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that's hilarious. They've always been behind the competition

I suppose that includes when the NES launched into the market with the technically inferior Atari 5200? Or when the SNES launched and outsold the Sega Genesis, which to be fair, was also technically inferior to the NEO GEO, and they both outsold that console? You can hate if you want, but at least be accurate.

All I was saying is that this Nintendo-is-dead thing has been going on for ages. I'm not denying that the Wii U isn't having issues. That would be like sticking my head in the sand, but it's pretty obvious that various sites and "news" sources around the web are jumping to conclusions for clickbait over the premise that Nintendo is going under. Whatever sells, and right now, it's doom.

Sony took the hit last gen. Now Nintendo is the media's punching bag.


Sony took the hit last gen. Now Nintendo is the media's punching bag.

hahaha it's totally like a pattern. PS2 dominated, GameCube didn't do so well. Wii dominated, PS3 didn't do as well. it's looking like PS4 is going to be the most successful (though I don't actually know the numbers) and the Wii U is going to be another sorta poopy time for Nintendo again.

Xbox sorta has always stayed in the middle, I've noticed. While everyone considers the real war now being between the Xbox and the PlayStation, honestly Nintendo and PlayStation have been probably had more dramatic wins or losses against each other. Xbox just sorta always sits in the middle. That's just how I see it.


If you're not hating on Nintendo you're not an internet cool kid. So to everyone jumping on the Nintendoom bandwagon, thanks for being internet cool kids. 8)

Anyways, the Wii U definitely has issues. But the horrible 18% drop isn't as bad as it seems. Really all it did was negate the stock gain in December and put it back where it was at the end of November. So really... no change at all?

But hey, better dramatize things and make it sound like a horrible drop! See, the thing about percentages is that they're purely relative on the overall number. If something is worth, say, $10 and it has an 18% drop, then it loses $1.80 of value. If something is worth $1000 and has an 18% drop, it loses $180 of value, which is a lot more.

These reports, they're only reporting the percentage and not the overall value, simply because hearing 18% is bad, but they're neglecting to show how it compares to recent stuff (which that chart I posted earlier does).

I never invested in Nintendo stock apart from buying a Wii U so I mean...

This is not directed specifically at you, Brandon, but I would like to point out that stock price is independent from a company's financials; stocks are priced according to investor expectation. For example, a company can see high growth and profits, yet its stock can stagnate or even go down because investors have a different idea as to the company's future growth. Basing a company's future on stock price does not necessary make sense.


That was proven to be fake. Quickly.

Not only that, why would Nintendo use technology that literally nothing else in the world uses? And when you're dealing with a company known to cut back on tech to make it affordable, why would the console be even more powerful than a PS4, and why would the handheld basically be a superpowered smartphone?

Oh oh and SDHC only reaches 32GB. Even if it was "holographic enhanced" that doesn't change the fact that for sizes above 32GB it uses SDXC.

If it's true then I'll be incredibly fuckin' surprised, but that being real is less likely than a meteor hitting every single planet in the solar system, surviving, and then landing on Earth killing exactly one ant and nothing else.


You know I explained why it's fake past that, way to go for selective reading. Bravo.

And while it's not a de facto statement from Nintendo saying it's fake (please don't tell me that that's the only source you'll except because if it is then you need to open your mind a bit more), there's plenty of reasons that show why it is fake. A quick google search will yield quite a few.

But go ahead, believe it's real. Go ahead and believe the sky is green while you're at it.


Considering the current mobile push, I think rumors of a new console by Nintendo would actually push the stock down instead of raise it :-P

I'm too lazy to search for it but NeoGAF has a thread where the guy that began that rumor said he has no idea who told him the specs or something like that by the way.

Posted (edited)

Heck, in the article itself it says:

Pallab Chatterjee, a seasoned chip engineering editor and founder of the Silicon Valley Trade Council, said, “A couple of things don’t make sense.” He noted that the Adreno cores are part of the Qualcomm Snapdragon chip set and are not offered or licensed to AMD. The ARM architecture currently cannot run PowerPC code that IBM uses in the existing Nintendo products. That would mean a 100 percent loss of legacy code compatibility, Chatterjee said.

Though that last bit doesn't make too much sense unless he was expecting Wii U games to run on their next DS.

Also like Mirby mentioned, pretty silly to think Nintendo is going to seriously use HVD's. or have a CableCARD slot for that matter

Edited by Crowbar Man

I had read that it was planned to be released 2016 or something, real or not.

Think about that, though. That's an entirely valid year to release a new HANDHELD. I never thought they'd be going into development of a brand new home console, but think about it, 2016 is 5 years after 2011, the initial release of the 3DS. Up until the 7th generation, every generation had about 5 years. Nintendo handhelds came out even quicker with like the GameBoy Advance and then its SP version and then the DS. I forget when the Color came out, but it wasn't like a killer long time before Advance, was it? I'm not a handheld guy; I don't know those things as well.


