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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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My mix is gonna be inspired by John Cage's 4'33"

:-| hopefully it has a little more material than that :tomatoface:

C'mon Brandon you can doooooooooooo itttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last SZRC you kept saying you weren't going to make a mix, but then still came through with all your awesome tracks you made on the last day! :razz:


Actually, I wonder if atonal music would pass the OCR panel. :/

Unrelated, but it would make an interesting gesture.

I dunno, maybe there'd be a way to take a simple VGM melody and set it in a 12-tone series or something, but I feel it would have to do something suuuper clever with the source :P I won't say it can't be done though.

*EDIT - On topic, I feel my mix is a lot more "safe" than I wanted it to be. None of my other ideas were really catching my ear, but I may try at least a few new things in this one anyways. Should get most of it finished up tomorrow!

:-| hopefully it has a little more material than that :tomatoface:

C'mon Brandon you can doooooooooooo itttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last SZRC you kept saying you weren't going to make a mix, but then still came through with all your awesome tracks you made on the last day! :razz:

D: don't give away my secrets~!! it'll affect voting :-P

just assume I've been working super hard on it this entire time ;-)


I have about 2 minutes of pretty good material, but I don't have lyrics written yet. I asked my boyfriend to help me write them and I should have them done by tonight. Recording and editing tomorrow and I'll probably submit Saturday night because I don't trust myself to get up before 11am on Sunday.


So I'm actually becoming pretty happy with my mix. I think it's all gonna work out :)

I tried to find an image of a ham that properly described how ham I am going with this, but none were ham enough.

I am excite!

I have about 2 minutes of pretty good material, but I don't have lyrics written yet. I asked my boyfriend to help me write them and I should have them done by tonight. Recording and editing tomorrow and I'll probably submit Saturday night because I don't trust myself to get up before 11am on Sunday.

Worst case scenario, just do melodic vocals, you don't have to do lyrics necessarily. That wasn't a requirement of the throwdown :wink:

I've been in. A musical funk lately (and not the good kind of funk), but reading all the comments on people's tracks has me itchin for some remixin.


YEEEEEAHHHH! I'm pumped to see the Robotnik matchups! Hopefully you can break out of your funk and bring the funk!

I hereby challenge ladyWildfire to a vocal trance/house/electro mix-off. The rules would be:

1. Can use one's own voice or samples but vocals must be a main element.

2. Some sort of electronica has to be the main genre but other elements can be mixed in.

3. All the other compo rules.

Aha! I guess I read it wrong. I'll still aim to do lyrics but if I run out of time doing oohs and aahs is damn easy. :-)

Ah! I thought Jason said specifically lyrics or no lyrics, but the clarification was around your own voice versus vocal samples.

Either way, if you did melodic vocals or lyrical vocals, it's still vocals. So yeah, I'd say do whichever you think will work better with your track!

The main thing i'm worried about in my remix is the sources not being recognizable enough. I'll definitely provide a detailed source breakdown when I sub it.

Yeah, I'm worried about that as well. Marble Garden is obvious, but I'm not sure people will recognize Marble. I (hopefully) changed it to the same key as Marble Garden, so I hope I didn't butcher it!

Welp I'll be starting on mine tonight, or else I'll be losing. :-) But I already had a great idea in my head that I have yet to put down on paper. Butt Hill Bossa with an indie rock twinge to it. I don't ACTUALLY know what source I'm supposed to be mixing Butt Hill with. :-(

Check the Roster Spreadsheet linked in the first post. It has source links!!! You are mixing it with Sky Road, from the new Sonic Lost World!

You are mixing it with Sky Road, from the new Sonic Lost World!
Cool, I didn't even notice this was so close--the first zone from the first Sonic game with the second-to-last zone from the most recent game! Just too bad it wasn't Lava Mountain.

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