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WFTrainer is definitely hilarious

After watching more I'm less enthusiastic about Mega Man, he appears to be built entirely on projectiles with almost no CQC game, it's like Toon Link on steroids :(

Skyward Sword stage and SS Link are nice, I love that games art style so I hope to see a lot of it in this game

Did you expect him to NOT be built around projectiles? I mean, shooting is kind of his thing. And jumping.

Did you expect him to NOT be built around projectiles? I mean, shooting is kind of his thing. And jumping.

He should have been called Jump'n'Shoot Man.


yeah the extended gameplay trailer sold me as well. I'm looking to WFtrainer to be one of my faves.

Ganondorf and Ness were my melee picks. I never owned brawl or a wii for that matter but this SSB has reignited my Nintendo fandom.

who do you want to see or gone in the next game?

I would love to see B.o.B from the SNES Game of the same name but that's wishful thinking... maybe Paper Mario?? I don't know.


I'm very excited for this. I'm a pretty big fighting game enthusiast, and in the FGC (fighting game community) SSB has always been a bit of a joke because of it's uncompetitive nature. While I do tend to really try more in competitive games, I've always thought SSB was a hell of a lot of fun, and I think this iteration looks just the same. I'm also very excited for these new character announcements. It looks like they are really going with some cool ideas, and I really hope they dig into the huge cast of Nintendo greats that they've got stored away, and get rid of some of those clone characters (gtfo Falco and Wolf). If they have a 40 character cast of completely unique characters, I will blow unfathomable amounts of time into this game. I spent so much time playing the older iterations already that I know this new one would have absolutely endless replay value.

SSB has always been a bit of a joke because of it's uncompetitive nature. While I do tend to really try more in competitive games, I've always thought SSB was a hell of a lot of fun

You missed 5 very exciting years in the 2000's. :P

There was quite the competitive scene. There's a lot of depth in SSBM. I just found out this year that even with the hugely diminished player base, there are still shifts in the "official tier list" because of newly emerging strategies.

I wasn't intending on getting a WiiU any time soon, but depending on how well they develop this game... they might rope me in.


Well, they got Mega Man finally. Still need representatives from:


Double Dragon


Ninja Gaiden

Dragon Warrior

Final Fantasy

And then I'll consider it reasonably complete for classic third-party NES games. Snake fits in well already. (Sonic needs to go.)

You missed 5 very exciting years in the 2000's. :P

There was quite the competitive scene. There's a lot of depth in SSBM. I just found out this year that even with the hugely diminished player base, there are still shifts in the "official tier list" because of newly emerging strategies.

I wasn't intending on getting a WiiU any time soon, but depending on how well they develop this game... they might rope me in.

5 years?

SSBM is at EVO this year.

Well, they got Mega Man finally. Still need representatives from:


Double Dragon


Ninja Gaiden

Dragon Warrior

Final Fantasy

And then I'll consider it reasonably complete for classic third-party NES games. Snake fits in well already. (Sonic needs to go.)

Good choices but I don't expect any more than two or three 3rd party characters. Billy and Jimmy Lee would be my top choices out of your list, with Ryu Hayabusa trailing right behind.


I really don't want them to swarm it with characters from other franchises. Mega Man is perfect because there isn't any other mascot that has been more true to the nintendo brand than mega man. Sonic was there because everyone wanted to see the old rivals duking it out, and snake because well, Kojima basically begged for it.

I would like to see sonic stay not because I like him a lot as a smash character but because sonic vs mega man is a thing now, but I have no problems whatsoever on snake not coming back, and not being replaced by any other 3rd party character. There are many nintendo characters that have yet to make an appereance. Golden Sun and Advance Wars really need representation.

Advance Wars really need representation.

Andy from Advance Wars seems plausible. The way that Marth and Roy helped add popularity and relevance to the Fire Emblem franchise in America would be a great development for the Advance Wars franchise.

The 3DS needs an Advance Wars game, and perhaps the success of Fire Emblem Awakening will embolden Intelligent Systems to create another entry in their other wildly successful SRPG franchise.

If I.S. is secretly developing a new A.W., then Andy (or someone else from the series) seems like a logical choice for Smash Bros.


Also look at Pit. Nobody cared about him, not even Miyamoto. But we kept buggint them about it until they decided to include him in smash and now he can be considered one of the main mascots along fox and the others, since his last game was fairly successful and pretty good as well.

That's why I'm hoping for Mike Jones. We need another Startropics, dammit!


