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I recommend Auditorium to anyone who hasn't picked it up!

Also I am officially $365.73 poorer than I was before the sale. $50.90 of that was gifts. $89.75 of that was from this morning when I went through my wish list and bought 25 games that were on sale.


I spent $61 and got seventeen games, so I wound up getting a whole bunch for the cost of one brand-new game. I missed buying Trine 2, but there'll be other sales.

I tried the Steam calculator site, but it's not listing any of the games I've bought (maybe because I haven't played them all yet?). So I'm unsure of how much money I saved.


All together I bought:

World of Goo

Tobe's Vertical Adventure

CoD: MW3

Rayman Originals

Solar 2

Indie Bundle 2

Terraria 4 pack

BOI Wrath of the Lamb

Tomb Raider Anniv

Alan Wake

Alan Wake DLC



RF: Guerrilla

Dear Esther + OST

CoD: Black Ops

UT3 gift

Torchlight gift

Just Cause 2 gift

UT3 gift

NFS: Hot Pursuit

DA:O Ultimate

Thief Bundle

Krater Collector Ed

Beyond Good & Evil

Nexuiz 4 pack

Civ IV


Crysis 2


Driver: SF

Garry's Mod

I went a little nuts. :)

I got out pretty cheaply this summer; got only the Arkham City DLC and the Binding of Issac DLC -- an academic colleague bought me RAGE, which was nice.

RAGE is great. Looks amazing, and fantastic animations. But holy dang did they run out of money. It's the most unsatisfying ending I have ever experienced in any game EVER. You've been warned. So just enjoy the gameplay while it lasts.

RAGE is great. Looks amazing, and fantastic animations. But holy dang did they run out of money. It's the most unsatisfying ending I have ever experienced in any game EVER. You've been warned. So just enjoy the gameplay while it lasts.

i really didn't think any ending could have been worse than Sudeki. :) i'll have to try Rage now.

I mean, to call it an ending doesn't even feel right. It's more like "the place where the game just sort of stops unexpectedly."

You know, mass effect might have had a little controversy but at least they tried to make it better damnit!

If any game pulls this crap on me again...

-the ending boss fight stops at 11:30, ending is the next 20 seconds. Don't watch if you might want to play sudeki at some point. This kinda spoils the game, but not really. :)

If you're saying Rage is worse than that I gotta play it!

You know, mass effect might have had a little controversy but at least they tried to make it better damnit!

If any game pulls this crap on me again...

-the ending boss fight stops at 11:30, ending is the next 20 seconds. Don't watch if you might want to play sudeki at some point. This kinda spoils the game, but not really. :)

If you're saying Rage is worse than that I gotta play it!

That does end pretty abruptly doesn't it? I guess RAGE is on par with that. Except at least you got a proper end boss fight in Sudeki.


Well, if anyone missed Ys: Oath in Felghana and is still interested, it's the daily deal on Steam at the same price it was up for during the flash sales.

Also Fireslash: WHAA?...DAAAMMM!:shock:

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