Game Boy - 1989

Game Boy Color - 1998

Game Boy Advance - 2001

Nintendo DS - 2004

Nintendo DSi - 2008

Nintendo 3DS - 2011

Let's see, that's 9 years, then 3, then 3, then 4, then 3. By that logic the new system should be out this year! Whoa!

(Yeah, the thing about console generations is that it isn't always about 5 years, it's quite variable. Usually 5-7, sometimes longer. And technically the 6th generation of consoles lasted like 11 cause the PS2 wasn't officially killed for some time)

Posted (edited)

Hmm yeah they could definitely have something in production. I think all that article says is that maybe it won't have backwards compatibility for the Wii U or Wii, but then again which Next Gen console has backwards compatibility? None of them really....

As for making a new handheld or even a new console.... I am not surprised they are planning (and you know they're planning it, even if those multitude of articles are a hoax). Technology is definitely upgrading slower than it used to in the old days, BUT the differences being made these days are just as important as the switch from 8bit to 16bit. I think Nintendo has or should have realized that and will make a new handheld or console that blows peoples' minds.

Should they? I don't think they should, I think they should stop with hardware -- at least console hardware. Focus on handheld hardware, where they really excel. I do think lack of 3DS integration in the Wii U is a problem, and probably a big reason why the Wii U is not selling so well. I know I would love to play my 3DS games on a big screen. HOWEVER I do think if Nintendo made a modern console that was direct competition with PS4/Xbone and had good games (like a new Smash at launch) it could be a real competitor.

Edited by Brandon Strader
Game Boy - 1989

Game Boy Color - 1998

Game Boy Advance - 2001

Nintendo DS - 2004

Nintendo DSi - 2008

Nintendo 3DS - 2011

Let's see, that's 9 years, then 3, then 3, then 4, then 3. By that logic the new system should be out this year! Whoa!

(Yeah, the thing about console generations is that it isn't always about 5 years, it's quite variable. Usually 5-7, sometimes longer. And technically the 6th generation of consoles lasted like 11 cause the PS2 wasn't officially killed for some time)

wow, Game Boy was '89?

....I totally knew that, yeah.....

I get it, there's not like any rule, but there seems to be a general lifespan of most consoles, ranging from like 4 to 7 or 8 years.

I know I would love to play my 3DS games on a big screen.

I dunno...even blown-up screenshots of 3DS games don't look that good, let alone showing up on massive TVs.

Anyway, re:topic, Nintendo needs games. Desperately. Even first-party games.

The PS2 was hilariously underpowered compared to its competitors, and it destroyed the competition and even got ports of exclusives on other consoles after the fact when people realized how large of a base it had. It had a huge library of games and a good price point. The Wii dominated sales-wise, too.

There are literally two Nintendo titles I'm interested in on the WiiU: Smash Bros 4 and Wind Waker HD. The latter because Wind Waker happens to be my favorite 3D Zelda title.

At least the Wii had Metroid Prime 3 and a ton of quirky weird titles that got released on it. The WiiU hardly has anything right now...


While I can see where people are coming from with 3DS blown up on a big screen... My eyes are so bad it doesn't really bother me, I can move back a little bit and it won't bother me... besides, people still play games like FF7, 8, 9 on big screens and the graphics aren't particularly scaleable. I think it works, like FF9 on a 60" LED, it's not THAT bad, even with stretching.

I think Wii is great but it has 1 flaw... where you could, even today, get a PS2 and hook it up to a TV to watch DVDs or listen to music, if you wanted to do that with a Wii you would need to bring the sensor bar and the motion controls. I know at work offices they sometimes have little DVD players similar in size to the slim final PS2 and the Wii is not TOO big in that regard but the motion control just makes it less viable.

As for the popularity of the ps2.... *shrug*... it might have to do with some exclusives or something. So I agree Wii U really does need some good exclusives. It can't just get, say, Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and expect people to buy it for Wii U over the PC / Xbox360 / Xbox One / PS3 / PS4 versions...

This might all blow over when Smash comes out, and maybe a new Mario Galaxy. People might run to buy a Wii U. I kinda hope so. Nintendo console is the only place to play Nintendo games and maybe that is a good thing for the future of the Wii U.

There are literally two Nintendo titles I'm interested in on the WiiU: Smash Bros 4 and Wind Waker HD. The latter because Wind Waker happens to be my favorite 3D Zelda title.

Maybe gamer standards are reaching unrealistic heights? I feel this statement tells me everything I need to know about Nintendo gamers today. The Wii U has games, but you're not playing them because they're not Zelda and Smash Brothers. Those are the only Nintendo franchises anyone seems to care about these days anyway.

I won't go any further on it because I'm not a modern gamer in any significant capacity anymore, but every time I read one of these topics and I see gamers pretending they're market and industry experts (a lot of times even before they play systems and games), I have to wonder if a lot of it isn't just the gamer culture itself being more and more difficult to pin down and please. Worth a thought at least.

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