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I never thought there could be possibly so many mixes for one game like this. I also know that there are already quite a few Doom2 remixes already at http://www.doomworld.com/classicdoom/info/music.php?wad=remix

for those that would like to hear or need insperation

Quite a few of the Remixes at doomworld are actually from OCR too. The guy that's in charge of updating that page posts here at OCR occasionally.

There are still a couple of tracks left to fill. I've added Txai to the underhalls theme for now, and I'm still hoping that DJRedlight will pick a song soon.

I'll probably leave the project here until after Christmas. Those of you who've picked tracks can start working on them if you want. However, I'll set up all the deadlines and such after Chrissy.


ahh, it looks like all but one theme are taken. I'd definetely be willing to give it a shot on "The Focus" since its all thats left, although it doesn't matter to me so much what track i get. If you think there's another I'd be more suited to, i'd definetely take it, but the list is almost full. I don't think any of you know me. If someone already has it and its just not listed, no biggie, but give my stuff a listen and see if its up to your standards.

A couple samples:

http://www.cubed777.com/music/rome.mp3 this was done in a weekend for a class party thing. Some is light, some is dark. I prefer dark. Oh yeah, a small experiment I had with this song is here: http://www.cubed777.com/music/romeset.mp3. Nothing big, just seeing how a part of it sounded with a drumset

this one is mixed low at the moment because i never got around to remastering it and yes, the synth at the end is a bit obnoxious, i know.


and this last one was from Halloween 2004... i've improved since it (yes, it clips around 1:50) but I still kinda like it and it keeps with the dark theme


oh yeah, i have the capabilities to use live instruments as well, although none of these songs use them.

I hope Juha Kaunisto does a good job on 'Running From Evil', its DooM II's 'At DooM's Gate' ;)

And we all know what a deliciously good tune was created from that by EvilHorde ;)

Better not mess up Shawn's Got The Shotgun either, cause if you mess with it, you are messing with Slayer.


That reminds me.

A few of the tracks on the Doom 2 soundtrack are based heavily around certain rock songs, and it was decided not long ago that remixes of these tracks in particular won't be accepted onto OCR:

Map07 - Shawn's got the shotgun - Dead Simple

Slayer - South of Heaven

Map10 - The Demon's Dead - Refueling Base

Slayer - Mandatory Suicide

Black Sabbath - Time Machine (Wayne's World Version)

Map18 - Waiting for Romero to Play - The Courtyard

Pantera - This Love

Map23 - Bye Bye American Pie - Barrels O' Fun

Alice in Chains - Them Bones

Map25 - Adrian's Sleep - Bloodfalls

Alice in Chains - Angry Chair

So if you're planning on submitting to OCR and you've taken one of these tracks, you'll have to pass on it this time.

Cubed777: I had a listen to your tracks, you have the dark sound we're after, and your arrangement is all right. But you'll need to show better sampling and mastering in the project. I've added your name next to the last track.

Everyone: Since the tracklist is full now, I'll put the project on hold until January 1st and hopefully have a full update chewed over with Larsec by then, with the first WIP deadline and other plans for the project. Have a good think about the track(s) you've decided on over the Christmas break. If you decide you don't want the track anymore, then please drop it and inform us in this thread.


Ok, if this project were a demon I would of walked 50 feet before realizing a chunk of my organs had been chewed out. I was hoping for this project to re-open, too bad pm offers weren't sent out to DSOP remixers as well. Any possibility of any more tracks being available? I would love to make another remix.

Hopefully 18 tracks isn't the limit? Orichalon or Larsec, hola back yo! I've got a goat ready for the sacrifice. :twisted:

There are 19 tracks and they're all filled.

I thought Larsec had sent out PM invites to all the DSoP mixers? If not, I apologise. If anyone drops their track over the next few weeks, feel free to pick it up.

I wasn't PM'd either, lucky I happened to spot this and join up (lucky? You'll destroy the project!! Rar rar) exactly.


I thought Larsec had sent out PM invites to all the DSoP mixers? . . . . If anyone drops their track over the next few weeks, feel free to pick it up.


How bout it Larsec? Would you be willing to give up track 28 or 30 for me and another remixer from DSoP project (that is not already involved in this current project . . . .cough, ANALOG!, cough, cough) to work together on? Something like, um . . . .


Hola back Larsec (Analog too if you're interested)


I thought Larsec had sent out PM invites to all the DSoP mixers? . . . . If anyone drops their track over the next few weeks, feel free to pick it up.


How bout it Larsec? Would you be willing to give up track 28 or 30 for me and another remixer from DSoP project (that is not already involved in this current project . . . .cough, ANALOG!, cough, cough) to work together on? Something like, um . . . .


Hola back Larsec (Analog too if you're interested)

Apparently, I never sent the invitation to you, I'm sorry :( Although, it seems Analog did get one.

I would hate to give up those 2 tracks because I have some great ideas for both (at least in my own opinion). Would you be interested in The Waste Tunnels?

Better not mess up Shawn's Got The Shotgun either, cause if you mess with it, you are messing with Slayer.

