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Pokémon X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (Gen6) (3DS)

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Posted (edited)
It'll be a monkey dinosaur obviously.

I believe the proper term is chimpasaurus. Let's at least try to be scientifically correct, shall we?

Oh, did any one else notice that in battle, the pokémon change facial expressions? Check this video at 0:36 when Chespin uses his attack; his face changes when he attacks, and Magikarp closes its eyes during the attack.

Plus the roller blades and all the Paris-like city shots... Could be a pretty damn feature-filled game.

Edited by The Damned
I heard someone say it might be fire/psychic because of some move they saw. That would be interesting at least, though I'm not sure if that's really a good secondary typing.

I could've sworn I saw a psychic move in there, too, but I figured it was my imagination (also, since the last gen I played was 2, I'm not up on what all of the moves look like these days.)

Personally, my first thought when I saw Chespin was "weird squirrel." (I noticed the expression change too, btw.) Maybe it'll be a flying squirrel (Grass/Flying)? That has the potential for hilarity.

Not here, but on other sites. About a third of what I've read so far seems to be typical genwunner hate and some random trollers. I just wanted to cover it before it started showing up here.

Crisis averted? Probably not, but better safe that dealing with genwunners.

Fair enough.


You know,a ll this talk about gen 6 is nice and all, but the only thing I really care about is if they bring back the most important and useful feature in the series... nay, in any game.

L button = A button.

I swear, it was like they made this feature for sick people, laying in bed all day. Have to be on your back? Not a problem. Need to be on your side and you can't hold your GBA with both hands comfortably? PROBLEM SOLVED: use L to act as A and play with only one hand.

It was great. Gen 3 and 4 had it, and taking it out of gen 5 felt so weird. It's not like the 3DS doesn't have an L button any way. It's used for changing storage boxes on the PC. I think it might some other use, but it's so unknown and unused that I can't think of what it is.

Also, you could use it for playing under the table at work while keeping your other hand up where everyone could see it, and it also allowed for bathroom playing where the hand that was holding it never touched anything. :<


Soon after the announcement, I was on Facebook, with the Pokemon Melbourne group. We've got a theory for each of the secondary typings for each starter, due to the second move that each one uses.

Chespin uses a move that resembles Night Slash, although the animation also resembles the BW2 animation for Aerial Ace at the same time. As such, the current prediction is a new Grass/Dark type, although the idea of Grass/Flying would also be great.

As you guys have said, Fennekin uses a Psychic type move (I think it was Confusion, might have been something else though), so everyone's thinking Fire/Psychic. Unless Game Freak wants to change their name to Trollfreak, they won't do another Fire/Fighting starter.

Froakie uses a move that resembles Close Combat. Again, could be a Water-elemental version of Poison Jab or Flare Blitz, but I doubt it. As such, the Pokemon Melbourne guys have it placed as the Fighting type of the starters, with Water/Fighting.

Notice the reverse triad here? Dark > Psychic > Fighting. Grass < Fire < Water. My friend and I were working on a fan Pokemon universe, and we had two of them swapped, but other than that, it was the same sort of thing.

Now, the legendaries, the bird-thing looks like a Dark/Flying or Dark/Dragon type to me, while the deer NOBODY knows. It looks like the lovechild of Dialga, Virision and Cobalion.

Is it terrible that I miss the spriteart already?

I still miss the pre 4th gen graphic style.

Not sure if it's just me, but I've felt that the newer games (aside from HGSS with its efficient menu system) have been somewhat clunkier or slower.


Notice the reverse triad here? Dark > Psychic > Fighting. Grass < Fire < Water. My friend and I were working on a fan Pokemon universe, and we had two of them swapped, but other than that, it was the same sort of thing.

Dude...that's crazy...and might make the most sense.

You know,a ll this talk about gen 6 is nice and all, but the only thing I really care about is if they bring back the most important and useful feature in the series... nay, in any game.

L button = A button.

I miss Start = X/menu. I know that's actually LESS convenient, but while playing through Black 2 just recently I've had several idiot moments when I was pressing start and nothing happened. Also the touchscreen could substitute for the A button in Gen 4 but that doesn't seem to work in this game.

Posted (edited)

As long as I can switch PC boxes with L and R, I'm good. X for Menu would be nice as well. Never used L=A.

Anyway, I wonder how many new pokemon will be introduced. :o I'm wondering if maybe keeping it secret was a big part of why they are doing a Worldwide release. Maybe they want everyone to discover everything at the same time instead of letting info trickle out over the next few months. (I hope so. I would be fine not seeing any more info in online scans of Coro Coro.)

