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Has anyone else tried this free game? I think it should be subtitled instant heart attack.

It's great to see indie developers covering the games that bigger developers won't. You know, those games that got those developers there in the first place. Simple. Insanely effective.

It starts off with a classic gaming quest of collecting 8 pages. Why? not sure. What you don't know right away though is that something is following you and it may be right behind you at any second. Though more likely you are going to see it off in the distance a few times before it's on top of you. When it is, game over. No check points, just back to your desktop.

I played it this morning, with the sun coming in full blast through the windows, and it still scared the absolute hell out of me. No way am i playing this again anytime soon.

:whatevaa: Good thing it's free.

Here's the article that brought me to this cursed game http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/07/07/slender-is-pure-horror


It's been several hours and it still hasn't left me. Scarring. I think i only played it for 4-5 minutes too.

It's amazing with all the bs in horror games and movies these days that this game is as effective as it is. No gore, no weapons, nothing really jumping out at you. just a flashlight that's slowly draining and tons of confusion.

It's alot like a nightmare you never want to have again, those freaking hallways in that bathroom-like area, worst part of the game.

I'm going to play it one more time when i get home, before the sun goes down, with the tv on, and reggae music playing. Might need to invite a few friends over too. Then maybe i can get through it. :)

Try Amnesia ~ the Dark Descent or Penumbra if you haven't already. That will straighten you up allright. :wink:

Slender was not what i would consider a good, or even remotely fun, experience.

I know horror movies can have bad health consequences, games probably even more so.

Spending 4 minutes playing the game completely messed up my ability to focus on anything today. Zero Productivity. Replaced by nonstop chatter and texting people i haven't talked to in years.

So why am i now downloading the Amnesia~The Dark Descent demo off of Steam?

I guess I really am bummed that Chael lost last night. :)


here you go Gollgagh links in the description

Personally i didn't find it fun, walking is waayyy too slow for me, and the slender man model isn't particular scary, the jump scares are good though i shall give it that, i also couldn't figure out how to pick up the notes but if this is a beta version then I'm sure it'l be much better with each release.

That's the only game I've seen on YouTube where grown men cry from how scared they are.

That's laughter. And one overly sensitive guy.

04:30 and turn down your speakers

now that's a freak out

Edit: Well, I tried to play Slender 5 times in a row tonight just to try to man up and face it. (hehe get it) I think it may have worked! Only now i have a severe emotional breakdown upon walking into a bathroom.


here you go Gollgagh links in the description

Personally i didn't find it fun, walking is waayyy too slow for me, and the slender man model isn't particular scary, the jump scares are good though i shall give it that, i also couldn't figure out how to pick up the notes but if this is a beta version then I'm sure it'l be much better with each release.

Yeah I have the same complaints. I know the walking is supposed to make you like vulnerable to slender man or whatnot, but more often than not I'm just walking around.

As a friend put it, "This is pretty much the game equivalent of that video where it tells you find the black dot and then a face pops up."

Yeah I have the same complaints. I know the walking is supposed to make you like vulnerable to slender man or whatnot, but more often than not I'm just walking around.

As a friend put it, "This is pretty much the game equivalent of that video where it tells you find the black dot and then a face pops up."

A friend told me you move slow supposedly because you're a child. Though personally I swear I ran faster as a kid than this. I think I might be jogging instead of sprinting though, but I can't seem to figure out how to force it.

Still...the game did get me a few times. I tried 5 times, I might be done now. I managed 4/8 pages at least.

It's amazing with all the bs in horror games and movies these days that this game is as effective as it is. No gore, no weapons, nothing really jumping out at you. just a flashlight that's slowly draining and tons of confusion.

It's alot like a nightmare you never want to have again, those freaking hallways in that bathroom-like area, worst part of the game.

suspense gets to you a lot more than gore and shock factor, the way he just takes forever to actually get to you while you're slowly walking around...

fuck that bathroom so much, that's just evil

  • 4 weeks later...

As a lot of you may already know, a game recently came out entitled "Slender." I have the game and I've watched youtube playthroughs. I was just wondering what everyone thought about it, and what you think was the best part, and what could use improvement.



Best Part: Bathroom

Worst Part: Bathroom

The four way brick wall out in the middle of nowhere is pretty stupid too but when you are playing it you just hope he's not on the other side of it.

Don't walk around the tree landmark in a circle. I got caught there once and it hit me so bad I almost whacked my studio monitors across the room.


I can't get into horror type games like this or Amnesia at all. I look at gameplay and it doesn't seem scary to me at all. Maybe you have to actually be playing it yourself, I dunno. I don't think the LPers help either because I feel 99% of the reactions from LPers to these games are just fake and hammed up for the sake of the viewer, so I think of Slender and Amnesia and my brain thinks "Silly" instead of "Horror". But it could just be that I 'spoiled' the experience by watching footage - I didn't watch a lot for Lone Survivor and that game kinda freaked me out at a couple points.

I can't get into horror type games like this or Amnesia at all. I look at gameplay and it doesn't seem scary to me at all. Maybe you have to actually be playing it yourself, I dunno. I don't think the LPers help either because I feel 99% of the reactions from LPers to these games are just fake and hammed up for the sake of the viewer, so I think of Slender and Amnesia and my brain thinks "Silly" instead of "Horror". But it could just be that I 'spoiled' the experience by watching footage - I didn't watch a lot for Lone Survivor and that game kinda freaked me out at a couple points.

Try Slender. I watched part of the video on IGN for it and thought it looked kinda fun. Might be good for a cheap scare. I played it for maybe 4 minutes the first time then slammed the escape button. Slenderman wasn't anywhere near me either, but i thought he was at the time. The game didn't leave me all day after that. I really think this is one of those games that succeeded thanks to the audio. Hearing the drums at first, not a big deal, but that heaviness the sub sonics will put on you wears you down quick, and it only gets more intense when you start picking up the pages.

I only gush about this game because it has been a very long time since i was genuinely scared from playing a game. A game that's not fun at all and is closer to torture to play. That's something very special!

As far as fake reactions, if you watch this guy

he doesn't seem too into the game either. At least not until 4:30 :)

I like watching the slender videos but watching the gameplay doesnt even give you a fraction of the terror. Play it.


After this video i can't figure out why other lets players are hamming up how scared they are.

Cr1TiKaL isn't afraid at all or even bothered.

Watch the videos from pewdiepie. dumb name i know, but the swedish accent makes it funny. :) I like videos where the speaker, if he/she really feel they need to speak while playing games, doesn't sound ticked off for no reason.

I think the whole let's play thing is a joke anyway. With many games so easily obtainable, why do people feel they need to watch someone else play them? The economy?

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