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I think those would have to be pretty easy to make. Get a bag of Doritos, put some fish or whatever on it and melt some cheese on top. It's going to be more than 2 bucks but it would have to be better for you. After taking a quick look at Taco Bell's ingredient list I was surprised to see Silicon Dioxide in some of the main ingredients. Processing Aid?! Who are they trying to fool here. The best part is they tried to deny it and say they never put sand in their food, then they listed it on the ingredients list!! If you are going to lie you have to commit to it!


There, that should help you! Read some of that and see if you still want anything from them.

Read those ingredients, Brandon :P No more Taco Bell, man.

Lmao @ the empanadas and potatoes. If you ever want to see the paragon of frankenfoods modern food chemists have come up with, check out packaged "potatoes." I have no fucking idea how they can legally call those potatoes. Probably through the same logic used by Congress to label pizza a vegetable. WHY


Eh, I figured what the heck and joined.

I'm mostly working on upper body (arms and pectoral) strength, while trying to gain weight. Unfortunately, I really don't have much time, so my workouts comprise mostly of pushups and pullups.

So yeah. You may see me in here from time to time.


Time for a 90 day check-in.

So on day 1, I was weak and 143 lbs. On day 90, I'm significantly less weak and 170 lbs.

My major lifts (all of these are 3x5):

squats = 250 lbs

deadlifts = 305 lbs

bench = 165 lbs (my chest is weak, get off me :P)

overhead barbell press = 120 lbs

dips = body weight + 75 lbs

chin-ups = body weight + 25 lbs

pull-ups = body weight x 9 reps on top set (I'll start weighting this and doing 3x5 once I hit 10 reps on my top set)

I'm damn proud of these results :D And damn sick of eating this much food. But the skinny little MAGBody you all saw back in DC is no more, and that is an awesome feeling!

My goal is to deadlift OA into oblivion.

So on day 1, I was weak and 143 lbs. On day 90, I'm significantly less weak and 170 lbs.

I'm damn proud of these results :D And damn sick of eating this much food. But the skinny little MAGBody you all saw back in DC is no more, and that is an awesome feeling!

Ahh, that awesome feeling when your shirts stop feeling like ponchos and start feeling like Under Armor. That's a super-solid gain for 3 months:nicework:


I kind of got tired of putting in my data into Fitocracy, but maybe I'll start up again. Also, I work out in the mornings and the computers at work have a browser that's too old to input stuff into Fitocracy, so by the end of the day I've forgotten about it.

I've been majorly slacking lately. I try to get to the gym 4 times and week and do something physical (running, parkour, hiking) at least 1 other time a week, but I haven't worked out since Saturday. :whatevaa: Also, working out in the mornings means I have a mental battle every day when the alarm goes off. Do I get extra sleep, or do I go work out? Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose...

I kind of got tired of putting in my data into Fitocracy, but maybe I'll start up again. Also, I work out in the mornings and the computers at work have a browser that's too old to input stuff into Fitocracy, so by the end of the day I've forgotten about it.

I've been majorly slacking lately. I try to get to the gym 4 times and week and do something physical (running, parkour, hiking) at least 1 other time a week, but I haven't worked out since Saturday. :whatevaa: Also, working out in the mornings means I have a mental battle every day when the alarm goes off. Do I get extra sleep, or do I go work out? Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose...

I'm with you, man. Fitocracy is just data entry, in my opinion :P And waking up early to work out? Never.

Posted (edited)

K guys, I'm back. Still haven't lost any weight, but I've found some carbs that somehow sneaked into my diet. At work, I would put sliced almonds, cherry tomatoes and sunflower seeds on my salads. All three of which have 6 carbs per serving. At home I would put regular tomatoes and french fried onions on my salads. I knew about the 3 grams in the onions, but that was the only one I would indulge in.

However, I know I said I could eat the same thing everyday but I guess I was wrong. I'm going to need to learn the whole bit about good carbs and bad carbs. The regiment I'm on has lost it's appeal. I'm sure this has already been talked about before, so can someone link me to the post?

Edited by Thin Crust

I meant to post this the other day, but have we traded weightlifting/workout plans yet? I'm getting really bored with mine. But, then again, I am always really bored in the gym. I go tell people, "Hey, I'm going to go someplace and pick heavy things up, but then I'm going to put them back down in the same place they came from. I'm going to repeat that for an hour and then take a shower. Later!"

I meant to post this the other day, but have we traded weightlifting/workout plans yet? I'm getting really bored with mine. But, then again, I am always really bored in the gym. I go tell people, "Hey, I'm going to go someplace and pick heavy things up, but then I'm going to put them back down in the same place they came from. I'm going to repeat that for an hour and then take a shower. Later!"

No exchanging of plans is going to help that. If you're bored it's all because your mind is not in the right spot. You have to find something that keeps you motivated.

Take a day or two a week to do an improvised workout, listen to music that stimulates beta brainwaves (fight or flight, kill or be killed kinda stuff) and watch some ghetto street fights on youtube. That usually does it for me. :-D


I dunno man, having new workout routines gives me extra giddy-up for at least two weeks, especially when I throw in exercises that I haven't tried before or have had limited experience with. I'll typically stick to a weekly routine for about 4-5 weeks before changing it up. Sure the muscle confusion is important, but it's also always a breath of fresh air. I usually kill the first week of a new plan.


Just bought some pork ribs. Haven't had this in a long time. Now to find a no-carb barbecue sauce. Here's one called "Scott's Barbecue Sauce" Looks really runny. Don't think it will be that good. Here let me have a taste of it.............Yuck! *throws bbq sauce away*

Don't ever use Scott's.


I don't think I could do a no-carb BBQ sauce. I have way too much love for Sweet Baby Ray's. Maybe you could get a decently low-carb sauce and add in some mustard, balsamic vinegar, and other stuff to keep a strong taste without so much sugar and other carbs.

Posted (edited)

Hmm, that can't be carb free because it uses 3 whole tomatoes in the mix. I mean, look at the nutrition info for tomatoes.


I just went to a more speciality store and found this.


It sure isn't sweet baby rays, but it's not horrible either. I'll try this one today. And I'm willing to check out pretty much anything else in the future too.

Edited by Thin Crust

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