Well, I wasn't actually aware of the connection since I've never been too much into Slayer. I considered dropping the song (not for the ocremix rule since I won't submit the two anyway) but I believe I can find some new approach on it.

It won't sound like Slayer though.

Juha Kaunisto

Larsec, it's a community project. You can give up one of those two tracks for another person and still mix the track yourself for fun if you have good ideas.

Yes, I could do that... and I will. In fact I have talked it over with Juha and we won't be doing The Waste Tunnels anyway, so that's up for grabs. On top of that I will also give up the other 2 tracks I am working on. Which makes all 3 tracks I have been involved in availible for the community to remix for this project and, as a result, ends my participation in this project. You may remove my name from the organiser and remixer lists, thank you...

Larsec, it's a community project. You can give up one of those two tracks for another person and still mix the track yourself for fun if you have good ideas.

Yes, I could do that... and I will. In fact I have talked it over with Juha and we won't be doing The Waste Tunnels anyway, so that's up for grabs. On top of that I will also give up the other 2 tracks I am working on. Which makes all 3 tracks I have been involved in availible for the community to remix for this project and, as a result, ends my participation in this project. You may remove my name from the organiser and remixer lists, thank you...


I did not want you to give up all those tracks, just one. I would hate to see you give up a chance to remix a song, especially the awsome work you did for DSoP! Please reconsider not remixing a song. At the very least can I rely on you to help me with a song if I need it???

As for picking a song I have to go with "waste tunnels", it was a tough choice between that and "icon of sin" but I can't do both obviously. I still would very much like to see analoq and Larsec on this project. Sure fresh meat is good but old meat does the most damage. (yes, my attempt for at a joke)

BTW- here's a link to the original midi files for doom 2 IF someone needs them.


Much love for tha doomcrew that gave me and the community an extra opportunity to remix.

Now if you will excuse me, there is a goat w/ my name on it that I have to skin and sacrifice for this project. . . .

Anybody hungry? :twisted:



well i've been invited to this project 3 times now so,

lemme try this...

i've been real flakey with making music lately.

i'm gonna take a stab at 'icon of sin'

but the moment i feel i can't finish it, i'll give it up.

all kool and the gang?



alright, i played around with 'icon of sin' and i didn't have any (dark) ideas for it.

i enjoyed being on this project for the couple days it lasted.

oh well.

but hit me up further down the line of this project's progress if someone drops.



Ok, a small update.

I'm searching for a co-organiser to bounce ideas off for the project since Larsec quit, so hopefully that won't take too long.

I'm expecting people to be on pseudo-holidays for the next two weeks or so, so I'll decide on a deadline for the first WIP deadline before I ask DarkeSword to move this to the next port of call.

However, I will ask that anyone who has time to start working on their pieces now so you have a bit of extra working time.

analoq: I've removed your name from the main project and opened another section for people who are interested in tracks occupied by other people. It might incite some lazier mixers to drop their tracks for these mixers rather than occupy them without work.

Extra note: One thing I have decided is that if you don't meet any of the deadlines, I'll PM you and give you 3 days to send me an update on your mixes status. Otherwise you're booted from the project.


Update as of 30th December 2005.

Ok, as of January 1st 2006, this project will be back in working progress, since most people should be back from Christmas/New Year celebrations by then, if not soon after.

I've decided that the first Work in Progress will be due on Monday February 6th, 2006. That gives you roughly 5 weeks to get started. By that stage I expect at least a bare-bones work in progress of the track that gives a good indication of where the piece is headed in terms of arrangement. This will also be the time to decide whether you want to stick with the piece right the way through the project, or want to drop it and perhaps pick up another one.

I will hold the right to redirect anyone on the direction of their piece for the project. If someone submits a WIP of a track and it isn't meeting the pre-requisites set at the beginning of the project, I'll either ask them to rework it, give them suggestions on what direction to take, or ask them to start again. This will most likely be a worst-case scenario though, so don't worry too much. I'm not going to ask people to rework personalised arrangements and such to suit my tastes, but rather rework the general sound of a mix if I find it is too basic, or isn't "dark" enough for the project. If someone misses the deadline, they'll have a week to PM me or post in the thread as to their reasons, after which they will be immediately terminated from the project and the track will be filled soon after.

On January 1st I will send both a forum PM and an email out to all mixers involved in the project updating them on what will be required over the first WIP phase. I will also be creating the relevant topic in General Discussion to fill the last few tracks and get some publicity.

This isn't required just yet, so I don't need/want anyone to respond to these yet, just to keep in mind if you're interested later in the project. As the project nears the finish line, we'll need:

A website designer

CD art and cover designer

Someone to keep track of the project's progress for article updates (ie: Wikipedia)


Torrent Seeders.

So all mixers need to get to work on their pieces if they haven't already, you have under February 6th 2006 to get the first WIP in to me. Go forth young marines!


Thanks Darke.

Anyone noticing this for the first time. There are 2 tracks still available if you're interested, just post some samples of your work and which of the tracks you're interested in.

Otherwise you can put yourself down on the redlist if you want to be contacted when someone drops a track.

Current Mixers: I'll be sending those PM's out tomorrow with all the information about the first deadlines and guidelines.

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