Rozovian Posted February 7, 2012 Posted February 7, 2012 One week into Feb, that's one week less until the end of Feb deadline where we open up everything that isn't finished, unless we have a _really_ good reason not to. Also, we're a couple of nitpicks away from having a couple more finished tracks. Progress is being made, are you in on it? Progress has not been made on the teaser. Nothing tangible, anyway.
Brandon Strader Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 About "Oh I'm A Flamelet" I hadn't listened to it in so long, I forgot how good it is... I've known I have needed to do a final spitshine to it but for some reason I thought it was a lot rougher than it actually is. It's actually purty good and I think I could fix it up right nice with the experience I got nows. I should definitely be able to get it to you within the month, and we can go from there for whatever. Just letting you know I'm gonna be good for it and not to cut it.
Pavos Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 And another track from this project has been YES'd by the judges, bringing it to 4 now . Congrats to... eh well I don't really know who made it, but still
Rozovian Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 I didn't put "just gimme the wav already" on it for nothing. You're good for it when I get the wav, B. And another track from this project has been YES'd by the judges, bringing it to 4 now . Congrats to... eh well I don't really know who made it, but still Archangel, and it's a really cool track. Speaking of which, feel free to sub your tracks, folks. If they don't pass, at least you get feedback. If they do, it makes this project look good. And btw, wav for your track due this month, or I'll open it. We need this project finished.
Rozovian Posted February 10, 2012 Posted February 10, 2012 Interest has been expressed for Frenzy and Black Soup, still waiting on wips before we put any names to them tho. Conversely, Meridian Child is now open. Any takers?
Archangel Posted February 12, 2012 Posted February 12, 2012 And another track from this project has been YES'd by the judges, bringing it to 4 now . Congrats to... eh well I don't really know who made it, but still Archangel, and it's a really cool track. Thanks, both of you! Not to toot my own horn, but I've also submitted my Witchmakers track, and to my surprise it was marked as a direct post. Conversely, Meridian Child is now open. Any takers? I'd take it in a heartbeat if I weren't helping HoboKa with his Where Angels Fear to Tread track. If you can't find anyone reliable for it, I can whip up something. Anything to get this project done.
Rozovian Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 I'd take it in a heartbeat if I weren't helping HoboKa with his Where Angels Fear to Tread track.If you can't find anyone reliable for it, I can whip up something. Anything to get this project done. You can always grab it when you're done with the other tracks, if no-one else has by then. I should check with the judges about the DP-able sd3 tracks, I now know of two.
Meteo Xavier Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 Mark Hadley gave me his resignation from the project, so we can clear what little of his contribution was from the roster and open that up. Additionally, I'm finding I can't help myself and I'm very likely going to re-work the two remixes I have on here. Those tracks are very old and my skill has improved since then. Please do not remove the "completed" status on them as I very likely will not have time to do it (and by that, I mean I may accidentally break my legs while a demon stalks my apartment and a hacker gains control of my bank account - basically things that have already happened), but surely I don't want to go on record in 2012 or 2013 or 2014 or 2015 when this project is finished with something I did in 2008 or 2009 if it can be helped. Finally, soon we'll also have something of a surprise in store for the project. It's not a huge or hugely beneficial one, but it'll be pretty cool and a nice contribution to the project as well as our remixers - so GET YOUR PROJECT TRACKS IN! The sooner we finish this up, the sooner we can get on that as well. Remember, me and Rozovian can't finish up this project any quicker without your contributions coming in. This project has all the opportunity in the world as being as big as the Final Fantasy VII project or any of the other massive hits OCR has had, but it's only going to be a hit if you treat it as seriously as that. Thank you and have a good day!
Rozovian Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 Just making sure everyone knows: reworking old mixes on here is fine, as long as we have a good wav I don't care if it's from before I joined the project or five minutes before the big ultimate final deadline. Decision Bell is now open. Takers? Maybe I'll do it myself, it's a nice source. Anyone want it?
keiiii Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 Just sent a new WIP at Rozovian's general direction. Also, Decision Bell is one of my favorite tracks from the soundtrack, and I'm a little sad because I liked what I heard of the WIP years ago. Hopefully whoever takes it now will do it justice!
Meteo Xavier Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 Archangel comes through again! He just sent me what I believe is a finished version of WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD. Pun definitely not intended as its the reverse here. Seriously, this dude is a fuckin' hero for this project and I'd like to throw on the board here suggestions of how we can honor his efforts for our project.
