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Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream - History

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  • 2 weeks later...

Goddamn, it's been a while since I've looked at this thread... and goddamn, a lot has changed.

Congratulations, prophet, on snagging bLiNd! That's an acquisition vaguely on par with... um... some really great baseball trade in history. And if I'm reading right, Sixto might be in on bLiNd's track as well?

Anyway, if nobody has taken Catfish's Maw or Tail Cave I might be interested in fooling around some on those this weekend... how's that sound? (Maybe you'll want to send me a reply via PM, I dunno)

Looking forward to the release, if I don't get a chance to contribute.

Also I'd love to collaborate with someone, if anyone's interested! ...Because my tools are questionable, I haven't got many samples, and I'm not even sure my ears are as good as I thought they were! I probably should stop listing all of these great reasons to sign on with me, because none of them are actually good! Maybe I should stop ending all my sentences with exclamation points too! What do you think, everyone!

...*cough* Sorry...

What do you do, remix-wise, besides play the electric bass and the trombone? And what are these questionable tools you using?

One of these days I'll remember to keep my big mouth shut... the answer to this question is almost laughable.

Okay, so I play bass and trombone, neither of which in recordable quality. As for questionable tools, let's start with a questionable operating system, Ubuntu. Which is absolutely great for what I usually use it for, which is web browsing and programming, but as we all know multimedia development has always been a bit limited on Linux distros.

I did manage to get a theoretically workable setup going, in the form of Rosegarden (MIDI sequencer) --> fluidsynth (soft synth, and I'm able to throw in .sf2 soundfonts at that point) --> Jack (audio manager and router). That's all good for when I want to playback; for final rendering and recording I throw Audacity into the mix (...see what I did there?) and I can do some editing there and final mixdown.

the prophet of mephisto has heard how my setup can sound, or at least he has had the slightest "glimpse" into it. It needs work; for one thing I need to figure out how to get rid of clipping. *shrug*

The point being, I'd say I have a setup that COULD work, but it needs a lot more tweaking. It does not help that I have practically no experience working with audio. My primary specialty with computers has always been programming, and so I have a computer that allows me to do that well.

I just need to figure it out within my complicated toolset.

May I ask why you decided to turn your music-making experience into hell in the first place?

It's not like LMMS & Ardour are gonna replace FL or Logic anytime soon...

Ok, they're neither free nor running on Ubuntu.

But for the sake of argument, why not use some free Win alternatives, such as Reaper?

And let's avoid making this project thread into another help thread.

PM are there for a reason. ;-)


been out of town. just checked the thread.

plat, wondered where you were =) it's been a little while.

luke, i've been kicked in the arse by my upcoming recital (which is suddenly three months closer) and the imminent release of a game i'm scoring, so i've been kind of freaking out trying to get them taken care of. i'll get something to you soon enough.

as for songs that are open - i'm getting a lot of people saying that they're interested, and i've had very few wips sent my way. send me music, people!

plat, wondered where you were =) it's been a little while.

Yeah, sorry for that. I kind of died briefly. Then I got better.

I have a full-time job (internship really) as a tech ops guy for a large legal company, and it's been exhausting although quite fun. So there are times when I don't even touch my computer at home for weeks at a time.

Anyway, I'll try to be more active on the fora from here on. And prophet, who knows, I might have something for you by the end of the summer. Luke and I might do a collaborative work or something, who knows.

as for songs that are open - i'm getting a lot of people saying that they're interested, and i've had very few wips sent my way. send me music, people!

Well, I'm trying my best. As you know, I have some issues with my setup. So I'll be working on that. We'll see how it goes.

Good luck with your upcoming shit.

a perfectly absurd question, mr. azure! :tomatoface:

In my defense, I saw the grammar of the question as being a bit like... say, Epitaph aka Luke has a guitar recorder.

Awesome that we have a tenor recorder, then. Now no more making fun of me for the prophet's horribly ambiguous grammar, mkay? :-D

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