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MAGFest 11 OCR Community Info - Rooms/People/Rides/GroupReg (Partially Updated 12/26/12)

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So I got Abadoss, Capa, and Amphibious here at my place temporarily - we're about to hit up DC and check out some of the monuments.

Twas a great MAGFest as usual though! It's amazing how many more people show up every year, and how much fun times are to be had. I don't think I have any outrageous stories for the year though. I'm sorry if I haven't gotten to hang around everyone so much this year - it's just a busy time as always!


I wanted to thank everyone for such a great time at this year's Magfest. It was great getting to meet... well most of you at least. Kidding, it was great meeting all of you and thanks for signing my book!

(Jon St. John harassing one of my friends as Duke Nukem was the icing on the cake)

Good times and welcome to the year 2000 and F*CKING GARPOCALYYYYPSE!!


Rukii and I just got home ourselves. Huge shoutout to Arrow for being a swell guy and giving us a ride to out in the middle of nowhere Dulles Airport.

Next year, Reagen National or Baltimore ONLY. Fuck Dulles.

I'm going to post some of the photos I took at MAG here at some point. Stay tuned!

Kind of ticked that they stopped allowing formal pictures with yuzo koshiro because time was running over. I would love to have posted one of those. Thanks to Arrow though who did the best he could.

Wes Johnson did me a huge favor and growled a short introduction with my name in his Orc voice from the Elder Scrolls games.

Brushfire's came close but i forgot to record it. :-o


It was nice finally meeting you all. I was telling Vinny that if I had to write a blog article about this, it would be called "How to do MAGFest Wrong". I was only there for a few hours with a pregnant wife and I missed mostly everything. That's what I get for working through thursday-friday and commuting to the con rather than getting a room. Oh well, next year!


Currently chilling at Jill and Andy's before making the drive home. It was nice to see so many new faces this year at Mag, especially a lot of the mega man compo crew. I want to especially thank all the folks that came out to our workshop panel on Friday. Last year's was kind of iffy but I think people had a lot more fun this year with zircon up there live-mixing.

Oddly enough no real catchphrases this from this weekend, but I suppose that's alright.

Also just want to say that you guys should never feel too awkward to come up and say hi. Magfest is exactly the place to do that!

Not really sure how mine and Jarel's room turned into a party room so often over the weekend, especially since we had no booze, but thank you to everyone for stopping by and not making a mess. We're planning on doing more Kamen Rider stuff next year, so watch out.

Hopefully I'll see even more of you next year!

Currently chilling at Jill and Andy's before making the drive home. It was nice to see so many new faces this year at Mag, especially a lot of the mega man compo crew. I want to especially thank all the folks that came out to our workshop panel on Friday. Last year's was kind if iffy but I think people had a lot more fun this year with zircon up there live-mixing.

Oddly enough no real catchphrases this from this weekend, but I suppose that's alright.

Also just want to say that you guys should never feel too awkward to come up and say hi. Magfest is exactly the place to do that!

Not really sure how mine and Jarel's room turned into a party room so often over the weekend, especially since we had no booze, but thanks for stopping by and not making a mess. We're planning on doing more Kamen Rider stuff next year, so watch out.

Hopefully I'll see even more of you next year!

"May I have your attention please! May I have your attention please! All Cle-"

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