active.

"But Damned,", you ask, "if they are all pretending to be Amon, then how do they all sound alike?"

That's a good question. The answer is simple.

Voice Bending.

It's a good theory, but voice bending would probably require some talent in airbending in order to successfully pull off. That would be the only way to disguise one's voice (manipulating the air in front of one's mouth to change the tone/frequency/pitch of their voice).

And unless I'm mistaken, the only airbenders in existence... are Tenzin's family.


shut up

your theory would be good though, if you substituted voice bending for voice changing devices. i mean, if amon has in his power to create those platinum suits and taser gloves, then i think those wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility.

and it would make amon that much more threatening, imo..


Yeah, a technological theory is much more sound than something silly like voice bending.

However, I don't think this theory really works because we've already seen that the "public speaking Amon," "takes bending away Amon," and "I will fight you now Amon" are the same person. Unless there was a scene where he was shown leaving and then coming back out again on stage during the rally, which I don't think there was.


Could just be that the mask has a voice modulation device in it.

They were able to produce cars and electrocution batons/gloves, so why not those as well?

That said, I'll just wait and see what the series brings to the table.

The last episode was freaking amazing.

The action choreography in the latest episode was incredibly good. Lin Beifong and Korra teaming up? Holy crap.


I am really happy with this series thus far. I'm still waiting for the awesomeness to pick up like it did after the first half of the first scroll in Last Airbender. I guess I have some high standards to meet though; Airbender is like my third fav fictional show on television EVAR. I am such an Avatard. I have faith though, it's basically the same team working on this, and they're not messing with the formula too much thus far. I'm loving this show overall.

P.S. Sorry, Momo, you might have been outdone. Pabu is freakin' adorable.

I'm calling it right now.

There is no Amon. Not a single one, at least.

Amon mentioned his family being killed by a Fire Bender in The Revelation. Sato, the rich guy that makes cars in the Avatar world, also says his wife was killed by a Fire Bender. Other minor characters have stated personal experiences with Benders as well. At some point in the past, this common experience led them to meet and plot out revenge against all benders, even the ones that had nothing to do with any of their personal tragedies.

Recruiting and training other non Benders to act as an army, building machines to fight back with, scaring the population... it's all part of a plan for revenge. But they were vurnerable as a group. They needed something to act as both an inspiration and protection for each member. Thus, we come to Amon.

Amon's story is just generic and common enough to both inspire his followers, while also shield each member from suspicion from the authorities. His story applies to hundreds of members, and yet applies to no one in particular. It's a great cover.

He wears a mask not to cover his fictional scars, but to conceal the multiple identities of the Equalist leaders. Different members with different strengths (like public speaking, fighting or the one guy that knows how to block Bending) take turn wearing the Amon disguise depending upon the event. That way, he is always in top form, always present and never afraid of capture, because you can't arrest an idea or a symbol.

Even if the cops did arrest an Amon, they would see it was not a scarred man, but a regular person, and assume it was a double the entire time. Then another Amon appears makes an appearance on radio or at an event, and the city see that the "real" Amon is still out there. This eliminates any victory the police have in arresting an Amon, while still stirring up fear in the population that he is still very much active.

"But Damned,", you ask, "if they are all pretending to be Amon, then how do they all sound alike?"

That's a good question. The answer is simple.

Voice Bending.

So Amon is Anonymous.

God help us all...


Caught up with the episodes today. As much as I originally wasn't sure about the whole technology jump, I'm really happy with how things are presented overall. Love the radio-drama intros, the music is obviously fantastic. As DarkeSword said, the last episode's choreography was great.

I'm curious if the entire series will only take place in Republic City. As cool as it is, I'm missing a bit of the adventuring aspect from Airbender. It's really a small thing compared to how good things are shaping up so far, and there's still plenty of time for them to expand on the world, so I'll keep my hopes up.


I'm in the process of attempting to catch up (Thank goodness for Nick.com). It seems like every time I try to watch some, a new episode has been released.

I'm curious if the entire series will only take place in Republic City.

It has been confirmed that it'll be rooted in Republic City. They said they didn't want to repeat Aang and company's adventures.

Also, could someone with better photoshop skills than I have redo this rageface to look like Tenzin? I'm really surprised it hasn't happened already.



My, you're optimistic. We had a pool scene (which came out of practically nowhere), and I figured that was the closest we were going to get to a beach episode. Granted, Korra wasn't in there, but she's a Water Bender, so it's not like that can't be worked in at some point.

Avatar didn't even have their beach episode until Book 3, and THAT was with the antagonists.

And if the entire series takes place in a metropolis, uh, maybe we DON'T want a beach ep.

So... are we going to see Avatar-state Korra soon? I'm thinking that the events at the end of the last episode might trigger it.

It may very well be FUCKING AWESOME.

It will be indeed. The whole series has been keeping us relatively separated from the spiritual field, but Tenzin gave the first vocal mention of Korra's communicating with Aang, real shit popped off, and that flashback was more revealing than ever, so I'm sure we're on the verge of something. If not the Avatar-state, I still reeally wanna know what Aang has to say.

Yeah, the show is awesomely entertaining. What a fight scene.


Nah, an air temple would be too obvious to take her to, and even if he did take her to one, you still have the air acolytes that serve in the temples. They would see her tied up and wonder what the fuck is going on, and then the whole kidnapping thing is ruined.

Besides, he has to take her somewhere within a reasonable amount of time. The guy has an active political life and can't just take off for days at a time. He has to be back for the meetings and duties his job requires every day.

More likely he will keep her somewhere in town or near it, and then either arrange to have someone else take her away, or try to keep her there until he has a better plan.

So I suspect we'll have an episode or two where it's split between Korra quietly contacting Aang in solitude (as her situation as a prisoner forces her to) wand the action and plot where her friends search fro her frantically.

Which is perfectly fine with me. Pacing and development were one of the strong points of first series, and they seem to be doing it right with this one.


well we already know that lin and tenzin are gonna look for her, obviously. there's also a clip floating around on youtube of tarrlok blaming the equalists for taking korra, and placing the glove asami used and one of the ball-ended ropes the equalists use on a pillar. he also says they must look for korra immediately, so that says something too.


Speculation on how Tarlok can Bloodbend, GO!

Only 2 people knew the secrets to bloodbending as far as the show has shown us - Katara and Hama. Who's this guy that he knows not only how to bloodbend, but can do it without a full moon?

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