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I really like this game. Love it, in fact. It's like Morrowind far more than Oblivion, and although I miss acrobatics and athletics and unarmed, and some of the spells are a bit silly (I don't see why they need to leave out levitating or the classic "save me" spells from Morrowind- Mark, Recall, and the Divine Intervention- totally understand why you can't get an Almsivi Intervention) the things they added really make it like you're living in Skyrim (I have a lovely house in Whiterun, and I feel like I'm at home there. Just like Balmora.)

Just one thing.

I'm standing on top of a gigantic burning grate in the middle of Jovaaskr and I'm not taking any fire damage.

Also, I'm diving and I've been submerged in water for about 5 minutes now with no hint of drowning.

Think of that as a tiny, trivial thing that means nothing, but in every other Elder Scrolls Game Bethesda would have made that grate deal damage to you. Fire Damage. I would also have drowned. In fact it was a big deal in Oblivion in a Mages Guild quest.


Suspension of disbelief gone.

Oh well, I'll go to Winterhold and read books in the library. That'll make my character feel better...

PS: Can Bethesda and Bioware get together and make a game with Bethesda's world making skills and Bioware's writing and game design skills?


IMO, Oblivion is like the deadbeat middle child of the series. With its awkward NPCs and piss poor voice acting, I never felt truly immersed in that game at all. Also, they completely butchered my favorite race, the Dark Elves.

Skyrim was a great return to form, although there are still things that I miss from Morrowind. Like the ability to have a Lair made out of giant mushrooms in the middle of nowhere, complete with servant-women to do my bidding.


When playing Skyrim at a friends house, I did one thing.

I jumped off the watchtower where you fight the dragon. At the peak of my leap, I opened my inventory and removed everything. Then I unpaused and zoomed out.

I saw myself fall to my death, in third-person, naked, and then immediately pelted by cabbages, as my friends laughed their asses off.

Suspension of disbelief is necessary in my honest opinion. It can end up pretty funny.


This is kind of why I have a vendetta against this game

everyone's like 'it's so huge and epic' but then people are like running around backwards and flying through the air when they shouldn't be in HUGE OBVIOUS GLITCHES and everyone's like 'lol SWEET BRUH'

either it's a huge immersive adventure or it's a sandbox game where everything is silly you can't just have it be both and act like it works both ways


you just hate fun

Also, I'm diving and I've been submerged in water for about 5 minutes now with no hint of drowning.

then you have a waterbreathing enchantment on something you son of a silly person

I have drowned in several missions where I didn't see the exit in a flooding room


it works in New Vegas because the game is already pretty silly so seeing all the enemies fall through the ground adds to the goofiness (and hilariously ruins some of the serious moments).

In Skyrim, I dunno, I guess they should release a few more patches (though I don't know if that'll happen any time soon). Skyrim was too rough around the edges for me (lol but I like New Vegas).

This is kind of why I have a vendetta against this game

everyone's like 'it's so huge and epic' but then people are like running around backwards and flying through the air when they shouldn't be in HUGE OBVIOUS GLITCHES and everyone's like 'lol SWEET BRUH'

either it's a huge immersive adventure or it's a sandbox game where everything is silly you can't just have it be both and act like it works both ways

Except it totally can.

Try this:

A) Fight Alduin

B) Fight Alduin with the Wabbajack

The game makes things fun, it's not a glitch. You can either fight him or turn him into a sheep (you still need to fight him though). What I said in my first post? Me myself manipulating the games menu system with the camera for results. Don't be angry with the possibilities others can find if you wish to remain inside a confined box whilst playing. This game isn't a simulator, don't expect humanistic damage or physics. It's about dragons and swords.


Let's put it this way: I have yet to attain a sense of immersion in any Pen and Paper RPG I have ever played, with myriad GMs and players, that has ever come close to Skyrim.




When playing Skyrim at a friends house, I did one thing.

I jumped off the watchtower where you fight the dragon. At the peak of my leap, I opened my inventory and removed everything. Then I unpaused and zoomed out.

I saw myself fall to my death, in third-person, naked, and then immediately pelted by cabbages, as my friends laughed their asses off.

Suspension of disbelief is necessary in my honest opinion. It can end up pretty funny.

God why did I never think of this


Haven't played clear through it or anything but I got lost in it for like three days and ended up getting very little sleep. Some of the NPC's are so damned rude. I needed to be way strong so I could kill more of the smug bastards.

the elder effect, an epic biothesda RPG trilogy...

Now I'm imagining dragons in space. And it's glorious.

Honestly, for me, about the only break in suspension of disbelief (aside from bug-induced ones) is the ever-present problem of repeated dialogue. An NPC can only tell me the same thing in the same exact way so many times before I begin to think that they're addle-pated. This is a problem for me in almost all RPGs, though, and it's something I've come to accept.

Also, I'm diving and I've been submerged in water for about 5 minutes now with no hint of drowning.

I believe there is a race that can breath underwater. (Those reptile people, I think.)

I haven't played in months, do I don't remember the names of the races.


yeah, might've been an Argonian/enchantment because I've certainly almost drowned several times in the game. Though if you wanna go on about suspension of belief, I totally picked a lock slowly underwater after I was almost out of breath. However, given they got rid of instant opening spells, the world sure better stop for me when I'm picking a lock >_>

Really, I'm not one of those guys totally big on immersion in these games. I like that they have the potential for immersion, but I mostly enjoy the game if it's fun. I'm not going to complain that I can pause the game to drink my health potions because I derped. Like the only issue I have with fast travel is sometimes I can actually run to a location faster than the game thinks fast travel would be.

Haven't played clear through it or anything but I got lost in it for like three days and ended up getting very little sleep. Some of the NPC's are so damned rude. I needed to be way strong so I could kill more of the smug bastards.

Yes...stupid NPCs...my undead follower I carry everywhere to store extra stuff is not some dangerous magic and I don't need to be reminded of it all the time :x Sometimes I feel like...oh yeah, I'll show you some dangerous magic.

I don't have an explanation for the fire thing, I haven't been everywhere yet so I don't even remember a Jovaaskr, but I know all fires don't do damage like in Arcadia's Cauldron, or perhaps you have fire resist.


Guys, you're talking about breaking immersion in a game where some of the first things people did was get caught stealing by chickens and put baskets on bystanders' heads to murder people without getting caught.

Some of the NPC's are so damned rude. I needed to be way strong so I could kill more of the smug bastards.

i prefer stealing their clothes, so rude people end up naked in the middle of the street. Much more satisfying for a sneaky nocturnal follower.

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