Gollgagh Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 Posting a request from another thread: EDIT : Since we have some anime avatars, has anyone tried to do any Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ones? I am all for this. requesting LOLfang-tan
Nineko Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 Since we have some anime avatars, has anyone tried to do any Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ones? Yes, I tried.But they weren't accepted. LT: Have you tried to do some good ones? N: lol
The Coop Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 Boy did this thread die off quick. How exactly is that a problem? You can always set a dimension and filesize limit.again: it doesn't work when linking to off-site avatars. Actually, it can work. I've seen sites in the past that refuse to allow an image to be hotlinked because it exceeded the specific file size that was allowed (it may have used a kind of "check" code to make sure it met the requirements). I've also seen images get drastically squished because it was bigger than the coded dimensions for the avatar space (I've done this by accident a few time with my site, by replacing an image, but not updating the html code to the new size). It can likely be done, but it's a moot point when talking about OCR and avatars.
Nineko Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 It can likely be doneyeah, there are several ways to get around that, including a preventive check or a resize.but it's a moot point when talking about OCR and avatarsyes, because the point isn't just the size, they want also to keep the quality on a very high level. that's why we're running a thread like this where people can contribute stuff. and I think it's good that there is this quality check. think about that, someone can use a 32x32 pic of djpretzel's penis as avatar, and it wouldn't be good.LT: Ha. No one would want to use the djpenix as an avatar. But yeah, allowing no custom avatars is all about quality control. Love it.
Gollgagh Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 Since we have some anime avatars, has anyone tried to do any Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ones? Yes, I tried.But they weren't accepted. Try again? please?
The Coop Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 I'm working on some Teen Titans avatars. They're still a WIP, but I'd like your thoughts on where to go with them LT. More sharpening? Make each background differently colored (I was thinking like the colors used behind each character from the shows opening... Robin = Red, Starfire = Orange, etc.)? Turn up the contrast a bit? LT: Disembodied heads? Pass. The res is pretty bad anyway.
Nineko Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 Since we have some anime avatars, has anyone tried to do any Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ones? Yes, I tried.But they weren't accepted. Try again? please? Well, I didn't want to post new avatars unless my old ones were reviewed, but ok...I must warn you, however, that I'm not good at resizing pics from Animes, I'm more a sprite ripper, so these are probably going to be rejected. Given that, here you are, my friend: Of course, since I've never seen a single minute of that Anime, you have to identify them (e.g. names). LT: Just the 4th one; the rest don't look sharp enough when resized.
Dark Phazon Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 the first one in the quote is Mikuru, and the second is Tsuruya. The rest of the ones in Nineko's post are Haruhi. I also have made some avatars, so here they are: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Haruhi - (same pic as the last one, with minor changes, as I wasn't sure about the sharpness) Tsuruya Mikuru Kyon ... YuYu Hakusho Botan LT: Took the 1st and 5th Haruhi and the 4th Tsuruya. Rest don't look sharp enough with the resizes. Nice job with the ones taken though.
shpladoink Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 It has recently come to my attention that there are no Wario avatars. Here are some suggested tools for fixing this site bug: LT: The sprites designs are kind of lame to me, but I took the 3rd one. It's a funny pose, even if his foot gets cuts off.
Wario Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 It has recently come to my attention that there are no Wario avatars. Here are some suggested tools for fixing this site bug: We need these.
Nineko Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 Don't forget that a Wario avatar posted by me has been approved previously: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2346869#2346869
The Coop Posted September 21, 2006 Posted September 21, 2006 I think we may need to get LT's attention. Someone make a judge hate comment. Updates... LT: Better to get images that aren't floating heads, and that are also sharp enough to look good.
SoloGamer Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 How 'bout some Kinnikuman avatars? Kinnikuman Terryman Robin Mask Ramenman Warsman Brocken Jr. Mister Kamen The Ninja Canadianman Specialman Neptuneman Sunshine Blackhole The kanji symbol that's on Kinnikuman's forehead (taken from the show's logo) LT: Poor resolution on all of 'em, except that last logo, which looks too fan-made rather than a direct scan/resize of the show logo.
