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OCR01455 - Kirby Super Star "Victory Festival"


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??? Am I missing something? I read all of the mostly positive reviews for this remix and so had great expectations for it....which were not met. To me this is just another ordinary run of the mill remix. Nothing stands out and grabs my attention, and there's nothing memorable to it either. I played this in the background while doing some work and hadn't even noticed it had started and finished. It made that little of an impression the first time around. But hey that's just me... 4/10

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??? Am I missing something? I read all of the mostly positive reviews for this remix and so had great expectations for it....which were not met. To me this is just another ordinary run of the mill remix. Nothing stands out and grabs my attention, and there's nothing memorable to it either. I played this in the background while doing some work and hadn't even noticed it had started and finished. It made that little of an impression the first time around. But hey that's just me... 4/10

Do me a favor.

Find a source tune that is about 12 seconds long and make a 2:00 + song.


Learn to appreciate music for what it is and how it is created, not just by how it sounds

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??? Am I missing something? I read all of the mostly positive reviews for this remix and so had great expectations for it....which were not met. To me this is just another ordinary run of the mill remix. Nothing stands out and grabs my attention, and there's nothing memorable to it either. I played this in the background while doing some work and hadn't even noticed it had started and finished. It made that little of an impression the first time around. But hey that's just me... 4/10

Do me a favor.

Find a source tune that is about 12 seconds long and make a 2:00 + song.


Learn to appreciate music for what it is and how it is created, not just by how it sounds

Don't bother, Arek. There's just no pleasing Star Salzman, who clearly can only be pleased by himself.

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??? Am I missing something? I read all of the mostly positive reviews for this remix and so had great expectations for it....which were not met. To me this is just another ordinary run of the mill remix. Nothing stands out and grabs my attention, and there's nothing memorable to it either. I played this in the background while doing some work and hadn't even noticed it had started and finished. It made that little of an impression the first time around. But hey that's just me... 4/10

Do me a favor.

Find a source tune that is about 12 seconds long and make a 2:00 + song.


Learn to appreciate music for what it is and how it is created, not just by how it sounds

Don't bother, Arek. There's just no pleasing Star Salzman, who clearly can only be pleased by himself.

eh? I thought he was "starblast"

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I'm not starblast aka star salzman. I'm MaGi. My sig's just hosted by his site. As for a 2 minute song made out of a 12 second piece of music, I can one up you on that and tell you about a 2 minute song that sprung from just 2 notes. Get the animaniacs music CD collection volume 1 and you'll see.

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Arek and whoever else may step in to on my defense: thanks, but don't worry about it. If he doesn't like the song, he doesn't like the song; you're never going to convince him otherwise. I'd rather see actual reviews than a continued debate over one particular comment.

Yes I agree..if you'll notice this is like the 10000th time I've reviewed a song I did not like, and every time, a rallying defensive cry comes along trying to blast me away for being so mean/hypocritical/a jerk etc etc...well it only makes me more adamant that people need to dole out their negative reactions as well as their positive ones. So don't bother cause #1 you'll NEVER win, (every insult is hilarious and amusing to me and makes me want to piss you off more) and #2, people like Mr. Taucer can appreciate a bad review and fit it into the bigger picture.

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This sure sounds like Xenogears, but it reminded me more of Aveh - The ancient dance (CD1, Track 17) than "Our village is No.1", but then again, I haven't listened to the OST for about a year.

I really think it's a pity that this song is so short. There is so much potential for solo-parts, so many interesting and unusual intsruments in there (bagpipes anyone?).

Other than that, I really like the song. Good work, I dig this style.

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Oh no, I think I'm becomming a Geoffrey Taucer fan (Not to discount Usa's work on this piece, mind you)! Tell me that's a recorder playing between 0:10 and 0:41. If so, the recorder will have finally redeemed itself in my eyes, from being a cheap $10 piece of plastic those education-types force students to butcher in the early grades.

I have to say, the title of the song matches perfectly with the piece. I get two visions in my head when listening, one being the town centre in Majora's Mask on day one, the other being a Renaissancy celebration at one of those "medieval" fairs one tends to see during the summer. I just wonder how they would have brought a piano back in time to that era? :lol:

The bagpipe sound seemed a little lacking of character to me, and I'll assume it is a soundfont. The main giveaway is the fact that it's playing in key. It's just missing something, which unfortunately I can't really describe.

At least this song will never be accused of being too long. It's short, but pure gold. The length is actually perfect for the song, mind you. It leaves me wanting more, which is infinately better than being bored of it. I'd say it speaks highly of the remixers' talents as well.

Edit: Whoops, should have read the write-up first. So it's an Irish whistle, and not a recorder. Ah well, one day I will hear a real recorder.

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awesome work guys! This is super ultra catchy and some real sweet live instrumentation and programming of sampled instruments... hi quality stuff. Anyone and everyone who has been in my room while this song was playing on my computer has commented on how they really liked this song.

GT you just keep getting better and better buddy! Keep it up!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Everything is nice except the bagpipe that comes in at 00:42, which makes a horrible contrast to the lovely irish whistle. The sample is looping about 10 times per second, and it sounds awfully synthetic, which is a shame. There must have been a better bagpipe patch. Other than that, I love it.

hmm... these bagpipes are not my fault, I would have had better ones, so don't blame me here (as seen later in this thread) :P

So you put the blame for that on your co-remixer? Lol? :) Are you going to stand this idly by without a single comment, Geoff?

The bagpipe sound seemed a little lacking of character to me, and I'll assume it is a soundfont. The main giveaway is the fact that it's playing in key.

Damn right. Wonder if the judges (or DJP, for that matter) would have been alright with a bagpipe being played the way they normally are though. Hm. Also, um, bagpipe players are few and far in between in most parts of the world... and unmotivated prejudice tells me most of them have not seen or heard of this site.

It's just missing something, which unfortunately I can't really describe.

Do you hear it looping, too?

I thought this was great. My only complaint is that it's too short. If only it could go on, heh.

Most media players (including portable ones) have a loop function built-in. Of course, hearing the intro and ending of any song can get tiresome after a few loops. I also get tired of looping samples, as you can tell from above.

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Everything is nice except the bagpipe that comes in at 00:42, which makes a horrible contrast to the lovely irish whistle. The sample is looping about 10 times per second, and it sounds awfully synthetic, which is a shame. There must have been a better bagpipe patch. Other than that, I love it.

hmm... these bagpipes are not my fault, I would have had better ones, so don't blame me here (as seen later in this thread) :P

So you put the blame for that on your co-remixer? Lol? :) Are you going to stand this idly by without a single comment, Geoff?

Usa's right; the bagpipe is my doing.

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I still thought it was kinda lame to say "oh, yeah, I took part in making this remix, but I had no say when it came to that bagpipe". Didn't he listen to the final version before it was submitted?

No, actually, he didn't. Usa was gonna do the final mastering, and then his computer got pwnt, and he was completely out of touch for awhile, so I mastered it and submitted it myself, without him hearing the final version until it was already submitted.

EDIT: In fact, for the record, Usa offered to render it with several other bagpipes sounds which were much more realistic, and I turned them down because I liked the feel of this one, synthy though it may be. Perhaps I was just biased because my synth's pipes were the ones I was most used to hearing.


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