Also think about the fact that Pokemon dont even necessarily have to be programmed into the game card at release. There are going to be unknown legendary (or even non legends) Pokemon they can introduce through Spotpass promotions. Maybe they can't confirm a number of new ones yet because they don't even know what ones they will include. Interesting stuff.

As for features I want in the game, they need to bring back either secret bases as in Gen III, or more preferably the ability to organize and decorate your own room in your hometown like in Gen II/Stadium 2. It would be cool if you could buy accessories for your character or furniture in the Department Store that you can use to decorate your room. And even cooler would be if they updated the catalogues periodically through Spotpass. And I want to be able to grow berries in my game, instead of having to log into some website like Pokemon Dream World.

What features do you guys want in the game? Can you come up with a viable use for Street Pass? I remember thinking I'd like the C Gear survey answers as an option back in BW.

Edited by ocre

normal/fire normal/electric normal/ice normal/poison normal/ground normal/bug normal/rock normal/ghost normal/dragon normal/dark normal/steel

fire/water fire/grass fire/ice fire/poison

electric/fighting electric/poison electric/psychic electric/rock electric/dark

grass/ghost grass/dragon

ice/fighting ice/poison ice/bug ice/rock ice/steel

fighting/ground fighting/flying fighting/ghost fighting/dragon

poison/psychic poison/rock poison/dragon poison/dark poison/steel

psychic/bug psychic/rock psychic/ghost psychic/dark

bug/dragon bug/dark

rock/ghost rock/dragon


these are the combos we lack (reverse them and it still works)

wonder which of these will be removed from the list in X/Y?


Let's see, I think I picked Bulbasaur in Gen 1, Cyndaquil in Gen 2, Torchic in Gen 3, Turtwig in Gen 4 and Oshawott in Gen 5.

I'm leaning toward Grass this time. I like Squirtle and Totodile and Piplup is cool but usually the other two types sway me.


I'm very interested in seeing more Pokemon that evolve via BRANCH evolution, such as Poliwrath/Politoed, Slowbro/Slowking, Vileplume/Bellossom, the Hitmons, Glalie/Froslass, Gardevoir/Gallade, Gorebyss/Huntail. Imagine an alternate Weepinbell evo, or an alternate Shroomish evo. Actually, they haven't done that before have they? A branch evolved form getting an evolution. (Edit: Oh, Wurmple)

Anyway, let's say Shroomish (the grass type) was the 'Baby' of the chain. He evolves into Breloom (grass/fighting) or an alternate form (lets say grass/dark) and then one further evo for each mid level evo. That could be cool. Only problem with giving new evos to old monsters is that they have to keep inventing Incenses, radioactive boulders and new rules to evolve them; surely a pain the neck.

I want a Qwilfish evo. :< and more eeveelutions -so far I've liked all the ones they've come up with. I have faith they can deliver good Ghost(!), Ground(!), Flying, Steel, Poison(!), Bug, Rock, Fighting(!) and Dragon ones too. And I certainly hope they don't decide to do Dragon and then stop because of te old Type classification system. If I had to pick two I'd want for Gen 6 I'd have to go with Ghost and Ground. What about y'all?

Let's see, I think I picked Bulbasaur in Gen 1, Cyndaquil in Gen 2, Torchic in Gen 3, Turtwig in Gen 4 and Oshawott in Gen 5.

I'm leaning toward Grass this time. I like Squirtle and Totodile and Piplup is cool but usually the other two types sway me.

Grass starters every gen for me but Gen III, because Sceptile is laaaaame.


My preferred starters are as follows: Gen I - Squirtle, Gen II - Cyndaquil, Gen III - Mudkip, Gen IV - Turtwig, and Gen V - Oshawott.

For Gen VI, I'm currently thinking Chespin. I like Fennekin, but I share the sentiment that having it turn into a fighting type upon evolution would be utter nonsense.

I think I'm more excited for the fact that this is going to be on the 3DS than I am for the new mons. We had too many pokemon in Generation IV and after the massive flood in Gen V, I kind of lost track. I think we have well over 600 at the moment and it's damn near impossible to say what the official number of new mons will be without any official word from the developers regarding the subject. I suspect the number of new mons will be closer in size to Gen III or Gen IV due to the inclusion of older pokemon in the trailer, but only time will tell.

In my defense, I've traditionally picked fire since Gen 2 >_>

I'm primarily a Water and Electric trainer, so I usually choose the Water starter myself. I'll occasionally pick the Fire type for a change of pace though. Never pick the Grass types except for trading reasons, though.

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