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OCR TF2 Server - Anyone interested in trying out TF2 should join us!

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My problem with round limits is that sometimes everyone genuinely is enjoying a map, and then after 2 rounds, the map ends. If anyone has any good suggestions on how a good round limit could be implemented, I'm all ears though. I do want to adjust the time limit for several maps though.

Also if a particular custom map sucks, tell me. I am always looking to pare down the votable list.

To be fair, the number of times I've actually enjoyed a balanced round of Dustbowl/Badwater/etc. to the point where I wanted to continue after the map time ran out can be counted on one hand. Alternately, you could add an option to extend the current map time to the map vote. Have the vote start at the beginning of the last round if possible, as well. (By "round" I mean a segment of gameplay that can't be interrupted by a map change. So for Dustbowl it would be the start of Stage 1, but for Pipeline it could be at the start of any stage, for example. Single stage maps don't have to worry about this for obvious reasons.)

I'd also like to put in my blanket disapproval for all flavors of Orange maps, but IDK if any are on the list.


I forgot to mention, but last night I updated the server with the updated Cashworks. I've been pretty busy lately unfortunately, and this week at night I'm pretty much booked excepting maybe Friday.

I do want to play more at night, it's just that I've been booking my time like crazy for doing stuff. It's unfortunate :( .


The winners of TF2maps.net's latest contest have been announced. Linky.

The contest was Dynamic PL. In other words, payload with a dynamic element, such as the bridge in Thunder Mountain's first stage or the turntable on Barnblitz. I haven't played on any of the winners, but the fact that they won should say something about their quality.


I'd sure love to play with you guys... but where the heck is everyone? It seems like every night I log on, nobody is there.

Is there a second server like there was before?

I'd sure love to play with you guys... but where the heck is everyone? It seems like every night I log on, nobody is there.

Is there a second server like there was before?

Sort of. The community has fragmented somewhat, we sometimes gather on other servers if there aren't enough for a full game. It's all pretty ad hoc, just add some people and jump in if you see them playing.


I haven't been on as much as I had a month ago unfortunately - I've been out with various social/networking engagements or various running groups, where evening runs work nicely.

Also I should mention that I will be out from June 20th to July 3rd, and probably gone on the 4th as well.

There have been times I'll join a game halfway through the allotted map time and within a round or two I'll be topping the scoreboard. It's almost scary and usually makes me feel bad.

I always wonder if I've ruined someones first time playing TF2. Not some COD/XBox Live transfer pubber, but someone who really wants to get into the game and here I am, killing him every time he comes around a corner.

If you really want to see 'ruined time' Frogg asked me once if i felt bad pocketing him on a valve server.

You should feel bad pocketing on any server.


So...the most recent update has added random drops of what can literally be described as pieces of junk. Pocket lint, a wheel of cheese, a goldfish, a broken capacitor, and so on. No word yet on what they're for or what they can do, but rampant mass speculation has Meet the Pyro pegged as the most likely target. FireSlash popped up as part of the whole thing, too.


I'd guess it'll be part of what ever summer spectacular Valve has planned for the next week or so, once the elementary schools are out........

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