Abadoss Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 Archangel comes through again! He just sent me what I believe is a finished version of WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD. Pun definitely not intended as its the reverse here.Seriously, this dude is a fuckin' hero for this project and I'd like to throw on the board here suggestions of how we can honor his efforts for our project. We could call the album "Archangel Plays Seiken Densetsu 3: With Guests"? No?
Rozovian Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 If we're changing the project name, it's gonna be sd3: Songs of Archangel and the Dual Dragons. Not the first time it's brought up. I've got some nitpicks, and the track is missing a component Archangel mentioned in the PM, so it's not finished just yet... But yeah, it's a spectacular track. Just wait until the project is done and everyone gets to hear this stuff.
Dj Mokram Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 Archangel comes through again! [...] I'd like to throw on the board here suggestions of how we can honor his efforts for our project. Contributing a track to the PC ReMix Initiative would be a great way to do that.
Rozovian Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 Contributing a track to the PC ReMix Initiative would be a great way to do that. Suits me fine, I have two remixes about half done that'd fit the initiative, and a few more sketches. Gotta say tho, as great as Archangel's tracks are, we can't let him turn this into a Slovenian album. Don't let him take your tracks! Finish them before he mixes them too!
Meteo Xavier Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 I ain't joining no more projects until this one gets finished. Doctor's orders (not joking).
Mak Eightman Posted February 22, 2012 Posted February 22, 2012 Hey Meteo... How can I send you lvl-up update?.. Rozo kinda.. mmm.. dunno... lost??????? Outro is wrong(humanization), cause I was tooo drunk.. But the rest is kinda, interesting to know what do you think.. Thanks! edit: sorry... i'm drunk again...(
Rozovian Posted February 22, 2012 Posted February 22, 2012 Hey Meteo... How can I send you lvl-up update?.. Rozo kinda.. mmm.. dunno... lost??????? Outro is wrong(humanization), cause I was tooo drunk.. But the rest is kinda, interesting to know what do you think.. Thanks!edit: sorry... i'm drunk again...( What, did I not reply to you? Lost? What are you talking about? If you need to talk to Meteo directly, use PMs here on ocr. I'm sure Meteo can provide you with his email if you don't have it.
Meteo Xavier Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 Indeed, just send me a PM. I saw you sent one earlier, but as it was also other business that needed to wait until I got to a better point on it, I didn't go into the SD3 part of it.
Lemonectric Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 I should have a little update later today. Whew. I need to get back in the habit of using the weekends for music. Hey Meteo... How can I send you lvl-up update?.. Rozo kinda.. mmm.. dunno... lost??????? What, did I not reply to you? Lost? What are you talking about? Rozo lost the game
Meteo Xavier Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Got a new WAV I haven't listened to and a very brief WIP for Reincarnation from Prophecy.
noTuX Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Due to a well borked computer, I've lost all of my old music. I know my old track still needed some work, but now it seems I'm going to have start over from scratch. I'm not really sure how the project's timeline is looking, but do I have time to work on a new track, or is it too late?
Meteo Xavier Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Not enough for this deadline, but the bottom line is an enthusiastic YES, you would more than likely have plenty of time to do it and redo it over and over again. Sorry to hear that Blue. I know all too well what thats like.
Brandon Strader Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 I want to apologize to Rozovian for being such a slow bastard, but I wanna let the record show that I DID deliver a WAV before the end of this month, like I said I would!
Rozovian Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Yay, new tracks to comment on / change color of. We've got Brandon S, Hylian Lemon, Theophany, as well as mak whom I now apologize to, for not responding sooner. I will today. Due to a well borked computer, I've lost all of my old music. I know my old track still needed some work, but now it seems I'm going to have start over from scratch.I'm not really sure how the project's timeline is looking, but do I have time to work on a new track, or is it too late? I was fortunate to have taken a backup a week before my only serious borkage so far, but I feel for you, man. The deadline only means we're opening everything that wasn't finished so we can get fresh blood and some actual activity on some of the mixes that have just been sat on for months if not years with little or no progress. I don't think you'll get a new mix done by the time I wake up on the "morning" of March 1st, but the project isn't done until all tracks are covered, so there's still time. It might just be that you'll have more competition for the track. Alternatively, if you feel better about a different source, you can change. We'll be opening tracks on March 1st, and we're always accepting multiple remixes of the same source, so if a different open track speaks to you, feel free to remix that instead. In other words, we're not banning ppl from the album, we're just inviting more competition and changing your colors and stuff like that. Cuz, you know, we wanna finish this and show everyone all the cool tracks we've been talking about.
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