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Nice stuff here, C-Pac.

One of the few CT themes I like, done in solo piano. Nice.

Personally, I'm not a ZOMGHUGE fan of 600 AD in Piano. I like it, but I feel that this mix really explores the source in more interesting ways than the old guard.

Good stuff.


Very Skillful arrangement throughout this piece.

The intro does well in grabbing my attention.

Many variation on the same meldoy can be heard, each distictive from others.

1:56 The melody seems to be at this point, seems to be cut to a shorter version and rotating. Sort of like recollecting on the many memories lost, and then to clearly remember a certain memory. Very interesting take.

One minor thing was the long silence at the end of the song.

Wonderfully done.


Well, I've had the pleasure of having this track on my hard drive for some time now. And I have to say that it's about time that OCR got this up on the site. I'll admit it. I'm a fan of most of CPac's stuff, but especially his piano arrangements.

This one I'd have to say is one of my favorites of said category. This would go for most arrangments on this site or on VGmix, but the gripe I have with the piano arrangements is that they're not performed live. You can kind of tell and while that's upsetting, there's so much juicy substance to this piece that you'd have to be crazy not to love it. My favorite part is the section from 1:45 to 2:16. It's such strong material (partly because it's the same idea, but reworked in constantly shifting ways).

I haven't heard much of the CT section, but this has been on my playlist for a while now. Congrats C, on a job well done. We're already waiting for the next one ;)


Well this is the first I've heard of C-Pac, and I must say that I'm pretty impressed. This piece has a multitude of different feelings presented, both intense and also on the lighter side. It shows a very different side of 600 AD than Klutz's version of the song.

I like them both, but I don't think I could compare them equally due to the contrasting styles. Klutz's had more emphasis on melody, while C-Pac's really strays off and explores into the piece a little more.

*Goes and checks out C-pac's other mixes*


There's some serious skill represented in this track. It brought a horde of memories of the game and 600 AD flooding back to my mind. It also shone some light on some aspects of the track that I never really seemed to notice before. C-Pac has expanded upon an already memorable track and done so in pianic grace. Good stuff here.


Nice stuff, although it's not really my style I do think that it was made well and it took alot of talent to make an arrangment like this. I enjoyed how it was different, not the same as alot of remixs, for this I commend you. I love piano arrangments, and although this song is not really my style it's still a wonderful mix. Great work :wink:


I was hooked at the start of the song: the piano playing was well done, the sound quality better than average piano solos, and the pace was exciting.

Then suddenly things died down to the point I thought the song had ended: after checking the progress, I saw it was only around half done! I should have noticed something was afoot when the source melody I so enjoyed started to have misplaced notes inserted into it. I figured it was probably just a product of nerves, and a live session. I was wrong: it wasn't. The rest of the song felt plodding, as it meandered through the tune, going off to frolic outside of the source frequently. While this is often a good thing, I thought in this case there wasn't enough original material being injected into the song that would require the source music to be ignored. I've heard this style of jazz-like improvisation, and I frequently dislike it, because it only seems to just be making the source "frilly" - as in, adding extra notes that don't actually do much to the song - instead of supplying new life to the source melody. Again, I know this is a common practice, but I often see it taken to an extreme, and it ends up sounding worse than simply adhering to the original melody.

If the entire song was as interesting as the first quarter/half, I would have given this a better score. But once the source music was almost entirely thrown aside to instead stumble through a flurry of very quietly played notes, I began to lose interest.

The piano playing took a lot of talent to execute, and the audio quality was superb. However, I do not enjoy music that "floats" through tunes like this one: I prefer music that sticks closer to the original, only choosing to divert from it when quality original music can be added. As such, I will not be adding this to my playlist.



I agree with the above. I'm guessing the others that also would agree would do so because they hear the interesting things done with the actual melody in the first half, then there's like...none.

Sounds like Jenova near the end.

