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Instead, several smaller ones aimed at specific audiences and more Nintendo Direct videos. So I guess they're going to try and target key demographic groups more.

I'm a little disappointed, as I like to watch each of the Big Three's shows. Now it's only two, and maybe a third-party developer that has a good presentation.

Well, this year, everybody better bring a good sample and show.


I'm personally okay with it because no company knows how to put on a good major conference anymore. The past few years have felt more like investor announcements covered up by game demos done by people who write bad jokes. Even when the games are good, and often one or two of them are, the way the conferences have been handled lately just puts a bad taste in my mouth.

I miss the days of 2007-08 where people just threw down huge game names and used teaser trailers well, and weren't so *used* to being on stage.

Nintendo has realized that Nintendo Directs have gone over very well, and their conferences haven't. It's a savvy move if you ask me.


I agree with The Derrit. I've found myself looking forward to Nintendo Directs lately, and they're probably way cheaper to produce than a conference at E3, not to mention more frequent. I just wish they'd dub Iwata's english in rather than his slow pronunciation. It kinda makes them drag on too long.


I don't really have a problem with this. I'm more interested in a steady stream of interesting news rather than a big presentation about shit nobody cares about. I feel it also let's them focus more on reaching their core market. The people who want to know about Nintendo are going to be dedicated enough to check out their Nintendo Directs, and thus Nintendo can gauge how much interest there really is for certain titles based on what seems at least to me to be a much more reliable metric as opposed to an E3 showing. Hell, they're better off hitting Gamescom and PAX at this point. E3 is old hat.


The last Nintendo Direct was basically as good as an E3 in terms of announcements anyway in my eyes. Some good solid stuff.

However I'm worried the other companies will see it as a sign of weakness if they withdraw.


Some are speculating that since Nintendo already has their new systems out (the Wii U and 3DS), and Sony and MS are both set to show their new systems, Nintendo doesn't see the point of even bothering, as those will be the biggest news events of the show.

Which I understand. But still, I like the big shows each put on: it gives me something to bitch and complain about for the next few weeks. :<

  Brandon Strader said:
You gotta have something to show to hold a conference. :-)

They've sold like 300k Wii Us this year, they probably can't afford to host one. ;-)

Oh Brandon, living up to your reputation as biggest troll ever.

They have plenty to show(and they will be showing software on the show floor). They just want to bypass the usual E3 dick measuring contest and do two Nintendo Directs instead of a catch-all press conference. While everyone else is zigging, they have chosen to zag. They already said they were showing off Mario Kart and the next major 3D Mario game. Retro are expected to blow the lid of their project as well. We may even get our first glimpse of Smash too.

They are still holding a more business/marketing-oriented meeting for their partners in the Nokia theater, but that event won't be the usual E3 presser. Your stupid comment about not being able to afford a press conference is ridiculous.


Which, for a company of only 3000 or so people around the world, is rather good. And that's after several years of fluctuating markets and currency dips and rises that would have otherwise ruined them.

They're still one of the most stable, profitable and successful companies in the world right now.


...present the new software that they promised (Mario Kart 8, 3D Super Mario Part 5, Smash 4), and nothing they say is just some ruse that's just gonna fall through, I don't give a (censored) how they present the new information if I'm still going to hear about it.

Their Nintendo Direct system is an ingen_ous way of telling us about new software and trailers without having to wait for those annual events. They keep us anticipating what's to come, and show us that they're not in a software drought.

All I need is some ample information on the 3 aforementioned games and a few good surprises, and I don't care what style of presentation they use. (I usually read about it a few hours after the fact)

  GTAHater836 said:
...present the new software that they promised (Mario Kart 8, 3D Super Mario Part 5, Smash 4), and nothing they say is just some ruse that's just gonna fall through, I don't give a (censored) how they present the new information if I'm still going to hear about it.

Their Nintendo Direct system is an ingen_ous way of telling us about new software and trailers without having to wait for those annual events. They keep us anticipating what's to come, and show us that they're not in a software drought.

All I need is some ample information on the 3 aforementioned games and a few good surprises, and I don't care what style of presentation they use. (I usually read about it a few hours after the fact)

i agree with everything you have said here

but you really need to work on posting like a normal person. just a friendly nudge

  Mirby said:
That's exactly what they're doing.

Oh snap!

Well darn Nintendo be so smart.

Though when I forwarded the news about this onto another site the folks there made reference to some crisis at Nintendo as a possible cause for this.

Is there some crisis I'm missing?


People think that Nintendo isn't attending E3 because of this (they still are) and chose to do this because of whatever reason (most cite financial difficulty, which isn't true, or not wanting to go up against the two console announcements, which may be true but likely isn't).

I think this is just part of them moving on, using the internet (which is a driving force in today's society) to reach directly out to consumers as opposed to a relatively outdated conference few can actually attend where most of the info is either behind closed doors or delivered to the public via secondary and tertiary means.


Oh, wouldn't that be funny. Nintendo starts doing more and more live streams for news, and eventually, everyone else does the same thing. And five years from now, everyone will still bitch that Nintendo doesn't innovate or keep with the times.

Oh yes, that does sound about right.

  Ptazza said:

However I'm worried the other companies will see it as a sign of weakness if they withdraw.

This makes perfect business sense to Nintendo to do thier own thing. Im curious why you think it matters to them at all what other companies think though. Can you elaborate on that statement, please?

  The Damned said:
Oh, wouldn't that be funny. Nintendo starts doing more and more live streams for news, and eventually, everyone else does the same thing. And five years from now, everyone will still bitch that Nintendo doesn't innovate or keep with the times.

Oh yes, that does sound about right.

oh come on, everyone knows that it's only innovative and timely if anyone but Nintendo does it! :roll:

  OA said:
This makes perfect business sense to Nintendo to do thier own thing. Im curious why you think it matters to them at all what other companies think though. Can you elaborate on that statement, please?

Ok other companies is the wrong word.

Irritating anti-nintendo fanboys is the right word.

  OA said:
This makes perfect business sense to Nintendo to do thier own thing. Im curious why you think it matters to them at all what other companies think though. Can you elaborate on that statement, please?

Actually, when you're dealing with these levels of money and power, you look for signs of anything where you can find them. I don't doubt that everyone from Apple to Z-Tech (which I assume is an actual company of some kind) saw this announcement and thought what it could mean and how it might benefit them... because that's what corporate strategy department do: they think about what they do and what competitors do, and how to get the best angle on it.

So yeah, I would be surprised if Sony and MS didn't look at that and wonder what was going on.

  The Damned said:
Actually, when you're dealing with these levels of money and power, you look for signs of anything where you can find them. I don't doubt that everyone from Apple to Z-Tech (which I assume is an actual company of some kind) saw this announcement and thought what it could mean and how it might benefit them... because that's what corporate strategy department do: they think about what they do and what competitors do, and how to get the best angle on it.

So yeah, I would be surprised if Sony and MS didn't look at that and wonder what was going on.

I mean yes.... but..

nobody can do anything about it. it's not like them noticing and saying 'yay we're glad they're doing that' changes what they'll do and the reaction it will garner. at all.

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