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I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I've felt Oblivion and Skyrim could have been nice with some 2-4 player multiplayer going on. MMO seems like too many people for an Elder Scrolls type game. Unless they're making it more like the standard MMORPG-fare, which IMO makes the whole thing feel unnecessary.

I don't know, I guess I'll have to see what it's like when there is more information available.


The Radiant Quest system was, I think, a test platform.

It's actually pretty good, because it feels a bit like an MMO but it's actually pretty tailored for you. And imagine how sweet it would be to be the duke of Bruma or Jarl of Whiterun, or head of the Morag Tong?

If Bethesda really gives players choice and power it'd be the best sandbox game ever made.


It's third person and will be mostly hotkey based like traditional MMORPGs. It's predictable and unexciting, but probably better than trying to adapt the single player games' notoriously badly balanced mechanics into an multiplayer setting.

It's the PvP portion that will be more freeform and sandbox-based. That's alright with me. PvP is split into 3 factions and Cyrodiil is the hot spot for PvP battles. The winning faction takes the Imperial City and the highest ranked player becomes emperor until the balance of power shifts again.

...I really don't think Elder Scrolls gameplay can be adapted into an MMO. Incoming WoW clone.

Guild Wars 2 clone, the scans from Game Informer made it sound like.


Yeah, I have no idea what the point of this is. The appeal of Elder Scrolls games and the appeal of MMOs don't overlap, like, at all. Nor do Elder Scrolls mechanics lend themselves to the traditional MMO mold. I'm not sure how they can do this and still have if feel like an Elder Scrolls game, except for having it be set in Tamriel -- and even that's going to be a thousand years before anything else, so how similar will it really be?

As an aside, I wonder if they'll make Cyrodiil tropical again.


Do we REALLY need this? Wasn't The Elder Scrolls' biggest strength as a series its impossibly huge worlds on a single-player experience? If you turn it into an actual MMO, don't you lose a lot of what made the games interesting in the first place? Why don't they just add multiplayer components the next entry or maybe as a patch for Skyrim?

If there's anything that MMOs have taught me, it's that I'd love to play with anyone, but I don't want to play with or be surrounded by every internet moron or jackass.


The only thing about this statement that was even remotely interesting to me was the fact that we may finally be able to travel out across the whole of Tamriel. That's not enough for me to want to play it.

I always felt the same as Eckerson though: I would love to have had support for another player or two to be able to play together, but the massively aspect is going to kill the feel of Elder Scrolls methinks. It will have an especially difficult time succeeding if they don't try and create a good, and unique experience. The game will be coming out during a time in which WoW, Tera, Guild Wars 2, The Secret World and SWTOR—among others—will be all the market can handle. If they don't make a really exciting experience that really sets itself apart from these powerhouses I feel like they're setting themselves up for failure.


a gigant hit me and im in the air and i cant get back down hlp plzzzzzz!!!!!

The Elder Scrolls always felt like they'd be really fun as co-op games - imagine semi-competent followers, but better. But an MMO? Ugh. Not sure I can see that working at all. Wandering the wilderness would turn into mad dashes to get the resources you can before everyone else takes them all. Storming dungeons? Gotta wait for everyone to respawn. That guy you thought was a vampire and killed? Don't worry, he'll be alive in a few minutes, you didn't do any lasting harm. The paradigm shift just doesn't match.

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