The ending and beginning go SO well with each other when played back to back. Also, I don't know about anyone else, but I hear some very very very minor stuff going on during the last chord. It almost sounds like other notes being played extremely quietly, and then later even sounds like random problems with the coding or whatever of the piano sample pitches meshing together. I dunno.


Ah, great piece. It´s quite a while since we got a new CT remix, and the fact that it´s in piano doesn´t bother at all. In fact, it makes me delighted, wonderful stuff here, Pacaud-dude. Very free-style when you played, you didn´t stick to the notes tight, instead you tried changing it a bit, and it worked! :D


Thanks for the comments everyone.

I guess liking this or not really depends on what styles of remixes you like.

I'm a big supporter of using lots of original material and don't mind hearing remixes that go far with the source material, so I won't take the comments pertaining to "losing" the source material as critical. After all, I had no choice but to do that else there really wouldn't have been a reason to post this mix due to the eventual similarities with kLuTz's one (which is awesome, btw, and I wasn't even aware of its existence). Also, in my defense, 600AD is a REALLY well known piece of game music, on the same level of popularity to vgm enthusiasts as say, Moonlight sonata or any classics like that, which makes me think one could go VERY far with the source material before people would start losing the original melody. I guess that also means people are going to be very critical of what you do with it.

So, in the end, I stand by my arrangement and still hold it as one of my best piano pieces ever. I respect all the opinions though, and I'm glad even those who didn't like it very much found something to like in it.


This mix demonstrates considerable talent at arranging and piano playing. The audio quality is impeccable... did you record this live? (and if so, what type of piano were you playing this on so I know what to buy when I get rid of my current one? ;) )

However, this really isn't my style of music... the melody is subdued and lost for most of the song, with too many notes packed together in the beginning and too few at the end. The melody itself broke into chromaticism a little bit too much for my taste as well, considering that the source material sticks to its key almost all of the time.

That last chord is fine; it gives the song a reflective quality.

It's good; it just isn't the sort of music I listen to.

Beautiful, striking, and his first solo piano ReMix

No, this isn't his first solo piano arrangement by any means. Check SquareSound.com, VGMix.com, and OneUpStudios.com for more Christian Pacaud goodness.

Lovin' the arrangement, Christian.

I think Djp uses the word "ReMix" there to specifically mean that it's his first solo piano arrangement on OCR (you know, definition of remix vs. ReMix and all that old junks)

That much said, Christian's wealth of work on Xeno:Lite is very enjoyable and I also recommend his works on said sites.


I really love piano stuff, and this mix started very promising. But then, it lost speed and got very very very relaxed, just too relaxed.

Nonetheless, nice stuff, though not what I like to hear over and over again. But a candidate for the Chill-out playlist.


I can respect this remix for what it is, a great piece played very well and definitely in a unique matter. Personally, I don't enjoy it all that much. Not that it matters. You didn't make this to please me. heh


I gotta lay in the neutrality on this one. While it's rightout soothing for the soul with a good old piano solo, it's not exactly what i was hoping it would be. Maybe its just my standards being hightened up a notch..i mean from hearing all the previous CT remixes, which are plentiful to say the least.

Anyways ,it's played out with adequate skill and precision, and even though i personally didn't shout out with joy listening..it's definitly worth a try doing so.


Hmm...very abstract. One of the songs I would really, really love to love. But, alas, it just can't go past my so-so margin.

Don't get me wrong, the piano playing was superb; lots of incredible progressions, and a great oneuppuns from the original stuff. But, in my opinion, there was just a lot going on...sure, it sounded good. But, it just didn't seem that there was enough structure to support it.

Maybe if it was drawn out more, where things could take more time to flow, it would have made an impact aside from a damn good pianist. But, overall good work. Just didn't hit me right, though.

I'd love to see your take on other popular songs, though. I find your style fascinating.


i like it just there is one thing i dont... the beginning of the song.. its a little... lost to me... like it was messed up or somthing... dont get me wrong.. mabby thats what you where going for. also a little fast in the beginning. Everything else is awsome..

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