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I had thought the name White Skies had sounded familiar, then when the melody came in I realized that it was a version of one of the songs he had on the PPM Trance Album (which happened to be my favorite song on that album...). Great stuff, I'm loving in,.. but then I love just abut everything bLiNd doesn.

Yeah, I'm estatic that this was released on OCR and VGMix. And it's 3x as long! Huzzah!


This was great! The introduction intrigued me, but I wasn't certain if the rest of the song would work well. Fortunately, things quickly changed, and I ended up bobbing my head with the beat. A definite entry in my playlist.



Forget being a fan of FF X. Of Final fantasy in general for that matter. This guy knows how to rave.

I love music like this, and it definately goes on the playlist for the next party I host. Good stuff, for real.

A hard song to remix in this form, but Blind did it, and with great perception. Certainly nice work.


I don't post in the forums or comment to any songs, but I just had to for this. This is in truth a real club mix, unlike some of the other mislabeled/cheesy-sounding club/trance mixes on this site. Props to you and this awesome remix, and I hope you make more electronica-esque songs of this calibur in the near future


There's a strange, deep melancholy somewhere in the melody... The track is totally danceable, but through the beat, there's something so emotional.. It's soothing almost, like a secondary ambient genre within a great trance tune. I give it 10 right on even if I never listened to the original. bLiNd has never deceived me.


Damn, talk about hot shit. This can be def. be likened to Tiesto and Digweed and cats like that. This track sounds pro like many said before me; I wouldn't even know it was a FFX ReMix had I not heard it here first. I have a few buddies that spin trance; I'm sure they'll love this -- I know I do.


This brooding, powerful piece was an excellent selection for a trance remix. Blind is truly talented, and his technical polish has matured a bit since "Fear Factory" from the Donkey Kong Country project.


As a ReMix, I find it a little too independet and not close enough to the original song.

As a song itself, it is great. I'd love to hear it on my home stereo, with the subwoofer booming, but the headphones and the notebook will have to do for now.

As a ReMix, I find it a little too independet and not close enough to the original song.

As a song itself, it is great. I'd love to hear it on my home stereo, with the subwoofer booming, but the headphones and the notebook will have to do for now.

My first version of the song, "White Skies", was on project majestic mix and can be found here


And it is closer to the original, but production isnt as tops as this one :)


Thanks for the link. After listening to both versions, I can say that the first version is much more of a ReMix for me, since I really can identify the videogame origin of this song.

But as a song, I like the second version, i.e. the one you posted here, better.

P.S.: OMG, an extended version of G-Storm. This is like...sex for my ears.

And I've been humming that DnB Song the whole day, JoeCam-vocals ftw.


This review was long overdue but now I reviewed it at vgmix, so I'll just copy that review over here (with a few changes):

This Remix, Ladies and Gentlemen, represents the Highest point when it comes to Trance Videogame remixes, and demonstrates once again who is the person to follow when it comes to this genre. Jesuschrist, just when I think I'm about to reach him, he comes up with stuff like this and blows everybody out of the water.

This mix represents a truly progressive trance song. Not something you would hear from a low class DJ, but something worth of one of those big name producers. Fuck, this sounds better than a lot of professional stuff out there. The production values are ridiculously high. When bLiNd sent me this song some time ago before it got posted at OCRemix, I was totally amazed by how much better his music has become(yes, his music actually CAN get better than before). I can't find a single thing wrong with this song, not one. And I become a nitpicky bastard when reviewing trance but with something like this, all I can do is congratulate Jordan on an amazing work.

I would go with an in-depth review like I always do, reviewing each section of the remix in detail, but man, I would spent 3 pages of praise that no one would read. The drums are excelent. The bass drum is specially pumping and freaking hits me with a kick that bruce lee would be proud of. The bass has a good low and the pad work is totally outstanding. I specially like the chords that have an organic feel to them and you can't really tell what the fuck is going on because they blend with the pads so well that all you can do is enjoy the ride and forget about everything else.

The break before the main melody is really great and emotional, I totally love that gated synth that sounds like a sawwave/chorus that sets the mood so well for what comes at 03:13: TOTAL TRANCE MAYHEM! This synth is awesome. fits extremely well with the anthem lead you got going on, and when you put that with the amazing ambience and the soft lead/pad going on at the same time with the pumping drums, its total trance nirvana. The build down is very well done as well and leaves nothing to be desired.

CONCLUSION: absolutely amazing. bLiNd, If this was your plan for a comeback then it couldn't have been better. This song is absolutely the best Trance Remix to date and I encourage everyone to grab it. Good to see you producing music for us again, and most of all, getting better at it.

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