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Final Fantasy Crystal Clash - Congratulations to Tuberz McGee and Eino Keskitalo!

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So I got Terra, nice! this should be easy, I don't have to be too original since this is such an overlooked theme...



Hey, calm down man. It's not like Terra's theme has been remixed more times than any other song on the site.

It's only TIED for first.

Where's the roster? :puppyeyes:


is there another website I need 2 go to to view the brackets?

It's in the same doc as the list of themes, click the roster tab.

Posted (edited)
It's in the same doc as the list of themes, click the roster tab.

Aha found it. Thanks for the clarification Cash :D


1 last question lol

The match-up-ing is still in prog. right? Or is that posted somewhere else?

Edited by HoboKa

I don't think we could get 8 more people by Sunday, and that would be another bunch that I'd have to work into the roster, and make sigs, adjust the bracket graphics, etc... Then any additional coin flipping, which quite frankly, could be a disaster. We got off easy the way it went since so many people chose the same characters. I'm going to get on with the information soon... Hopefully as soon as Wednesday. I don't wanna push it because it's my first time trying to host a compo and I've already had a fair deal of stumbles along the way. :-)

Daaayum, I would be all over this, but unfortunately I'm completely competition'd out. Make this popular enough to go on for another year, everyone - I want to do this type of compo for some of my favorite music of all time someday!

That's too bad man. You're one of my favorite artists in the competitions.


*Shameless plug on behalf of the awesome guys who run awesome competitions*

For those who wanted to sign up but didn't get here in time; there are other equally awesome competitions running pretty much all the time on these boards that are always looking for entrants!

PRC (Peoples Remix Competition) - Take a source and remix it within a week! Couldn't be simpler!

MnP (Meat n' Potatoes) - Some good 'ol MIDI-rip action! Remixing takes a back-seat to production and pure enjoyability!

RWTS (Remixing With The Stars) - An opportunity to learn from the greats while experiencing a bit more of a challenge! The theme changes monthly but can range from a simple single-source remix to mashing up 2 sources (as it is this month!)

Posted (edited)
A request if I could: Can you put me in whatever bracket won't be remixing on the week starting December 8th? I'll be on honeymoon that entire week, but I should be able to poop out a mix on the weeks before and after.

I put the names through the randomizer 5 times and it came out like this:

Light Bracket:









Sixto Sounds

Tuberz McGee



Darkness Bracket:



Brandon Strader


Final Kingdom








Luckily, this should fit in with both your and Avaris's schedule with the Light b racket starting on the 10th at midnight (technically Monday the 11th at 12AM)

These are not your matchups, though. I'm going to randomize each bracket 5 times as well. So nobody should be mixing themes together just yet and trying to get a head start. :-)

EDIT: Ok, match-ups are being made now, but won't be published until I release the bracket images. Prepare your DAWs. :-)

Edited by Brandon Strader

So probably we have for matchups, if their really so good:

Two members of Capitals of Science against each other

Sixto/Hakstock/Tuberz/Garpoc against each other somehow

Sir_NutS/DusK rematch

Strader/Chernabouge friendly match

Esperado/NovaReaper gauntlet match

Posted (edited)
Looks like Yami got into the Darkness bracket after all. Good for him.

Hehe, I lol'ed.

So Ivan is in the Light bracket. Perhaps we'll have a rematch of our MMX compo of Magma Dragoon vs Storm Owl :razz:

Edit: Forget it, I should learn to read... But a match against Sir_Nuts would be really interesting, not only because of his theme but because of his style as well

Edited by Yami

I can see very few matchups where I'm not immediately and instantly destroyed. On the other hand, whatever ends up beating me to a pulp is gonna sound good. Monday is a fine day to die.

Let's hope I can go out with a bang, not a whimper.

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