I think Sonic will stay, he got the Mario & Sonic series on the Wii, a few exclusive platformers and Lost World coming to Wii U and 3DS. He's almost becoming a Nintendo franchise! I'd even expect them to add a second Sonic character.

Snake will probably go, no Metal Gear games on the Wii (and nothing announced for Wii U) so I don't think he'll make it this time.

I'm hoping for Little Mac as a new character.

Snake will probably go, no Metal Gear games on the Wii (and nothing announced for Wii U) so I don't think he'll make it this time.

You can't really base his appearance on his games being on the console. If you don't count the MSX games for the Virtual Console, there were no Metal Gear games on the Wii at all, meaning that he shouldn't have been in Brawl (by your logic). Considering that Kojima simply asked Sakurai if Snake could be in the game, he could very well be a one time character. Since Nintendo is adding more characters, I wouldn't be surprised if Snake didn't return either.

You can't really base his appearance on his games being on the console. If you don't count the MSX games for the Virtual Console, there were no Metal Gear games on the Wii at all, meaning that he shouldn't have been in Brawl (by your logic). Considering that Kojima simply asked Sakurai if Snake could be in the game, he could very well be a one time character. Since Nintendo is adding more characters, I wouldn't be surprised if Snake didn't return either.

Yeah but remember that Brawl was released early into the Wii's life and mostly featured Gamecube games. Twin Snakes was on the Gamecube so adding Snake made a bit of sense (it still was a stretch though).


trying to justify why characters in smash is sort of rediculous. maybe you were talking about 3rd party characters only but if Game and Watch, Rob, Ice Climbers were put in after years of nothing, then anything goes.

One thing I would love to see off my wishlist would be:

contextual aesthetic battle damage. as your percentage increases so does the character's bruises, black eyes, torn shirts. so that way there's a visible difference between a fighter with 278% and one with 10%.

there might have been alusion to this with mega's trailer but I do think so. I feel it's not going to happen tho, too protective of their property.

trying to justify why characters in smash is sort of rediculous. maybe you were talking about 3rd party characters only but if Game and Watch, Rob, Ice Climbers were put in after years of nothing, then anything goes.

One thing I would love to see off my wishlist would be:

contextual aesthetic battle damage. as your percentage increases so does the character's bruises, black eyes, torn shirts. so that way there's a visible difference between a fighter with 278% and one with 10%.

there might have been alusion to this with mega's trailer but I do think so. I feel it's not going to happen tho, too protective of their property.

i personally feel like that 'get jabbed go a billion feet in the air' thing is good enough context but it'd be kind of neat i guess

You missed 5 very exciting years in the 2000's. :P

There was quite the competitive scene. There's a lot of depth in SSBM. I just found out this year that even with the hugely diminished player base, there are still shifts in the "official tier list" because of newly emerging strategies.

I wasn't intending on getting a WiiU any time soon, but depending on how well they develop this game... they might rope me in.

Oh, I realize that SSB is wildly competitive in it's own regard, but all I was saying is that in the FGC it tends to get trashed on a lot essentially because of its departure from normal fighting game mechanics, though imo if it's fun, who gives a damn? Melee was significantly better competitive-wise though, and while SSBM is going to be at EVO this year, it was because of the fundraising support they gather. It's definitely not a regular there. But this is beside the point. The point is that SSB is fun as hell, and while it's not necessarily played at a bunch of major tourneys, its still probably the funnest party game around.

I would be SO happy to see some Advance Wars characters show up. I've been dying for a new game, though I personally (please don't kill me) prefer the reboot to the original. Also, Isaac (or anyone really) from Golden Sun is an incredible idea, Little Mac, someone from the Fire Emblem franchise that isn't sword based/main character like Tharja (though if they wanted to put Lyndis in, I would take that over anyone else! Also, someone mentioned The Tactician? That would probably be a really cool character).

I don't think that they are going to include very many 3rd party characters. When watching the Megaman gameplay video, he said that he wasn't just going to let any old 3rd party character in, or something to that effect. I won't get my hopes up to see too many, but they may have a couple staples. Simon Belmont sounds cool...


That's why I'm hoping for Mike Jones. We need another Startropics, dammit!

This should be Retro's next project after they finish Tropical Freeze. I wouldn't mind them doing something that goes between first and third person like Prime, but with a much lighter atmosphere. Startropics got pretty creepy at times but that tropical island theme lightened things up a bit.

Sick Shin'en on F-Zero, Platinum on Star Fox.

Do it Nintendo (spoken in threatening Italian mobster accent).

Sorry. Back to topic please.

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