Specter Posted September 25, 2006 Posted September 25, 2006 I was totally suprised that Metal Gear has absolutly nothing. So I tried making an avatar out of the MGS codec screen, which resulted in this: Comments? Suggestions? Give 'em to me. EDIT: Streched the contrast, see if that helps Oh, and I have more where that came from if you guys want it. LT: I think the original pic looks fine without the added contrast. Nice work.
The Coop Posted September 25, 2006 Posted September 25, 2006 Bump up the contrast a bit... like somewhere between +5 and +15, so that the green and black are separated more, making the face stand out better. Hopefully LT will swing by and let us know how this latest batch is.
Gollgagh Posted September 27, 2006 Posted September 27, 2006 Where is he? I PM'd him and he received it. I found out that this avatar looks like crap on the dark OCR skin, so I reworked it (with and without background): LT: Got other things to do. Looks good though. It may or may not be a judge group avatar, but perhaps it may also be able to be used as a ReMixer avatar. Thanks, bro; we'll see what I can swing.
Dafydd Posted September 28, 2006 Posted September 28, 2006 So, a few Commander Keen sprites... Garg: Dying Garg: (looks awesome using any backdrop color except bright ones like when browsing OCR using IE. Try it on a black background. ) Vortininja: LT: Sorry bro, they're all ugly. Meh. Since when is that a problem?
Nineko Posted September 28, 2006 Posted September 28, 2006 Good, Larry is back Time to work, then: (avatars)LT: Ironically enough, now they're a bit too light. Adjust 'em a little more. These would make great additions. I redid them, take a look: LT: Still a bit too dark. Can you brighten them without causing them to turn whiter?
Antipode Posted September 28, 2006 Posted September 28, 2006 It has recently come to my attention that there are no Wario avatars. Here are some suggested tools for fixing this site bug: YES. All of those must be added so I can use one. I love the 3rd and 4th.
The Coop Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 Not sure, but here's the next version of the TT avatars... Better? Worse? WTF? LT: The images are too pixelated, i.e. they look like poo to begin with. Care to try with some other Teen Titan headshots?
Arek the Absolute Posted October 7, 2006 Posted October 7, 2006 Requesting a better Terry Bogard Avatar, as well as a Rock Howard one. Sologamer, I'm looking at you for this one.
The Coop Posted October 7, 2006 Posted October 7, 2006 Not sure, but here's the next version of the TT avatars... Better? Worse? WTF? LT: The images are too pixelated, i.e. they look like poo to begin with. Care to try with some other Teen Titan headshots? First they're not sharp enough, then they're too pixelly. So damned picky The problem with other head shots, is that there's not a lot of good production art. There's plenty of it, but the drawings are usually less than accurate to how they looked on the show. These head shots (gotten off of Cartoon Network's site for the show) are the best I've come across, as they're not making a stupid expression, and they're pretty accurate. Plus, with so many other sites using screengrab edits, I thought I'd use something that didn't seem to be common. Anyway, I know... blah blah blah. I tried to soften up the edges a bit, and made them a bit brighter. So, here's another attempt while I look for some head shots from various episodes... LT: Looking at the actual CN site, those source pictures aren't even a good enough quality to work with, IMO. Good try though, the originals were just low-quality to begin with.
SoloGamer Posted October 7, 2006 Posted October 7, 2006 Requesting a better Terry Bogard Avatar, as well as a Rock Howard one.Sologamer, I'm looking at you for this one. Yeah, I don't really like the current on either (hence why I don't use it anymore) I already posted one many pages ago, which got accepted. Haven't seen a Rock submission yet though.
Gollgagh Posted October 8, 2006 Posted October 8, 2006 Some more Suzumiya Haruhi avatars: Asakura: Haruhi pencilface: LT: Need a cleaner shot/more sharpness on any of those to be considered. I'll see if I can do anything.
Muse Posted October 8, 2006 Posted October 8, 2006 Sup guys. Whats going on in this thread? Assassin's Creed Altier Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Kyon Yuki Phantom of the Opera The Phantom LT: Either of the Kyons could be good if they were sharpened a little. The first Phantom looks good; the other's a bit too zoomed in. Great resolution though, very clean. The other pics look like nothing.
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